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B2W2 General ROM Info

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i figured out what the 13th bit does. it indicates that diglett/dugtrio use a special animation for popping out of their pokeball. all other pokes jump out of their pokeball when the trainer throws the ball out, but diglett/dugtrio rise out of the ground when the ball is thrown out. if you set it for other pokes, they will rise up out of the ground when their ball is thrown out.

Sounds kinda creepy

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  • 3 weeks later...

one thing i've wanted to do and never bothered with is to document the user input system. so let's get started:

0x21418C4 - g_pUserInput(global pointer to 0x21FF960)

0x21FF960 - user input heap/struct - first 2 members are 0x21FF9D0 and 0x21FFA48

0x21FF9D0 - user keypress input(sizeof = 0x44)

0x21FFA48 - user touchpad input(sizeof = 0x78)

keypress input:

0x0-0x38 - a variety of keypress recordings that capture that actual keys pressed, not the inverted presses that the hardware captures(i.e. if you press A+B, it will reflect that as 0x3 instead of 0x3FC)- about half are for previous keys pressed and to catch keypress combos and keys being held.

0x3C - frame counter that counts down from either 0x8 -> 0x0 or 0xF -> 0x0 depending on whether keys have changed between video frames or not

0x40 - const, never changes - copied into 0x3C at the end of the countdown when keys don't change between vframes.

0x44 - const, never changes - copied into 0x3C when keys change between vframes.

so what will happen is:

-player presses A from nothing- keycount will reset to 0xF and so long as the player continues to press only A, it will count down to 0x0, reset to 0x8 and continue counting from 8 to 0.

-player either lets go of A or presses another button at the same time - keycount will reset to 0xF and start to count down again. this will go back up to 8 and count down if the combo is held for all 0xF frames.

then inside the block from 0x8 - 0x38, about 4 of the entries capture the currently pressed keys, another 4 or so capture the keys from the last frame, a few more capture the delta between frames, and a couple capture the combined keys between frames(pressed or not) looking for key combos.

touchpad input:

really simple actually, even though the heap is bigger for touchpad input.

2 u16s @ 0x5C are the coordinates of the last touch press

u16 @ 0x62 indicates that the touchpad is being pressed(goes with the above, isn't constantly updating)

2 u16s @ 0x64 + u16 @ 0x6A, same as the above for a different purpose

2 u16s @ 0x6C + u16 @ 0x72, constantly updating between 0 and the last pressed position- this is where the rest update from.

i'll make changes as i go through and figure out exactly what each of the keypress members and touch press members do.

user input heap:

a heap with a struct allocated inside of it.

0x3B(0x21FF99B) - backlight switch(this won't change anything on an emulator)

0x3D(0x21FF99D) - keypress type - this switches between 0x1E and 0x3C(30 and 60) and tells the game which keypress type to use because each keypress fetch function can choose between 2 different keypress struct members(the values between 0x8 and 0x38 above). i thought it changed every other frame at first, but it seems to only happen for certain reasons. it basically tells each fetch function to choose between the previous keypress and the current frame's keypress.(or the keypress delta, etc)

Edited by Bond697
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Hello, there.

It seems that there are some really good people here and I decided to ask my question about a/0/0/6 here.

Based on the information I gained from the rom info page, the a/0/0/6 should contain the move effect info and I am struggling trying to understand what the effect scripts mean.

Well I am trying to pretend I am smart while I am not, in fact I am even struggling trying to know how are the effects mapped.

Based on my observation, the offset-mapping-table at the beginning of the file has 732 entries in Black version. Which does not make sense to me as there are 336 effect codes (the last being the effect for cross thunder) for the moves and there are 559 moves in total.

Furthermore, the Black 2 version's a/0/0/6 file seems to have two more entries than the Black version which makes me even more confused.

I am going to assume the files are the "corresponding" ones on each versions based on the similarity of the entry format which starts with something like

FF 7F 00 00 20 41 50 53 31 32 5F 31

which is consistent and similar to those of the GBA versions(something always start with 00 02 03 ... can't really remember)

However I am having trouble understanding the thing. The main reason is that I can't map each entry to an actual effect (I have no means to know which entry correspond to which effect as the total number of entries is different from the total number of effects). I am now even curious is a/0/0/6 really the move effect files.

I know this is because of my lack of knowledge but I am really stucked here. Is there anything good for me to start with?

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Actually that data in a/0/0/6 is for sprites or pallets (at least graphics-related) which is called spa file format apparently so it actually has nothing to do with move effects...

By the way I have found the code just now where it specify the effects for the moves "thrash/outrage/petal dance" finally after almost a year of mindless searching. I can't actually even believe this myself because I just prayed for the god to help me find it and I will actually believe that Jesus exists from now on because the possibility I found it was so little.

The place was overlay0093.bin after decompression.(The real miracle is that I just figured out how to get the compressing stuff work yesterday xD)

Im assuming the corresponding overlay in BW2 which contains the type table will contain this information as well.

In the pokemon black Japanese version the code for move "petal dance" is at 0x3CF38 but if you search for "AD 21 1E 02 50" you should find where it is in the other versions. (since black and white has some slight differences apparently)

The 0x50 is the move code for petal dance and I tested changing it to 0x3A (code for ice beam) and now petal dance act like a normal move while ice beam attacks 2-3 turns and the pokemon using it becomes confused.

Just near this position there's a 0x25 and a 0xC8 before and after the 0x50, with a similar format 0x50 is in, which I believe should be the code for thrash(25) and outrage(C8). However I did not test it yet as my main purpose was modifying petal dance.

I have very little knowledge about arm-assembler and my first guess is that in the original C code these are some switch-case statements. Good programmers might understand what the code exactly is doing by disassembly the code.

Probably this information is useless for most people but at least I have seen a post in this forum that asked about outrage before (and I asked about petal dance using a different ID which I forgot password) although I couldn't found it out any more. AND there are possibly other "specially-handled" moves other than these three moves and people may refer to somewhere near this place whenever such case happens.



I tried changing that move code to something greater than 0x022F (the last move) and bugs are not detected after several battle testings. Also it's perfectly fine to use the original move data structure to add new effect codes to these three moves as well. (Well this works originally but to get rid of the effect of 2-3 turns consecutive attacking & confuse you must do what I described)

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Spa file is already containing palette byte. a/0/0/6 is containing instruction some vector or animated for spa file. and related file. Well maybe after i done with my pokemon X and PMDGoI maybe i will do something with this (hack of B2 as base, BW W2 will follow... Maybe DPPtHgSs too since current tool for that is too basic except Markius tool) >.> and i'm glad bond still research it and another member care on this one.

Edited by Andibad
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Not contribution:

I've been wondering for a while now, if one receives the Shiny Charm not from the prof,

Would it still work?

Or is it like GEN III events that another flag needs to be set?

The game probably just checks for the presence of the Shiny Charm. Screwing around with item cheats in the 4th gen showed me that many events are messed up if you have all the key items.

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Not contribution:

I've been wondering for a while now, if one receives the Shiny Charm not from the prof,

Would it still work?

Or is it like GEN III events that another flag needs to be set?

there's a function, doesPlayerHaveItemWithQuantity(void *pItemBlk, u16 item_idx, int quantity), that checks if the player has an item and the right amount of that item. they don't bother with event flags anymore.

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  • 1 month later...
Hylianzero requested a "guide" on how to hex edit what the marts sell. Here's a quick one.

  1. Using Tinke or editor.exe (kiwids), open the ROM and unpack the a/2/8/2 narc so that you get the individual files.
  2. Go to wherever you exported the folder to, and you'll have 80 files. The only ones we care about are 0-31, as the rest are empty (zero byte size).
  3. Using the table of File -> Ingame Location posted in the reply above this post, choose which vendor you will edit.
    • Note that location 1 might be named file 0.
    • The generic vendors at the marts sell items based on how many badges you have.
    • Specialty vendors have unique tables and don't appear in multiple locations.

[*]Open the location in HxD or other hex editor of choice; the way the file is structured is just a list of items (by hex) that will be sold by the vendor.

[*]Replace or add/delete items.

[*]Save the location file.

[*]Repack the narc, replace the old narc with the new. Save the ROM and you're done.


I tried to edit the Herbal Shop in Driftveil City (File 21??) but it did not work. I added Power Herb, Mental Herb, and White Herb using HxD but it did not show up in the game. But when I replaced the Heal Powder with Power Herb, it worked. Does this mean the vendor have limit in selling items? And also what will I do with the BAK file? Should I delete it or not? Thanks in advance!

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  • 2 months later...

If someone want edit item data, you can see my post about that here. since is have some mistake i written on that time, and i posted that again with some correction :

u16 (0x00 - 0x01, Uint16) : Market value (Buy * 10, Sell *5)

u8 (0x02) : ???, but is seems refer to battle item flag id order ?

u8 (0x03) : Gain Values

u8 (0x04) : Berry Flag (only on berry items)

u8 (0x05) : ??? (Mostly on Berry items, plus mental herb, white herb, king rock, razor fang, light ball, poison barb, flame orb, toxic orb)

u8 (0x06) : ??? Flag, max 130 - min 10 ?

u8 (0x07) : Nature Gift Power

u16 (0x08 - 0x09, Uint16) : Item Type Attribute

For first 1-5 bit :

type (not multiply) :

0 0000 (00) - normal

0 0001 (01) - Fighting

0 0010 (02) - flying

0 0011 (03) - poison

0 0100 (04) - ground

0 0101 (05) - rock

0 0110 (06) - Bug

0 0111 (07) - ghost

0 1000 (08) - Steel

0 1001 (09) - Fire

0 1010 (0A) - water

0 1011 (0B) - grass

0 1100 (0C) - Electric

0 1101 (0D) - Psychic

0 1110 (0E) - ice

0 1111 (0F) - dragon

1 0000 (10) - dark

1 1111 (1F) - any type

For 6-15 bit :

... , i just lost some my note about this one ...

u8 (0x0A) : Item Group

u8 (0X0B) : In-Battle Item Group

In battle all item are added on item bag inbattle but is filtered mostly by 0x0A , 0x0D and 0x0B. 0x0C, and 0x0E too but is on overally part, 0x0F only on BAG.

for 0x0B :

0 : Is invisible on BAG InBattle

1 - 3 : Visible Order Id

u8 (0x0C) : Usable Flag

u8 (0x0D) : Type of Item

u8 (0x0E) : Consumable Flag

u8 (0x0F) : Name Item Id Ordering (Each ROM Region ex US, JP, KR, SP ,IT, etc is have different order)

u8 (0x10) : Bad statues Removal Flag

Multiply effect :

00 - none

01 - Cures Sleep

02 - Cures Poison

04 - Cures Burn

08 - Cures Freeze

10 - Cures Paralysis

20 - Cures Confusion

40 - Snaps a Pokémon out of infatuation.

80 - Prevents stat reduction by opponents

3F - Cures any status ailment

u8 (0x11) : Raising HP and ATK InBattle (Not Permanent)

1 : +1 stage of HP (on Revival Herb)

2 : +2 stage of HP (on Sacred Ash)

3 : +3 stage of HP (on rare candy)

4 : +6 stage of HP (on evolution stone)

1 - 4 : +n stage of HP (1-15)

5 - 8 : +n stage of ATK (1-15)

u8 (0x12) : Raising DEF and sp. ATK InBattle (Not Permanent)

1 - 4 : +n stage of DEF (1-15)

5 - 8 : +n stage of sp.ATK (1-15)

u8 (0x13) : Raising sp.DEF and Speed InBattle (Not Permanent)

1 - 4 : +n stage of speed (1-15)

5 - 8 : +n stage of sp.DEF (1-15)

u8 (0x14) : Raising Accurate and Critical (Not Permanent) and increase PP permanently

For first 1-6 bit :

1-4 : +n stage of acc (1-15)

5-6 : +n stage of crit (1-4)

For last 7-8 bit :

40 : +1 PP permanently

80 : +5 PP permanently

u16 (0x15 - 0x16, Uint16) : Increase? or Prevent Decrease PP and ??? InBattle (?)

For first 1-2 bit :

1 : one move - PP (Any PP recoverable item)

2 : all move - PP (Max Elixir)

For 3-10 bit :

3 : ??? (Any HP recoverable item)

4 : ??? (HP Up, HP EV item)

5 : ??? (ATK EV item)

6 : ??? (DEF EV item)

7 : ??? (Speed EV item)

8 : ??? (Sp.ATK EV item)

9 : ??? (Sp.DEF EV item)

10 : ??? (Wings item flag ?)

For 11-13 bit (multiply):

Unknown maybe is related to inBattle condition ?

u8 (0x17) : EV for HP value (outside)

u8 (0x18) : EV for ATK value (outside)

u8 (0x19) : EV for DEF value (outside)

u8 (0x1A) : EV for speed value (outside)

u8 (0x1B) : EV for sp.ATK value (outside)

u8 (0x1C) : EV for sp.DEF value (outside)

u8 (0x1D) : HP (outside)

u8 (0x1E) : PP (outside)

u8 (0x1F) : Happiness (inBattle ?)

u8 (0x20) : Happiness (inOutside ?)

u8 (0x21) : Happiness (Holding ?)

u16 (0x22 - 0x23) : Padding ...

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  • 6 months later...


I try to hack my own Pokemon Black 2, I watched two tutorials on the third page of this thread and I know now how to add NPC but I can do it only in rooms or small places :/ I wanted to add NPC on Route 6 for example but the codes looks different and I dont know what to do with that :/ Can somebody help me and check what I am doing wrong and tell me what to do to do it properly?

I make pictures what I did on HxD program, what I marked and copied, and what I wrote.

First I marked the section for NPC range, like in tutorial. In lua scripting was:

Overworld Data [500] @ 0x0223B8AC

[25] Furniture Range: 0x0008-0x01FB

[22] NPC Range: 0x01FC-0x0513

[3] Warp Range: 0x0514-0x054F

[3] Trigger Range: 0x0550-0x0591

Successful Parse!

So I marked this:

<a href="http://s1245.photobucket.com/user/TomsonXD/media/1_zps05508351.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg581/TomsonXD/1_zps05508351.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 1_zps05508351.jpg"/></a>

Next I copied it and paste into new file, I changed "16" into "0x24", and next I wrote new codes for new NPC. Game was frozen :/

<a href="http://s1245.photobucket.com/user/TomsonXD/media/2_zpsc618a427.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg581/TomsonXD/2_zpsc618a427.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 2_zpsc618a427.jpg"/></a>

Please tell me:

1. Did I marked proper section?

2. Section that i pasted (second picture) looks good? In my opinion there is something wrong coz it dont looks like in tutorial but why?

3. What I wrote (second picture) is a proper code or I did some mistakes? I wanted to add Bulbasaur "01 10" code. It worked when I add NPC in rooms, small places.

4. When Y is 404, I should write "19 04" or "19 40" ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I have a question, It is possible to add to Pokemon B2W2 the Moon ball, Love ball etc to catch with it wild Pokemon? I did that one person gives me Moon ball but in the game I cant catch any Pokemon with it because its like an item only not for catching Pokemon :/

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  • 10 months later...

Hello everyone. I have a question: How to exchange music in Pokemon White 2? I would like to make that normal trainer battle music now is eg. Johto gym leader battle music. I tried to do that with Action Replay code, but there is no such a code, so I would like to exchange that manually, but the problem is that I completelly don't know, how to do that. Could someone, please, help me?

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  • 1 year later...

As an extension to this post's data on triggers:

Trigger (0x16 long)

0x00-0x01 - Script reference

0x02-0x03 - Constant Value

0x04-0x05 - Constant Reference - If Ref=Val, trigger.

0x06-0x07 - ????

0x08-0x09 - ????

0x0A-0x0B - X Coordinate (16bit)

0x0C-0x0D - Y Coordinate (16bit)

0x0E-0x0F - Horizontal length

0x10-0x11 - Vertical length

0x12-0x13 - Z Coordinate (16bit)

0x14-0x15 - ????

where the Z Coordinate is displayed as 2 bits, where 10 00 implies Z = 1, 70 00 implies Z = 7 and so forth. What is the official name for this again? Also, if I'd need the value for Z = FF FB, how would I code this?

Edit: it should be B0 FF.

Edited by Oxnite
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  • 4 months later...

Hey all,

Is it known which script or narc controls the movement permissions and screen turning for 3D maps in BW and B2W2,
Such as Castelia City, OId Victory Road etc.

I was continuing my edit in https://projectpokemon.org/forums/forums/topic/27209-pokemon-white-2-route-10-re-introduced/ ,
and I've managed to add in the Routes past the badge gate all the way back to the old Victory Road Cliffside.

In B2W2, they only use one map, whereas in BW that cliffside is actually 4 maps, and I've imported the 4 maps.

Spiky Map Editor doesn't allow editing movement perms for 3D maps,
and even though I've imported the scripts from BW, I still can't move beyond the B2W2 boundary,
so I'll imagine that 3D maps movement may be coded into a different narc/script.


As long as that different script number is in the header's list, I'll probably be able to import it without a problem,
Just need to know which narc its in.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Im trying to replace The female hero mugshot for pokemon Black. The list says the mugshots should be in "a/2/6/7". When I open up the 2 folder there isnt a 6 folder, only 0,1,2,and 3. am I ding something wrong or is my rom missing data? I am using Nitro Explorer 2 if that matters.

Edited by QuinnArt
added info
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1 hour ago, QuinnArt said:

Im trying to replace The female hero mugshot for pokemon Black. The list says the mugshots should be in "a/2/6/7". When I open up the 2 folder there isnt a 6 folder, only 0,1,2,and 3. am I ding something wrong or is my rom missing data? I am using Nitro Explorer 2 if that matters.

this is for B2W2, not Black.
that's likely why.

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  • 1 month later...

So i've started messing around with Black 2 and i'm trying to create a fakemon, and i have done most of what i need to do, but theres still 2 important things i need to change and i have no idea how: The name of the species and the pokedex data.

Anyone have any ideas on how these can be changed and where the data for these is kept?

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...


(file index started by 0, german black 2 ROM)

a/0/0/2 - Location names (file 109) and important buildings (file 377)
a/0/8/4 - Texture related
a/0/8/5 - Location data


a/0/8/5 is an narc archive with only one entry. The file inside the narc holds all relevant data to make the world map interactable. Every location-section is 54 Bytes long. The data is organized like this (Size in bytes):

Offset	Size		Description

0x00	2		Target Map ID
0x02	2		Pull cursor radius
0x04	4 (2+2)		Pixel coordinates (x,y): Point and Pin
0x08	4 (2+2)		Pixel coordinates (x,y): Radar circle
0x0C	4 (2+2)		Pixel coordinates (x,y): Range (Top-Left)
0x10	4 (2+2)		Pixel coordinates (x,y): Range (Bottom-Right)
0x14	2		Selection Range x
0x16	2		Target Point
0x18	2		Can Fly flag
0x1A	4		Padding
0x1E	2		Game progress: Save flag ID
0x20	2		Game progress: Disable flag ID
0x22	2		Info-text (top screen): Location name index
0x24	12 (6*2)	Info-text (top screen): Building names index, 0xFFFF if empty
0x30	2		Pokedex select form
0x32	4 (2+2)		Pixel coordinates (x,y): Pokedex selection


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Standard movement permissions:

In mapping tools like SDSME the permission data of gen. 5 games is organized in 8 matrices. A problem that everyone runs into when adding their own maps is that the height values for player and NPCs are not known. The height is calculated from the values in the first 4 layers.


The permission data is part of the map-model files in a/0/0/8.

There are 4 different types of permissions. All identified by an unique ID which is the first DWORD in the file-header:

0x34257:	One permission block. Most common case
0x44347:	Two permission blocks. Used for bridges or other things where the player can be on OR under
0x34452:	One permission block. More than 8 layers. Not investigated yet...
0x2474E:	No permission block. The collision data is extern and works in a different way. "3D collisions"

(little endian inside the files: "0x34257" = "57 42 03 00")


The permission block starts with info about its size: "20 00 20 00" -> 32x32 Tiles (cols x rows) followed by the data [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [1, 2, 3...],... In spacial cases a 3rd data section is appended (more later).


Following data must be read like this (16x16 Arrays):

//	0x00__
0x__00, 0x__01, 0x__02,...
0x__10, 0x__11, 0x__12,...

//	0x01__
0x__00, 0x__01, 0x__02,...
0x__10, 0x__11, 0x__12,...

//	0xXX__: Layer 2 or 4
//	0x__XX: Layer 1 or 3


(B2W2) All Terrain Values: (Slope X, Slope Y) (323 Values)


(0.000000, 0.000000), -, (pointer), -, (0.500000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-5.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-4.500565, -0.499435), -, -, -, 
(-5.001251, 0.499374), -, -, -, (-5.502731, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 0.500000), -, -, -, (-0.500000, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, -0.499817), -, -, -, (1.500229, 0.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(1.000000, 0.499817), -, -, -, (-1.500214, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -1.500214), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 5.000000), -, -, -, (5.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -5.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -0.500000), -, -, -, (0.499863, 0.499847), -, -, -, (1.500458, -0.500000), -, -, -, (-0.499847, 0.499847), -, -, -, 
(-1.500458, -0.500000), -, -, -, (1.500458, 0.500000), -, -, -, (0.499847, -0.499847), -, -, -, (-1.500458, 0.500000), -, -, -, 
(-0.499847, -0.499847), -, -, -, (-1.000000, 0.499817), -, -, -, (2.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-2.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -2.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 2.000000), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -0.499817), -, -, -, (-0.499817, 1.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, 0.062393), -, -, -, (0.062393, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-0.062393, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -0.062393), -, -, -, 
(0.062332, -0.937332), -, -, -, (0.000000, -0.937393), -, -, -, (-0.062332, -0.937332), -, -, -, (1.000000, -2.000610), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, 1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 1.500214), -, -, -, (0.499817, 1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -5.502731), -, -, -, 
(-5.503418, 0.499313), -, -, -, (5.502731, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-4.501129, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-4.500565, 0.499435), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -16.027451), -, -, -, (-4.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (4.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -3.001541), -, -, -, 
(-3.001541, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -4.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, -4.000000), -, -, -, (6.001480, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(-1.500000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-14.537354, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-13.528244, -1.000000), -, -, -, (6.506439, 0.000000), -, -, -, 

(-13.519867, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-12.520004, -1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -2.501312), -, -, -, (-12.518402, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(-11.512741, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-11.522598, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-9.513138, -2.002380), -, -, -, 
(-9.514023, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-8.503159, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-8.506271, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-7.507477, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -6.506424), -, -, -, (3.500000, -3.000000), -, -, -, (-7.502777, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-6.505692, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(3.502670, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-6.506424, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-5.499298, -1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 3.502670), -, -, -, 
(4.003036, -0.499496), -, -, -, (3.001633, -1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -9.002213), -, -, -, (-8.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(3.504852, -5.506454), -, -, -, (-0.500000, 1.500458), -, -, -, (-0.499435, -4.500565), -, -, -, (7.512665, 2.502930), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, 2.501328), -, -, -, (-3.501846, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-3.503693, 3.503693), -, -, -, (0.499817, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(7.500000, 0.500000), -, -, -, (6.001495, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-3.500900, -0.500000), -, -, -, (-3.001617, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(-3.502670, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-2.501053, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-0.499817, -1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -6.001495), -, -, -, 
(-3.001068, -3.001053), -, -, -, (-0.499680, -2.500320), -, -, -, (-2.501328, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-4.500000, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, 4.501129), -, -, -, (0.000000, 5.502747), -, -, -, (-1.500534, 4.001083), -, -, -, (0.000000, 4.000000), -, -, -, 
(-5.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-2.500336, 0.499664), -, -, -, (-4.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, -5.000000), -, -, -, 
(1.000000, 2.501053), -, -, -, (2.500900, 2.500900), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -1.500000), -, -, -, (-0.500000, -1.500458), -, -, -, 
(2.501312, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-2.000595, 1.000000), -, -, -, (-2.000610, -1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 3.001541), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, 3.001617), -, -, -, (3.001556, 0.000000), -, -, -, (8.000000, 3.000000), -, -, -, (8.013840, 0.500000), -, -, -, 

(-0.500000, -8.013824), -, -, -, (0.000000, -8.013794), -, -, -, (8.013809, 0.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(4.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (5.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -8.000000), -, -, -, (7.003494, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(7.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -7.000000), -, -, -, (2.000595, -1.000000), -, -, -, (4.002243, -2.001114), -, -, -, 
(3.001068, -3.001068), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -3.001617), -, -, -, (3.001617, 1.000000), -, -, -, (1.500000, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(-0.499619, -3.000000), -, -, -, (0.499603, -3.000000), -, -, -, (3.500900, -0.500000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 13.000000), -, -, -, 
(13.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 6.001480), -, -, -, (6.001511, 1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -13.519867), -, -, -, 
(-0.498398, -13.031952), -, -, -, (1.000000, -13.003204), -, -, -, (13.003204, -1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -13.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.498398, -13.031937), -, -, -, (12.029572, -1.000000), -, -, -, (12.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (11.005417, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(11.021622, 0.000000), -, -, -, (10.009872, -1.000000), -, -, -, (10.009827, 0.000000), -, -, -, (9.008911, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(9.002213, 0.000000), -, -, -, (8.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, -3.001617), -, -, -, (2.000595, 1.000000), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, 2.000595), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -2.000595), -, -, -, (0.499710, 2.000000), -, -, -, (0.500000, 1.500458), -, -, -, 
(0.499664, 2.500336), -, -, -, (0.500000, -1.500458), -, -, -, (0.499710, -2.000000), -, -, -, (0.499664, -2.500336), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -3.502670), -, -, -, (-0.499435, 4.500565), -, -, -, (-0.499496, 4.003052), -, -, -, (-0.500000, 3.500885), -, -, -, 
(-0.499619, 3.000000), -, -, -, (-0.499664, 2.500336), -, -, -, (-0.499725, 2.000000), -, -, -, (4.501129, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -4.501129), -, -, -, (-0.499496, -4.003036), -, -, -, (-0.500000, -3.500900), -, -, -, (-0.499725, -2.000000), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, -4.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, 1.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, 2.000595), -, -, -, (5.004013, 2.001343), -, -, -, 

(-0.500000, -8.013824), -, -, -, (0.000000, -8.013794), -, -, -, (8.013809, 0.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(4.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (5.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -8.000000), -, -, -, (7.003494, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(7.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -7.000000), -, -, -, (2.000595, -1.000000), -, -, -, (4.002243, -2.001114), -, -, -, 
(3.001068, -3.001068), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -3.001617), -, -, -, (3.001617, 1.000000), -, -, -, (1.500000, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(-0.499619, -3.000000), -, -, -, (0.499603, -3.000000), -, -, -, (3.500900, -0.500000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 13.000000), -, -, -, 
(13.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 6.001480), -, -, -, (6.001511, 1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -13.519867), -, -, -, 
(-0.498398, -13.031952), -, -, -, (1.000000, -13.003204), -, -, -, (13.003204, -1.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -13.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.498398, -13.031937), -, -, -, (12.029572, -1.000000), -, -, -, (12.000000, 0.000000), -, -, -, (11.005417, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(11.021622, 0.000000), -, -, -, (10.009872, -1.000000), -, -, -, (10.009827, 0.000000), -, -, -, (9.008911, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(9.002213, 0.000000), -, -, -, (8.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, -3.001617), -, -, -, (2.000595, 1.000000), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, 2.000595), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -2.000595), -, -, -, (0.499710, 2.000000), -, -, -, (0.500000, 1.500458), -, -, -, 
(0.499664, 2.500336), -, -, -, (0.500000, -1.500458), -, -, -, (0.499710, -2.000000), -, -, -, (0.499664, -2.500336), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -3.502670), -, -, -, (-0.499435, 4.500565), -, -, -, (-0.499496, 4.003052), -, -, -, (-0.500000, 3.500885), -, -, -, 
(-0.499619, 3.000000), -, -, -, (-0.499664, 2.500336), -, -, -, (-0.499725, 2.000000), -, -, -, (4.501129, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -4.501129), -, -, -, (-0.499496, -4.003036), -, -, -, (-0.500000, -3.500900), -, -, -, (-0.499725, -2.000000), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, -4.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, 1.000000), -, -, -, (1.000000, 2.000595), -, -, -, (5.004013, 2.001343), -, -, -, 

(0.000000, -20.044128), -, -, -, (-20.044113, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 19.018600), -, -, -, (19.018600, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, 18.061951), -, -, -, (0.000000, 18.008804), -, -, -, (-1.000000, 17.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 17.029175), -, -, -, 
(-17.029175, 0.000000), -, -, -, (18.061951, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-19.018616, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-18.061951, -1.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -19.018600), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -18.061951), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -17.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -18.008804), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, -17.029175), -, -, -, (18.008804, 0.000000), -, -, -, (17.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (-18.008820, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(-17.000000, -1.000000), -, -, -, (17.029160, 0.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 10.009827), -, -, -, (-1.000000, 9.008911), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, 8.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, 8.013809), -, -, -, (0.000000, -10.009827), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -9.008911), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, 16.027451), -, -, -, (-1.000000, 15.040588), -, -, -, (0.000000, 15.018387), -, -, -, (-1.000000, 14.000000), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, 14.034363), -, -, -, (-14.034363, 0.000000), -, -, -, (16.027451, 0.000000), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -15.040588), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, -14.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -15.018372), -, -, -, (0.000000, -14.034363), -, -, -, (-1.000000, 12.029587), -, -, -, 
(0.000000, 12.000000), -, -, -, (-1.000000, 11.005417), -, -, -, (0.000000, 11.021622), -, -, -, (-11.021622, 0.000000), -, -, -, 
(-1.000000, -12.029572), -, -, -, (-1.000000, -11.005432), -, -, -, (0.000000, -12.000000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -11.021622), -, -, -, 
(-8.000000, 3.000000), -, -, -, (-8.000000, -3.000000), -, -, -, (-2.001572, 6.004700), -, -, -, (6.004684, -2.001556), -, -, -, 
(-2.000748, -2.000732), -, -, -, (-2.000732, 2.000732), -, -, -, (0.499435, 4.500565), -, -, -, (6.500000, -2.500000), -, -, -, 
(6.500000, 2.500000), -, -, -, (-2.500580, -4.001190), -, -, -, (4.001175, 2.500580), -, -, -, (3.000916, -2.000000), -, -, -, 
(-1.500000, 1.500000), -, -, -, (0.000000, -0.060608), -, -, -


(B2W2) All Height Values: (1285 Values)


2.000473, 1.500351, -3.000717, 0.000000, 15.104614, 13.698090, 15.006531, 15.618210, 15.119507, -3.578583, -3.131256, -2.000473, -1.000229, -4.950943, 1.333664, 4.438675, 
2.121826, 4.667801, 3.536392, -1.414551, -3.500839, 1.414551, -9.194626, -1.500351, -9.901901, -8.322525, 4.243668, -4.993515, 0.707275, 7.072784, -11.316467, -2.121826, 
9.808197, 3.923279, 2.942444, 5.001205, 8.827362, 7.846558, 4.904099, -4.904099, 1.961639, -3.923279, 0.980804, -2.829117, -8.487350, 4.950943, -2.942444, 2.829117, 
-4.243668, -7.072784, -2.236618, 1.000229, 1.789276, 0.894638, 0.447311, -1.341965, -4.473221, 2.041733, 0.801971, 1.633377, -4.025894, -0.500107, 1.387070, 0.554825, 
1.603943, 0.816681, 0.408340, 2.683929, 2.858429, 2.450073, 2.667297, 1.664490, 0.832245, 2.405930, -0.894638, 2.138596, 2.236618, 1.336624, 2.333908, 1.667053, 
4.025894, -1.789276, 3.131256, -6.262512, 4.473221, 14.003403, 11.316467, 8.487350, -9.391998, -6.365509, 10.609177, 9.901901, -5.658234, -4.920532, -5.367874, -7.780060, 
-9.800354, -5.815186, -6.709839, -3.675125, 6.365509, -1.633377, 5.658234, -2.041733, 0.935898, 1.747009, 0.436752, 1.062744, 1.247864, 6.560623, 6.202560, 5.877213, 
-0.561539, 0.873505, -0.686325, 0.561539, 0.062500, -0.374359, 0.686325, 0.748718, -0.748718, 0.374359, -0.187180, -0.707275, 9.194626, 8.051804, 6.262512, -10.609177, 
-4.042419, -7.604477, -12.250427, -6.334869, -12.483780, -14.670227, 4.501083, -7.846558, -6.978226, 8.767532, -6.963821, 9.178207, -11.769836, -5.001205, -7.872879, -8.827362, 
-6.865738, -1.961639, -5.392960, -5.967041, -5.501328, -9.808197, -7.010834, -5.884903, 7.780060, 7.780075, -3.536392, 16.003891, 8.984665, 2.911133, -5.822266, 6.001450, 
4.000961, -4.083481, -4.744568, 1.897827, -4.851883, -2.683929, 1.341965, 3.578583, 9.866348, 0.500107, -7.780075, 30.766663, 30.766647, 10.188980, 29.705734, -0.884262, 
43.510605, 8.593323, 50.012192, 47.011459, 0.221664, -0.636078, 8.358322, 9.461197, 0.478577, -0.345306, 12.972351, 18.479706, 0.779846, -0.922394, 28.998444, 28.998459, 
1.570648, 0.812546, 2.103638, 1.441605, -3.270020, 1.378326, 5.377182, 2.776108, 2.255478, 10.029755, 10.029770, 3.650253, 3.346527, 34.891190, 38.917068, 20.609100, 
8.429062, 11.701645, 28.291168, 49.011948, 4.831085, 9.952286, 27.583893, -1.546402, -6.648560, 6.369568, 1.878754, 29.961121, 24.967590, 28.871262, 25.497391, 3.530945, 
2.804337, 21.087662, 23.403320, -0.927399, 4.456757, 16.762070, 26.006348, 31.759903, 40.706375, 20.841507, 21.012787, -0.272232, 1.055542, 31.034439, 1.373932, 4.178879, 
39.364410, 26.006332, 21.952606, 4.193192, -1.032608, 10.957123, 10.912506, 5.943695, 13.373322, 38.469757, 40.259048, 24.059387, 19.650177, 16.159439, 14.451965, 11.953293, 

11.261261, 9.438766, 9.224228, 7.783417, 36.233139, 7.837921, 6.616104, 43.010483, 6.841644, 5.750519, 32.888489, 34.301224, 39.811722, 37.976349, 6.094116, 4.825134, 
6.992004, 29.007065, 5.399338, 8.190186, -5.424591, 8.245361, -6.799301, -9.005081, -4.488007, -0.673737, 13.248550, 37.485809, 5.079208, 27.286682, -4.783066, 22.813461, 
25.944717, 32.507919, 11.227707, 9.892380, 17.063766, -0.384979, 33.949402, 29.809402, 35.785812, 35.117920, 21.471481, 9.678787, 11.070663, 0.196152, -1.650314, 5.100250, 
15.003647, -1.212967, 11.002670, 10.002426, 2.887436, 3.138611, 6.081085, 8.662354, 7.604477, 2.747879, 5.223602, 5.716873, 4.086288, 7.277847, 8.322525, 8.287109, 
13.503281, 8.729797, 6.872406, 10.002441, 8.005615, 8.248215, 7.490280, 7.335114, 11.183060, 14.314316, 7.485138, 7.157150, 8.554443, 8.166946, 13.419678, 14.292160, 
12.023743, 5.308517, 6.009781, 8.575287, 9.841095, 10.394836, -2.214127, -1.809509, 4.366699, 14.852859, 3.619019, 11.703293, 1.265198, 11.703278, 9.239853, 12.968506, 
12.968491, -1.569305, 8.238892, 7.441650, 25.304398, 10.138748, 42.048355, 4.829254, -3.590988, -3.721939, -0.744385, 9.221786, 42.510361, 42.010239, -2.729416, -4.714462, 
1.373138, 8.305145, 34.443848, -1.736908, -9.677063, 9.047546, 11.386963, 13.475479, 16.998260, 20.789673, 30.413010, 23.677139, 19.682205, 18.787552, 14.476074, 12.129730, 
10.200516, 8.879700, 9.248871, 31.827560, 9.603470, 9.925201, 7.283234, 21.218384, 6.506958, 11.457932, 7.301743, 5.755356, -3.638916, 8.975998, -3.638901, 19.192352, 
14.761642, 26.564590, 21.925659, 18.389252, 7.454239, 5.774902, 1.309616, 4.234940, -1.376816, -2.846741, 6.941910, 15.560150, 9.489151, -2.111099, 5.730103, -1.581528, 
4.491821, 11.158630, 4.427429, 24.047501, 20.212189, 8.946442, 20.511093, 12.731018, 12.704803, 5.367874, 10.972321, 3.710602, 5.815186, 4.920532, 4.147156, 1.151062, 
3.272446, 13.003159, 18.004379, 3.464935, 2.959900, 3.082962, 2.546188, 2.801239, 2.233154, 2.941299, 2.404739, 3.407471, 2.631012, 4.042419, 3.396332, 6.333282, 
4.111969, 9.817337, -10.972321, -8.554443, -11.159348, -10.309982, -13.121796, -8.243637, -0.408340, -9.936462, -8.490814, -11.080704, -10.789017, 15.956772, 9.044144, -8.715271, 
-7.626266, -9.053177, 17.681976, 20.004868, -9.086609, 10.288422, 0.164429, -9.432358, 12.503036, -9.219696, 11.630386, -6.936447, -7.275009, 1.732452, 2.992523, 10.972610, 
3.449631, 2.065231, -11.703049, 3.989197, 3.679626, 3.990036, -11.967575, -11.589310, -11.961472, -11.453995, -11.953644, -11.290421, -11.943359, -11.088898, -11.929520, -10.834686, 
-11.910233, -10.504654, -11.882278, -10.060181, -11.839615, -11.644547, -11.386963, -10.735748, 3.000717, 7.001694, 9.002182, -3.266785, 14.712296, 6.865738, -1.698151, -1.265198, 

-0.447311, -1.732452, 7.350250, -4.900177, 6.709839, -7.157150, -10.962830, 9.548279, -3.890015, 2.475464, -2.475464, 12.127304, 4.744568, 10.617050, 4.619919, -7.591309, 
6.929886, 15.182632, 6.011856, 13.284805, -5.693481, -9.489151, -6.719147, 0.353622, -5.304596, 3.890030, 3.890015, 5.304596, 4.597305, 9.603912, -2.219330, -4.544540, 
-2.450073, 4.161255, 6.658020, -5.825760, 9.154785, 2.496750, -0.666809, 2.786102, 0.436539, 2.846741, 0.730469, 12.335892, -1.225037, 3.329010, 3.714813, 1.643570, 
3.795639, 1.874542, 3.847031, 13.464615, -4.000961, 0.323563, 1.952835, 0.240829, 1.940750, 0.136108, 1.923523, -0.182617, 1.857391, -0.436539, -0.801971, -1.333649, 
15.622803, 3.905701, 2.167465, 3.881500, 7.426437, 8.133698, 1.060913, -1.060913, 2.500595, -4.597305, -3.890030, -0.353622, -10.255539, -7.426437, 1.768204, 10.669250, 
-8.599945, 7.212860, 14.145584, 13.438309, 4.083481, 6.125214, 16.267426, 3.500839, 10.735748, 5.501328, 13.731461, 5.884903, 12.750656, 11.769836, -2.357590, 6.129745, 
-0.980804, 5.197403, -4.619919, -9.841095, 6.533554, 5.693481, -7.350250, 7.591309, 7.758606, -6.352386, -11.630386, -13.284805, -5.308517, -1.886063, -5.197403, -10.438065, 
-8.166946, -8.575287, -6.642410, -0.577469, -2.858414, -5.774902, -3.795639, 5.716858, -11.433731, 11.549820, -9.239853, -3.464935, -11.842087, 14.700516, 12.658783, 12.525040, 
-2.858429, -8.946442, 9.800354, 1.732468, 6.352386, 0.577469, -1.178802, -1.206345, -2.887436, -3.163040, -1.154968, -3.920593, -4.007904, -14.712296, 5.295929, -7.758606, 
-8.499130, -3.051590, 10.264450, -9.385651, -10.512070, 1.069290, 1.924973, 0.822189, 10.688538, 9.502304, -1.897827, -11.183060, -7.001694, -6.001450, -7.507370, 2.309952, 
7.520432, 6.936447, 7.275009, 9.356415, 9.951508, -3.300629, -1.664490, -2.667297, -11.017426, -8.924362, -7.699875, 5.422470, 5.579681, 5.428528, 2.530426, 2.714264, 
10.789017, -10.288422, -3.881500, 8.499130, -8.662354, -4.501083, 5.668030, 6.334869, 9.987045, -6.935440, 10.962830, -6.929886, 11.651550, 6.683151, -0.832245, 8.335373, 
4.993515, 5.334625, 6.719147, 3.182755, 10.819290, -1.768204, -4.178879, 8.599945, -3.182755, -8.133698, -5.334625, -8.051804, 2.673264, 2.774170, -3.667542, -8.045105, 
-12.206390, -12.002914, -12.206375, 6.935440, 7.767700, -12.023743, -13.038620, 1.667068, -12.731018, -9.548279, -2.496750, -9.987045, 5.825760, 8.840988, -11.670090, -6.011856, 
8.001938, -9.393784, 15.693115, 12.073135, -1.857391, -9.287018, -2.500595, -13.419678, 20.504990, 17.504257, 20.129517, 18.504501, 19.004623, 16.103607, 9.709625, 12.831665, 
12.029694, 10.541870, 15.670471, 9.822189, 6.129440, 18.783997, 11.670090, 18.375656, 15.208969, 14.503525, 8.877365, 15.003662, 13.867004, 10.255539, 10.438065, 8.540222, 

12.250427, 12.364975, 11.644547, -2.911133, 12.259506, 11.839615, -2.309952, -2.959900, 11.520538, 11.882278, -3.082962, -2.970566, 11.485107, 11.910233, -3.221420, -2.977554, 
11.450287, 11.929520, -3.324265, -2.982361, 8.947128, 9.617584, -0.961761, -0.948898, -7.487366, 9.861404, -4.565460, 5.478546, -8.840988, -10.394836, 4.900177, -6.125214, 
1.225037, 3.675125, 13.859787, 9.941254, -3.976501, -6.958878, 2.000488, 3.266785, 9.349121, 10.202332, 10.384689, -5.126938, -5.186707, -3.946533, -5.192337, -3.960754, 
0.873077, -7.668533, 13.316040, 1.333649, -9.154785, -3.334152, 0.301590, -0.619003, 10.852966, 3.667542, 7.668518, 0.666809, -2.000488, 8.019791, 12.897308, 11.908875, 
1.043747, 13.585312, 14.088577, 13.669937, 13.727325, 11.460220, 12.653152, 13.739410, 14.838379, -10.058350, 13.744812, 4.787506, 10.958694, -6.906433, 14.799515, 15.278976, 
-5.354599, -4.933167, -4.523773, 5.941132, 12.872482, 12.169556, 12.826233, 11.761795, 12.614929, 11.025391, -2.182709, -1.455566, -0.873077, 11.842087, 8.983643, -8.084869, 
-12.073135, -3.207916, -3.329010, -2.940582, -8.512558, -11.144440, -10.215729, 4.643509, -1.107056, 0.790756, -1.118301, 0.670975, -13.643341, -0.928696, 5.572205, 1.107056, 
3.004883, -12.177734, 2.460266, 4.586426, -2.055984, 1.118301, 2.907593, -7.501816, 4.249557, -2.012939, 2.012939, -11.406723, 4.902725, -6.500916, 10.215729, 6.800552, 
0.158142, 5.591522, -0.670975, 10.279907, -4.902725, -8.502060, -14.985321, 3.802246, -9.502304, -13.196014, 11.228821, -14.090668, -18.579834, 8.698380, 8.420776, 9.317780, 
7.886124, 6.486176, -16.621063, -7.429626, -2.245911, 6.038849, 5.535324, 5.212860, 3.432861, 7.084152, 5.851639, 3.354904, -0.158142, 3.637497, -3.004883, 6.500916, 
-2.786102, 7.429626, 11.887131, 2.858414, 7.752457, 10.064758, 6.984680, 4.696884, -3.953812, -6.800552, -2.739273, 9.330994, -6.816818, -7.356140, -2.043137, -3.274063, 
-1.309616, 1.565628, -4.410873, -7.380814, 0.182617, 1.739670, -3.608887, -7.944626, 1.737625, 1.863556, 2.844376, -8.955429, -13.126648, -3.714813, 5.786835, 6.002045, 
1.302673, 5.661179, 7.257797, -1.674881, -7.669968, 4.331177, 10.235367, -4.652435, -7.796112, -12.377380, 9.861420, 7.433167, -14.499222, -14.168289, -10.106079, -15.257965, 
-14.435623, -10.683578, 4.382843, 0.223648, 10.404678, 11.545120, 2.789673, -4.413681, -12.301376, -11.637909, -2.688583, 0.825150, -6.501572, 3.275024, 11.229553, 2.261871, 
0.400986, 9.170105, 4.674561, 9.490082, 11.896027, 2.688583, 8.722794, 0.928696, -4.643509, -5.572205, -6.307465, -4.438675, 14.859238, -0.970367, 6.642410, -4.491821, 
-2.059723, -15.913773, -7.218628, -18.190964, -13.791931, 6.767654, 6.014832, 8.076019, 7.380814, 6.548141, -13.001846, 13.001846, -6.641144, -5.104340, -5.212860, 0.612518, 

2.008789, -6.329391, -7.749466, 1.837555, -3.062607, 1.964432, -3.354904, -3.742569, -2.774170, 5.392593, 1.397736, 4.716095, 7.317535, -1.562164, 5.456772, -6.933502, 
-5.020233, 10.277435, -4.522079, 11.568359, -1.636215, 2.021210, 8.275467, 4.334381, 9.287018, 4.801956, 2.837524, 3.652374, 3.104507, -6.111588, -5.144211, 9.385651, 
11.854050, 8.294296, 4.583694, -3.710602, 13.096268, 22.005356, 12.989761, 2.997635, 1.998413, 2.471191, 1.473206, 2.997330, 2.494385, 1.998215, 1.496628, 2.996979, 
-8.990967, 1.997986, 8.989746, -1.997711, 9.196121, 8.988342, 9.264374, 8.986664, 5.991104, 15.560135, 5.993164, 12.985199, 12.741623, -7.990891, -8.198944, -3.995438, 
-3.767090, -3.694016, -3.994812, -3.994064, 12.983139, 12.782501, -7.989624, -8.150314, 12.980728, -1.997025, -7.988144, 2.985840, -5.971680, 3.842682, 2.982361, 4.063004, 
2.977554, 1.990555, 2.854553, 3.078018, 1.988251, 1.985046, -1.996582, -2.522766, -1.996048, -2.487946, -1.995392, -5.986206, 9.982956, 6.988068, 6.439682, 6.468658, 
6.986206, 6.983902, -6.981079, 1.994598, -6.953583, -6.977509, -6.854355, -6.972946, 1.992264, 11.967575, 11.920425, 11.995132, 11.961472, 11.953644, -10.617050, -12.525040, 
-6.533554, -5.716873, -8.540222, -8.983643, 13.282288, 1.154968, -14.233704, 16.742264, 15.517227, -12.704803, -14.292160, 15.880310, 13.895279, 15.592255, 16.764145, 5.232407, 
-6.958710, -3.488281, -8.932678, -3.970078, 7.185745, 10.934830, 13.812881, -5.919800, 6.906433, 10.779831, 8.958878, 9.703796, 0.948898, 8.084869, 10.208694, 0.242584, 
3.015854, 0.316299, -11.433746, -15.182632, 7.507370, 6.224045, 5.354599, 6.248688, 5.389908, 6.277237, 6.307465, 1.455566, -1.460342, -1.347473, -0.657745, 6.634857, 
4.428268, 1.973267, 3.946533, -0.192490, -0.943024, -8.854858, -9.430389, -10.253876, -6.792648, 11.433746, -7.763016, -11.761795, -0.816681, -10.121750, 7.238037, 16.333923, 
-13.585312, -15.380829, -15.108856, -12.968506, -13.282288, 8.723099, 8.490814, -12.127304, -9.168015, 15.526062, 9.098770, 17.210464, 15.437561, 16.918045, 9.505890, 3.630203, 
7.528656, -8.358322, -0.103714, 7.763016, 8.733398, -9.709625, -11.374130, -10.541870, 14.437271, 17.004135, 12.002914, 16.974701, 17.902222, 12.077698, -10.002426, 8.502060, 
-9.002182, -19.004623, -18.504501, -20.504990, -17.004135, -9.817337, -10.502548, 7.893082, 7.122391, -3.015854, 46.011215, 60.014633, 17.491928, 16.939728, 2.157791, 3.719574, 
-3.727112, 12.652191, 11.377502, 1.569305, 0.666824, 0.333420, -4.161255, 6.501572, 7.501816, -10.852966, -10.592850, 9.669006, -12.129730, -9.349121, 9.391998, -6.668274, 
-11.549820, -12.750656, -13.731461, -10.029984, 15.044983, 7.037338, 17.224228, 14.148300, -2.673264, 9.393784, -3.469742, -19.504745, 0.490402, 1.443710, 4.413681, -1.471222, 

1.251221, 12.494049, 3.879303, -2.460266, 6.641144



The given slopes are the resulting height difference by walking one tile to east or south. Take in mind that inclinations greater than 1 can not be climbed by the player so they are kind of useless. At 0x0002 there is something I called pointer. This value is used everywhere where the slope has corners, for example that hillock at Route 12. This fields are enumberated in the height-layer, startet by 0, and point right behind the permission block.

Every corner produces 8 bytes:

Offset	Size	Description

0x00	2	Terrain 1
0x02	2	Terrain 2
0x04	2	Height 1
0x06	2	Height 2


The Terrain (1 and 2) values must be calculated to get something in the table above. Terrain table -> permission file:

Terrain 1:	Offset + 1
Terrain 2:	Offset / 4


The 3D characteristics of these tiles are formed by Terrain/Height 1 for the top-left and top-right corner and by Terrain/Height 2 for the bottom-left and bottom-right corner.


All other tiles are using the values from the two tables above. If the inclination is 0 to all directions, the final height is the same as specified. Else the height is perpendicular to the surface and must be calculated to get the expected result.


Important: The terrain- and height-values from B2W2 are not compatible with BW(1).

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On 10/17/2013 at 9:55 AM, Bond697 said:

random note:

a/0/1/3 is an array of 0x199 10-byte-member struct elements. this array links to a/0/6/0, which is a set of 200 780-byte files. they have something to do with vectors, but what exactly i'm not sure.

a/0/1/3 has been identified as area data. It defines which files are used to display the environment.

Offset	Size	Description

0x0	2	Used building pack
0x2	2	Map textures
0x4	1	Translate animations
0x5	1	Sequential animations
0x6	1	Building type (inside/outside)
0x7	1	Ambient light (if no weather)
0x8	1	Outline profile
0x9	1	Unknown (usually 0x01)


Most of the numbers are linking to members of this narc files:

a/2/2/5 - Building models, outside
a/2/2/6 - Building models, inside
a/1/7/4 - Building textures, outside
a/1/7/5 - Building textures, inside

a/0/1/4 - Map textures

a/0/6/8 - Animations (translate)
a/0/6/9 - Animations (sequential)

a/0/6/0 - Light profile, effects overworld and battles


Edited by Gonhex
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