General Meow Posted August 23, 2009 Posted August 23, 2009 I agree with Greencat. I think the 4th generation Pokemon are much less creative and much more ugly than the previous generations. I cringe when I think about what the evolutions of my favorite Pokemon might look like in future titles. PS: My least favorite Pokemon is probably Bibarel. It's one of the dumbest and most unimaginative Pokemon there is.
Narwhal Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 Wailord, because it is a fat whale that can learn Water Spout. I bet it wants to be a narwhal...
PinkKitty Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 Going to have to go with the ever annoying Pokemon that plague practically every cave in Pokemon existence... Zubat, Golbat, Geodude and Graveler. I mean, I WOULD like to actually level a non water/grass type when moving through the caves for the first time. Is that so much to ask, Game Freak? I also have developed a strong dislike for Metagross... Just one those Pokemon that have so much potential to be annoying when used right.
Doc Posted October 10, 2009 Posted October 10, 2009 Champloo said: Dunsparce.....I mean seriously....reason? ok ive seen a couple of you guys cussin dunsparce, ive gotta say, i love that poke... Paraflinchax... nice, i like any poke who can make super powerful pokes look like fools. Anyway ive got 2 new most hated pokes, flygon and heatran, with my battle tower team these are the only 2 pokes who give me any serious grief, so i hate them :tongue:
Eslin Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 I hate flinchhax Jirachi. No effort at all. Just send it in with a scarf and GG.
Mewtwo Ex Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 I know what you mean. Chances are you lost to mine it on shoddy, didn't you?
Tbird Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Yanmega. Simply because of how bitterly bitterly disappointed I was because of him. I loved yanma... cool little dragonfly,and I do love me some dragonflies. SO I thought 'I'll work my ass off get me a nice one witha nice set of I'Vs, train him up make him some sort of monster killing bug machine >.' Suffice to say I did do this... Evolution music plays .. oh hell yes! ... I take him to a battle and see this fml.
HottSushiz Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Lulz I'm starting to hate Breloom because of Shoddy. Stupid Spore, and Sub, plus Focus Falcon PAAWNCH!
memjee Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Probopass, what the hell is it.. a nose? so ugly and useless.
Dark Darkrai Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 Well I love all pokemon... but something that nintendo made with one pokemon annoys me! hey I mean: Farfetch'd... seriously, this pokemon needs to have an evolution! I think almost nobody remembers him! and it has been planned to forget about it, who would waste time in checking how to spell it's name correctly... Nintendo is my most hated pokemon.... if that is possible to say...
ultikarp Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 Of course, I have to like Magikarp, so my worst pokemon is WYNUT.
Airion Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 Luvdisc for me. And I quote from Somgon. "We'll take a generic Water-type, give it crummy stats EVERYWHERE except for Speed, give him a trait that doubles his Speed in the rain and the option to use Agility and call it a day. Luvdisc is great if you're playing with Battle Timeout, because its mere presence should cause your opponent to laugh at it for so long that you win the match."
Mewtwo Ex Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 You seem to have spelled Smogon wrong: Airion said: Luvdisc for me. And I quote from Somgon. Anyway i have a new unliked Pokemon - Dunsparce. Just look at it. It is always sleeping.
German Posted October 29, 2009 Posted October 29, 2009 the worst pokemon of the world is the Bibarel. Is ugly and stupidface
wraith89 Posted November 4, 2009 Posted November 4, 2009 I know which Pokemon I hate the most now... Reveal hidden contents [sprite]075[/sprite] Why? Because everytime I encounter them in the wild, unless I was using Empoleon, which would have Surf, or Floatzel, these guys ALWAYS Selfdestruct so that I cannot gain any experience because I would NEVER EVER be able to KO them in one hit. It is so annoying... and if I want to grind and I do the switching method, I cannot even switch to someone like Floatzel directly in fear of Selfdestruct... seriously this thing's threat rate should be at ALL TIMES HIGH (unless you were SIGNIFICANTLY higher leveled than they are) >.< Despite how much more threatening something like Onix looks likes, it really is not. Even Geodude is a bigger threat than Onix... Onix is a weakling o_o So if you are in Iron Island and encounter a Graveler and an Onix, ALWAYS target the Graveler first! End of story. God help you if you encounter TWO Gravelers... ugh that Lucario does not even seem to OHKO Gravelers with Force Palm.
This is a normal username Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 Sinnoh. Excluding: Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Drifloon, Drifblim, Riolu, Lucario, Uxie, Alzef, Mesprit, Weavile, Toxicroak, Muchlax, Ambipom, Buizel, Floatzel, Roserade. I can stand all the Pokemon not mentioned above, but I do like the majority of pokemon in the other regions. EDIT: Forgot Lickilicky. Lickilicky is the best.
memjee Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 I've said this before but I can't stress how bad Probopass is - It's a nose! - it sucks - it has hair underneath it's nose - it's a blue nose. - it's name sucks - it's ugly - it's moveset sucks - it's typing sucks - it's a nose I also don't like... lickilly w/e, tangrowth, a lot of pokemon basically from sinoh, though some pokemon look pretty sick I also hate heracross, garrrbage pokemon Wraith: it's all about the surf
wraith89 Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 memjee said: I've said this before but I can't stress how bad Probopass is- It's a nose! - it sucks - it has hair underneath it's nose - it's a blue nose. - it's name sucks - it's ugly - it's moveset sucks - it's typing sucks - it's a nose I also don't like... lickilly w/e, tangrowth, a lot of pokemon basically from sinoh, though some pokemon look pretty sick I also hate heracross, garrrbage pokemon Wraith: it's all about the surf Why is everyone hating on Mr. Potatohead? If he had a monocle, he'd be the coolest Pokemon on earth (next to Empoleon, which is a penguin in a metal tuxedo)! You hate Heracross? Seriously? I doubt that :eek: And yes, I know it is quite easy with a water Pokemon with Surf, and since most Waters tend to be defensive, they wouldn't mind the extra 2 defensive EVs too, making it ideal. But say you were using a non-surfing/mega draining/whatever Pokemon... like I was. You'd find it hard pressed to switch Floatzel in in fear of Selfdestruct. I even put Rotom first so that they would blow up... but apparently, even WILD Pokemon can be smart. It was spamming Rock Blasts on me instead! What?? And the next time I had Rotom out, I switched out to Gyarados... and guess what? It blew up >.<
Mobius Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 Nah, it was probably a rejected Gurren Lagann mecha design. ---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ---------- wraith89 said: I know which Pokemon I hate the most now... Reveal hidden contents [sprite]075[/sprite] Why? Because everytime I encounter them in the wild, unless I was using Empoleon, which would have Surf, or Floatzel, these guys ALWAYS Selfdestruct so that I cannot gain any experience because I would NEVER EVER be able to KO them in one hit. It is so annoying... and if I want to grind and I do the switching method, I cannot even switch to someone like Floatzel directly in fear of Selfdestruct... seriously this thing's threat rate should be at ALL TIMES HIGH (unless you were SIGNIFICANTLY higher leveled than they are) >.< Despite how much more threatening something like Onix looks likes, it really is not. Even Geodude is a bigger threat than Onix... Onix is a weakling o_o So if you are in Iron Island and encounter a Graveler and an Onix, ALWAYS target the Graveler first! End of story. God help you if you encounter TWO Gravelers... ugh that Lucario does not even seem to OHKO Gravelers with Force Palm. Ah, true, true. Them suicide bombers are annoying! However, that's one of the reasons that I make sure that my party Pokemon are fully Speed EV train. I have spent 10 hours straight on Route 201 going on a Starly killing spree just so I knew that my Pokemon will outrun anything. After that, they either spec in Attack or Special Attack, and ALL of my Pokemon know at least one move that is effective versus one or more of the common suicide bomber types (Rock, Steel, Electric). Thank you God for Earthquake and Waterfall. ---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ---------- As with my favorites, I can't choose the one I hate the most, mainly because I have too many. Now, my five least favorite, I think I can manage, so here goes! 5th place goes to Wobbuffet, because of his insane amount of HP, Shadow Tag, and the two things that this weird innuendo is famous for: Counter and Mirror Coat. I wouldn't loathe it so much if it weren't for the fact that every time I use it, I get a sound beating. 4th is Golbat, because everyone that I face that uses it or its evolution uses it for confusing/poisoning or what not. The one reason why I don't hate Crobat though, is because I use it, and it's not meant to poison you. Can we say Giga Drain+Big Root, anyone? Landing in 3rd is another Pokemon I thoroughly despise, yet I love it's evolution: Magikarp. Insanely hard to level up (especially at the start of the game and/or EV training it), impossible to level on its own until Lv.15 or so (where it learns Tackle of all things), and its stats are nothing but horrendous. However, it's spared from being on my blacklist because of Gyarados. Once it's at Level 20 (which is rather low considering its massive Attack and the levels required for other Pokemon to reach their final evolutions), I start having vengeance. Sweet, charred, crushed, or drenched vengeance (depending on which move I choose). Oddly enough, the silver on this list is taken by the the star of HeartGold; Ho-oh. I loved the idea of a phoenix Pokemon (especially since Moltres did a horrible job of looking cool), love its moveset...absolutely hate its looks. Honestly, it looks like they crossed a peacock, a turkey, and a rooster, and gave it those crappy bandit "masks" that go around the eyes. And they made this abomination a legendary! What gives? Its stats and moveset (as far as I know, it's the only Pokemon that can learn Sacred Fire) save it from the disgrace of the one (technically two) Pokemon that I arguably hate above all else... Bidoof and Bibarel. They look like the result of a intern that drank a bit more than he could handle, and were only allowed to be official Pokemon because everyone else was also a bit tipsy. They're the Sinnoh version of Rattata/Raticate, Sentret/Furret, and Zigzagoon/Linoone. Except that they look more than my brother's fro than anything else. To make it worse, they made Bibarel (who's supposed to be better than Bidoof) a Normal/Water type! Why? Okay, lets take the generic low-level type Normal of Sinnoh, and make it weak against Grass and Electricity as well as Fighting! Great idea, guys. Okay, that was five. I'm going to get off now before I start dishing out complaints against everyone. Have fun!
duct.tape.fairy Posted November 12, 2009 Posted November 12, 2009 Bidoof and Bibarel. Garchomp annoyed me in Elite 4. I really don't like Dragonite (though, I hang around people who really don't like Dragonite, so they may have effected my way of thinking haha). Plus, I lovelovelovelove Dratini and Dragonair... What happened with the next one up, hey? Orange? Yes, favourite colour, but no. Just no. Geodude and Zubat. I'm sure you all realise why. Ugh.
Omerick200 Posted November 21, 2009 Posted November 21, 2009 Zubat. Definately. Zubats are really annoying with their constant Confuse Ray. I can beat them slowly, but I've seen my friends Torterra brought down by that dumb move. I've lost some pokemon to it, too.
Erasmus Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 I really hate all pokemon that know earthquake because I don't use flying types or ones that know levitate! Also I really hate Chikorita Snubbull Skitty Vespiquen
hotpinkmunchlax Posted November 26, 2009 Posted November 26, 2009 Greencat said: No offense, but I think the 4th Generation ruined some of the coolest Pokemon. For my list of least liked Pokemon:Electrivire: What is this thing? It's so ugly! Rhypherior: What a poor design. It hardly looks like Rhydon. You might as well just make is a separate Pokemon and keep Rhydon cool. Weavile: It just looks so weird with the taller feathers. Sneasle's single feather and slim-self looks like it could swipe you and cut you up. Porygon-Z: Not so bad, but it could've been better regarding it's eyes. Gallade: Where's it's elbow again? Yanmega: Oh my gosh! How ugly is this thing? Probopass: <No Comment> Dusknoir: What a poor design! It's such a dramatic difference from Dusclops that you might as well make it new separate Pokemon. Gliscor: Another dramatic difference from Gliger. Tangagrowth: What the heck is this? It just looks like an oversized Tangala to me. Magnezone: Poor design and such a dramatic jump from Magneton. Just make it a new Pokemon and leave Magneton alone. Lickilicky: <No Comment> In my opinion, the designs for the previous three generations were way better! Especially 1st and 3rd. HAHAHAHAHAHA [sPRITE]476[/sPRITE][sHINYSPRITE]476[/sHINYSPRITE] [sPRITE]463[/sPRITE][sHINYSPRITE]463[/sHINYSPRITE] ^FAIL lol Hilarious. ~hotpinkmunchlax
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