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Hm, the Secret ID code isn't working for me. I hold L at my Trainer Card (and before I tapped it) and my money didn't even change. I updated my AR DSi with the firmware for Black and White last year, too. I have no idea what's wrong. I hope the code isn't bugged; it looks like it does work, but I don't know what's up. :/ What exactly is supposed to "change" when viewing the Trainer ID while holding L for the Secret ID code? Other SID codes changed your money...

Maybe I'll change the trigger code to select; maybe that'll help. But if not, perhaps it is something I'm doing incorrect.

By the way, I'm using the real copy of the game, Black 2. The code I'm using is this:

::Hold L to Show Secret ID at Trainer Card

52008BCC 47706101

12008BD0 00006900

94000130 FDFF0000

120085AC 00008A40

D2000000 00000000

Do I need to reupdate my firmware or something? The game loads all right but the code isn't changing the money to the SID at all. :/ Maybe the code hates me.


Has there been a code made to change the battle background when viewing a battle in the VS Recorder? I know there's one for B/W, and if I knew anything about creating codes, I would do so myself. The original code is:

94000130 FFFB0000

B2000024 00000000

0004FD78 000000XX

0004FD7C 000000YY

2004FD82 0000004B

D2000000 00000000

where XX and YY are changed to achieve different backgrounds. Pressing Select before pressing the Play button will change the background. I tried the code in White 2 and it didn't work for me, but it does work in White 1, so apparently it's different for the sequels.


made this code with pokegen for reflecting mirror.

94000130 FFFB0000

B2000024 00000000

00019218 0001027E

D2000000 00000000

Select to activate, Goes in Key Items.


Can someone make this code work for Black 2? In trying to use White Forest throught the Key System. The code is Max Dweller/Level in Black City and White/Forest

:Max Value for Front City Dwellers In White Forest/ Black city (Select)

::Hold Select before entering white forest/black city

94000130 FFFB0000

B2000024 00000000

C0000000 00000009

2003490E 00000064

DC000000 00000018

D2000000 00000000

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Other than Walk-through-walls, I can't think of much that PokeGen doesn't already take care of. I guess there would be unlocking the different settings for the games, and re-allow In-game Events.

Could we get any of the nice/useful codes posted on here? (I openly admit that I can't use http://cheats.gbatemp.net/forum, since I 'insulted a coder', which apparently results in an insta-ban with no expiration with no warning (can't even browse the site). I said a code was stupid, since it's effect is doable without cheating at all (do change the seasons, you just change the date on the DS system) [which I still would argue is not an insult of the coder, but that is moot point]. That was quite some time ago, but wisening up doesn't matter for that.)

Edited by jariesuicune

Please, Please , please..could someone make the code for Keldeo, Melloeta and Genesect for white 2 version.. i want the original event pokemon code so that i can change their forms in game.

  alex0 said:
Please, Please , please..could someone make the code for Keldeo, Melloeta and Genesect for white 2 version.. i want the original event pokemon code so that i can change their forms in game.

Why make hack codes for that when the PGF files for 2 of the events are already here? just use pokegen to make the pgf file into code and c/p it to your AR.

and genesect isn't even out yet, not till 8/11/12


well, i don't know how to make one ... i downloaded the wondercard of both keldeo and melloeta and opened up its information in pokegen , but some say that you now need to upload it on an online GTS and recieve it in game with wifi...the problem is , i am using NO$GBA emulator and no wifi...so it would be much better if someone provide me with a code or another tutorial to do so.

Posted (edited)
  ascension7 said:
Has there been a code made to change the battle background when viewing a battle in the VS Recorder? I know there's one for B/W, and if I knew anything about creating codes, I would do so myself. The original code is:

94000130 FFFB0000

B2000024 00000000

0004FD78 000000XX

0004FD7C 000000YY

2004FD82 0000004B

D2000000 00000000

where XX and YY are changed to achieve different backgrounds. Pressing Select before pressing the Play button will change the background. I tried the code in White 2 and it didn't work for me, but it does work in White 1, so apparently it's different for the sequels.

Asking for this again. I've been trying to search through the RAM, but nothing's been working. It appears to work differently than the first games however, as the new battle scene background appear more detailed. I have never done anything with the RAM before, so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing. Any suggestions as to what I should do?

EDIT: I just gave up doing an AR code and hacked the files in the game. If anyone's curious, here's a VS recorded match made successfully with a dark black battle scene!

So forget about my request, thanks anyway though! :)

Edited by ascension7
  alex0 said:
well, i don't know how to make one ... i downloaded the wondercard of both keldeo and melloeta and opened up its information in pokegen , but some say that you now need to upload it on an online GTS and recieve it in game with wifi...the problem is , i am using NO$GBA emulator and no wifi...so it would be much better if someone provide me with a code or another tutorial to do so.

just get rid of No$GBA and use Desmume instead and there are instructions for turning the pgf files into ar codes and inserting them into the Emu in the pokegen section here at pp.org

I hope this helps

  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have a code to rebattle the lati twins?Bond's code works like a charm for the other legendaries (bar regis,i haven't tested it on them yet,idk),but if i use it while entering dreamyard,only the soul dew respawns.Thanks in advance!

  Dreamer said:
Does anyone have a code to rebattle the lati twins?Bond's code works like a charm for the other legendaries (bar regis,i haven't tested it on them yet,idk),but if i use it while entering dreamyard,only the soul dew respawns.Thanks in advance!

That's really wierd as it respawned latias for me no problem.....


^Really?Did you use while entering dreamyard,or coming out of the stairs?Also did it activate the whole event,or was latias just waiting in it's final spot?I can't get it to work...

  Dreamer said:
^Really?Did you use while entering dreamyard,or coming out of the stairs?Also did it activate the whole event,or was latias just waiting in it's final spot?I can't get it to work...

It reactivated everything. I didn't even us it near the area, I started it to reset the Terrakion event cuz I got such a crappy nature when doing my wild capture RNG. it resets all the events. I am using Desmume 9.98 as an emulator, what are you using the codes on?

  Mothra67 said:
It reactivated everything. I didn't even us it near the area, I started it to reset the Terrakion event cuz I got such a crappy nature when doing my wild capture RNG. it resets all the events. I am using Desmume 9.98 as an emulator, what are you using the codes on?

Did you mean 0.9.8?Maybe that's the problem,i'm using 0.9.7,the wifi version.Thank you for your help,i guess i'll just use save states if there is no other code

  Dreamer said:
Did you mean 0.9.8?Maybe that's the problem,i'm using 0.9.7,the wifi version.Thank you for your help,i guess i'll just use save states if there is no other code

Yeah, I meant .9.8 sorry about that, mine does not have wifi either, I hope that isn't the issue, but it shouldn't be...Good luck though!

  • 4 weeks later...

Mass Box Delete Code B2W2:

Delete Box 01=L+R

Delete Box 02=START+SELECT

Delete Box 03= L+START

Delete Box 04=L+SELECT

Delete Box 05=L+Up

Delete Box 06=L+Right

Delete Box 07=L+Down

Delete Box 08=L+Left

Delete Box 09=L+A

Delete Box 10=L+B

Delete Box 11=R+START

Delete Box 12=R+SELECT

Delete Box 13=R+Up

Delete Box 14=R+Right

Delete Box 15=R+Down

Delete Box 16=R+Left

Delete Box 17=R+A

Delete Box 18=R+B

Delete Box 19=X

Delete Box 20=Y

Delete Box 21=X+L

Delete Box 22=X+R

Delete Box 23=Y+L

Delete Box24=X+R

  Reveal hidden contents
Posted (edited)
  Delta Blast Burn said:
Mass Box Delete Code B2W2:

Delete Box 01=L+R

Delete Box 02=START+SELECT

Delete Box 03= L+START

Delete Box 04=L+SELECT

Delete Box 05=L+Up

Delete Box 06=L+Right

Delete Box 07=L+Down

Delete Box 08=L+Left

Delete Box 09=L+A

Delete Box 10=L+B

Delete Box 11=R+START

Delete Box 12=R+SELECT

Delete Box 13=R+Up

Delete Box 14=R+Right

Delete Box 15=R+Down

Delete Box 16=R+Left

Delete Box 17=R+A

Delete Box 18=R+B

Delete Box 19=X

Delete Box 20=Y

Delete Box 21=X+L

Delete Box 22=X+R

Delete Box 23=Y+L

Delete Box24=X+R

  Reveal hidden contents

Have these been tested? You can only write on addresses that are in the 0x02000000-0x02400000 range. Based on your code, I'll assume that the address at 0x02000024 + 0x0D20 yields PC Box 1, Slot 1 and if that's the case, the first chunk of the code can be written as such:

94000130 FCFF0000
B2000024 00000000
C0000000 000003FB //how can you loop without an increment?
00000D20 00000000
D2000000 00000000

I'll look into this later.

Edited by Demonic722
Minor grammatical error.
Posted (edited)

Mass Delete Code BWB2W2:

This code works for all of Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 of any language.

Delete Box 01=L+R

Delete Box 02=START+SELECT

Delete Box 03= L+START

Delete Box 04=L+SELECT

Delete Box 05=L+Up

Delete Box 06=L+Right

Delete Box 07=L+Down

Delete Box 08=L+Left

Delete Box 09=L+A

Delete Box 10=L+B

Delete Box 11=R+START

Delete Box 12=R+SELECT

Delete Box 13=R+Up

Delete Box 14=R+Right

Delete Box 15=R+Down

Delete Box 16=R+Left

Delete Box 17=R+A

Delete Box 18=R+B

Delete Box 19=X+A

Delete Box 20=Y+A

Delete Box 21=X+L

Delete Box 22=X+R

Delete Box 23=Y+L

Delete Box 24=Y+R

  Reveal hidden contents
Edited by Delta Blast Burn
Updated Code with "B" Type code, now works on bwb2w2 all lang
  Delta Blast Burn said:

P.S. about your replacement code, you wouldn't use a "b" type code, because it loads the offset register with the data at that address, you would instead use a "d3" code type to load the register with the offset rather than the data located there

Based on those addresses that you wrote to, I assumed you were intending on using the Universal Pointer Address (02000024) for both games to get the correct address. You load a pointer with the 'B' code type and I'm still curious about the results of that code because from the looks of it, I don't think it'll work.

Note: I didn't look into this recently, so I'm not even sure if that's the correct offset.

  Delta Blast Burn said:
You may be, correct, i'm still perfecting my skills.

according to the document attached i assumed you would use "d3"

After a few days or so (since I was busy), I came up with this:

Real Time PC Box Deletion:

023FE074 012FFF11
E0000000 000000E8
E59F00C8 E5900000
E3500000 012FFF1E
E59F10BC E0800001
E59F50B8 E1D550B0
E3150C03 1A000005
E59F10AC E5801000
E59F10A8 E5801004
E59F10A4 E5801008
E3150004 112FFF1E
E5D01000 E5D02004
E5D03008 E3510001
112FFF1E E3520002
112FFF1E E3530003
112FFF1E E1D010B2
E1D020B6 E1D030BA
E3510012 C12FFF1E
E352001E C12FFF1E
E353001E C12FFF1E
E1520003 C12FFF1E
E2400906 E3A05A01
E0200591 E0400005
E3A05088 E0230395
E0220295 E0422005
E3A00000 E1520003
14820004 1AFFFFFC
E1A00000 E12FFF1E
02000024 00018D20
04000130 00120001
001E0002 001E0003
023FE074 E3520003

Press L+R to receive 18 Master Balls, 30 Ultra Balls and 30 Great Balls.

Master Balls - PC Box

Ultra Balls - Starting Slot

Great Balls - Ending Slot

Press Select to remove those Pokémon from that PC Box's Slot(s).


If the user discards 17 master balls, 29 Ultra Balls and 24 Great Balls, Pokémon 1-6 in Box 1 will be "released".

Special Thanks:

Codr and PokéGen. I used some info from Codr's PokéGen (PC Stuff) to make this.

The ASM Source is "noob-friendly" (I didn't over complicate it IMO) and I commented every line of the code.

Note: I doubt it will work on emulators (Desmume, NO$GBA, etc.). I tested this code on AceKard 2 + AKAIO with Pokémon Black 2 (J) [ProjectPokémon v4 Patch/IREJ E0BB8D9E] and the test results were good.

  Demonic722 said:
After a few days or so (since I was busy), I came up with this:

Real Time PC Box Deletion:

023FE074 012FFF11
E0000000 000000E8
E59F00C8 E5900000
E3500000 012FFF1E
E59F10BC E0800001
E59F50B8 E1D550B0
E3150C03 1A000005
E59F10AC E5801000
E59F10A8 E5801004
E59F10A4 E5801008
E3150004 112FFF1E
E5D01000 E5D02004
E5D03008 E3510001
112FFF1E E3520002
112FFF1E E3530003
112FFF1E E1D010B2
E1D020B6 E1D030BA
E3510012 C12FFF1E
E352001E C12FFF1E
E353001E C12FFF1E
E1520003 C12FFF1E
E2400906 E3A05A01
E0200591 E0400005
E3A05088 E0230395
E0220295 E0422005
E3A00000 E1520003
14820004 1AFFFFFC
E1A00000 E12FFF1E
02000024 00018D20
04000130 00120001
001E0002 001E0003
023FE074 E3520003

Press L+R to receive 18 Master Balls, 30 Ultra Balls and 30 Great Balls.

Master Balls - PC Box

Ultra Balls - Starting Slot

Great Balls - Ending Slot

Press Select to remove those Pokémon from that PC Box's Slot(s).


If the user discards 17 master balls, 29 Ultra Balls and 24 Great Balls, Pokémon 1-6 in Box 1 will be "released".

Special Thanks:

Codr and PokéGen. I used some info from Codr's PokéGen (PC Stuff) to make this.

The ASM Source is "noob-friendly" (I didn't over complicate it IMO) and I commented every line of the code.

Note: I doubt it will work on emulators (Desmume, NO$GBA, etc.). I tested this code on AceKard 2 + AKAIO with Pokémon Black 2 (J) [ProjectPokémon v4 Patch/IREJ E0BB8D9E] and the test results were good.

remember we were talking about that AR code hack not working anymore? i found where i tested it with real hardware and it stopped working:


i used an ards and someone else used an ardsi and neither worked. i remember trying it with simple max money codes too and not just the brightness code and it didn't work. and with and without a keypress activator.


Ah, I have an ARDS and I never had any problems with it. However, I never tried it with any of the newer Pokémon games since I don't own any, but I have tested it on other games.

ARDSi is crap IMO... I wrote a code for someone one day in Thumb and it failed to work, but it *magically* worked when I rewrote it in ARM. I'm not sure what Datel is doing in those ARDSi updates, but they should really look into fixing them.

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