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  wraith89 said:
Granted but the egg would never hatch and has a game option of you to feed it to your Pokemon o_O

I wish Politoed had a bigger movepool.

Granted. Now it can learn Defog.

I wish someone would post after me.


Then that person turns you into a newt (you got better...)

I wish that there were more pokemon that could evolve into more than one pokemon (like poliwhirl)


Granted, but their alternate evolutions were the same Pokemon with a cosmetic makeup (same movepool, stats and everything except their sprite was different...)

LOL sparkdreamer >:(

I wish Heracross learned a Fire move.


Granted but it loses all its moves and learns splash, and is unable to learn anything else.

I wish Spoink had a better-looking evolution.


I wish that i don't need to buy any game cart again, and i hope it's automatically updated, pokemon diamond/pearl -> *automatically updated when platinum released, and automatically transfer all my pokemon* -> pokemon platinum -> and so on..:creep:

  BarkingFrog said:
I wish that i don't need to buy any game cart again, and i hope it's automatically updated, pokemon diamond/pearl -> *automatically updated when platinum released, and automatically transfer all my pokemon* -> pokemon platinum -> and so on..:creep:

1. I got off without a corrutped wish (yahoo!)

2. You wish for auto-ROM patching from DP to Plat. and so on.

3. That would be considered illegal

4. For the next person, corrupt my wish:

I wish I was a real genetic scientist.


yes, but one experiment would result in a horrific accident that created (:eek:GASP:eek:)..... Mewthree...... which went crazy and destroyed one of seven universes.:grog: i wish all pokemon could cummunicate with humans

  D@t@_G@ll@de#3 said:
how about you skip that one, and ask another that would be just a littleexciting to corrupt?:rolleyes:

While you posted that statement you COULD of posted your wish and the corrupt wished of his wish

R&D unexpectedly became flooded with members. But unfortunately a hacker sent a virus to all the previous poster, which resulted in people suddenly becoming bankrupt, and your computer reformatted.:smile:

I wish they created a DS Homebrew application, where you can control the TV.

(Yeah i lose the remote a lot but my DS is something only i touch)


As it happens, but a problem emerges; when you use your DS to control your TV it also changes your neighbours' TV channel with yours and causes irritation. Later an argue starts.

I wish Togekiss is Uber!


Uhh i actually wouldn't mind that corruption, just sneaking around, and changing people's channels, ahh the hours would fly.

Granted, but Togekiss is so uber ovapowah, that is uberness formed a banned state, so he is permabanned in every Pokemon game.

I wish Typhlosion got a little more attention with it's ability's.


Granted, but then Nintendo would have to spend some time upgrading it like adding wings and stuff so that it makes sense that it can learn fly and dive, etc. They end up making Metagross look so ugly with an extra two legs, and 4 wings and 4 Heads (one for grass moves, one for fire, one for water and one for ghost).

I wish elections didn't have an age limit.


granted but then some ignorant child would be elected:eek: (seriously?!) and then make some stupid decision that led the war (in which we are fighting) to our country... in other words, we would all die:frown: i wish pikachu wasnt loved so much. theres nothing special about it


granted but then it got corrupted (im so smart woot woot:biggrin::cool:) i wish they made a pokemon game thats like all the others in the RPG series, only it had a pokemon "mixer" which could mix two to four pokes into one poke in whic you could trade to other games. (this would take like a century to make though, considering all of the possible combinations)

  roflskippy said:
granted but they loose all their original moves and are replaced with splash LOLWUT

i wish that garchomp became the new mascot for pokemon ^^ YAY

Granted, but then Garchomp became a corny character, like Pikachu.

I wish my website and forum had visitors and members (that actually posted) out of pure interest in what is on it currently.

  rednano12 said:
I wish this wish could not be corrupted.

Really? There is only one rule on this thread and you didn't even follow.

  pokefan951 said:
the only rule here (aside from the forum rules) is you cant wish for an uncorruptable wish.
  evandixon said:
Granted, but then Garchomp became a corny character, like Pikachu.

I wish my website and forum had visitors and members (that actually posted) out of pure interest in what is on it currently.

Granted, but then both became flooded with members and each one sent you an infectious virus that blows up your computer and erases your memory of Code Lyoko. >:D

I wish Rundas (From Metroid Prime 3: Corruption) didn't get impaled by ice. (If you corrupt you can't say "Granted, but he gets killed later on")


granted but then you get so many post that your website crashes and you become bankrupt for what ever reson.

i wish that the dsi could make a copy of pokemon,save files and items on an sd card then you could upload it on to a computer gts (on the internet ) and then you could make offers like on the real gts.....

EDIT Oh someone responded befor me when i was writing this down. XC

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