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  Delta Blast Burn said:
the transparency has to be the first color in the pallette.

Oh ok, thanks. But is it supposed to and up looking like this? cause when i import it this is what it turns out like:




If you using paint, maybe is you will get this problem, try use program have feature : layer like paint.net / gimp / photoshop / another software ~

don't use new image, you just edit image was export from BWTE / kazo tools. remember every ncgr have ncer, narn, script, ect so don't put you image is not have same coordinate from original image~


I Have started using photoshop for making a transparent background, and have been successful with the backgriund but still get a scrambled image. Maybe i'll wait for a possible update ot something before using it again.

  k1d said:
You need to decocompress the rgcn file with Codec LZSS first.

The thing is, is the one without any file name the rgcn??

Ok I got it mostly.. But I could only figure out the trainer sprite...

I cant find the rgcn for cilan could you give me a number if possible

EDIT: I tested it with the main character and I almost got it.. its giving me some scribbles in the torso area

  IAL32 said:
Please, watch in HD


Well thank you but is just BWSE, i have plan to edit sprite in all type.

type 1 : no using compression and no encrypted file

type 2 : using compressed 0x10 and how to identified is compressed or not

type 3 : using compressed 0x11 and how to identified is compressed using this type or not

type 4 : edit BTX file~

type 5 : edit encrypted file~

BWSE is can edit type 1 and type 2/3 (must decompress first).

BWOE is can edit another btx file but if narc file is have another format (not only btx, it not work)

BWME actually is work type 1,2,3

for type 1 and 2 is can editable with crystaltile 2 like logo (is using type 2), ect ...

hm yeah you video is for type 2, but my video is using my language, and not english, sorry ...

i dislike you using on desktop, my method is organized but is need time..... but is best for me to organized another file and not for sprite~

  Andibad said:
Well thank you but is just BWSE, i have plan to edit sprite in all type.

type 1 : no using compression and no encrypted file

type 2 : using compressed 0x10 and how to identified is compressed or not

type 3 : using compressed 0x11 and how to identified is compressed using this type or not

type 4 : edit BTX file~

type 5 : edit encrypted file~

BWSE is can edit type 1 and type 2/3 (must decompress first).

BWOE is can edit another btx file but if narc file is have another format (not only btx, it not work)

BWME actually is work type 1,2,3

for type 1 and 2 is can editable with crystaltile 2 like logo (is using type 2), ect ...

hm yeah you video is for type 2, but my video is using my language, and not english, sorry ...

i dislike you using on desktop, my method is organized but is need time..... but is best for me to organized another file and not for sprite~


  Andibad said:
Well thank you but is just BWSE, i have plan to edit sprite in all type.

type 1 : no using compression and no encrypted file

type 2 : using compressed 0x10 and how to identified is compressed or not

type 3 : using compressed 0x11 and how to identified is compressed using this type or not

type 4 : edit BTX file~

type 5 : edit encrypted file~

BWSE is can edit type 1 and type 2/3 (must decompress first).

BWOE is can edit another btx file but if narc file is have another format (not only btx, it not work)

BWME actually is work type 1,2,3

for type 1 and 2 is can editable with crystaltile 2 like logo (is using type 2), ect ...

hm yeah you video is for type 2, but my video is using my language, and not english, sorry ...

i dislike you using on desktop, my method is organized but is need time..... but is best for me to organized another file and not for sprite~

Well, for method 2 i use editor.exe, is simply and fast with my desktop organizing, cause so i can extract specify files(the 2 type compressed)with Lz Batch Decompress.

  Skyownsyou said:

But i not promise since i have problem in my connection :/, it not this june, maybe on july. in POIN (Pokemon Indonesia Comunity), i was explain pokemon data in this week) , and my next plan is editing sprite, with video (for easy to explain step by step), yeah sorry if i not upload it :/

for now you can see IAL32 video, is look working for sprite~

kiwi.ds is for 0x10 only and not 0x11 (but i not sure)

0x11 is can decompressed using other tools (i was found many tools for handle this type)

  Andibad said:
But i not promise since i have problem in my connection :/, it not this june, maybe on july. in POIN (Pokemon Indonesia Comunity), i was explain pokemon data in this week) , and my next plan is editing sprite, with video (for easy to explain step by step), yeah sorry if i not upload it :/

for now you can see IAL32 video, is look working for sprite~

kiwi.ds is for 0x10 only and not 0x11 (but i not sure)

0x11 is can decompressed using other tools (i was found many tools for handle this type)

I know kiwi.ds is only for type 2(x10)indeed i use that for 0x10 compressed. For example, the BW Logo is x10 compressed, i use kiwi.ds-->Lz Batch Decompress and select the folder wich have only the 0x10 compressed files.

For 0x11 i use the following file:

Codec LZSS DS.exe

Can you tell me another programs wich can decompress 0x11? Thanks


Hello people, i have some troubles using the BWSE and the BWME tool (others work perfect)

-Whenever i open the SE and load the rgcn file, and rlcn files, i get a black screen with weird color dots on it..

-Mugshot editor just gives an error.. Simply won't let me load the files (I belive I decompressed using crystal tile2)

So what do I do? I have a awesome hack planned for the future, but i need to get this fixed, else I won't be able to continue, since I have the overworlds ready already for most characters.. please help :C?

(BTW, im using Europe roms for black and white.. is this a problem?)


1. crystal tile is support 0x10 and 0x11 , can edit 0x10 but weird if is file using 0x11, so don't edit with crystal tile if file is compressed with 0x11 / 0x40.

2. mugshot sprite is using 0x10 so decompressed first, is same as logo sprite... so is can using crystal tile2.

3. pokemon sprite, trainer sprite/backsprite is using 0x11, almost sprite on BW is using this type, yay not all sprite can handle with kazo tools, crystaltile is weird to re-coordinate ==".

4. ROM Pokemon BW E/U/J/D/I/ect is same so is can editable since is same sprite (except for text/sprite containing text).

hm i was found http://code.google.com/p/puyotools/ , maybe is usefull (is not for pokemon game, but is good tools to see archive format on NDS ROM). yeah is can insert/export file from narc, pokemon BW narc file is fine with this tools, and is GUI, another tools is http://code.google.com/p/dsdecmp/ is Commandline tools

Is support Compression:

  • CNX
  • CXLZ
  • LZ00
  • LZ01
  • LZ11 (LZ77 format 11)
  • LZ77/LZSS
  • PRS

Also archive :


  • ACX
  • AFS
  • GNT
  • GVM
  • MDL
  • MRG
  • NARC<-- pokemon BW is used this format~
  • Puyo Fever 2 SPK
  • Puyo Fever 2 TEX
  • PVM
  • SNT
  • Storybook Archive (ONE)
  • Storybook TXD
  • Unleashed ONE
  • VDD

Yeah is fine for me for batch compress /decompress, but i not always used this tools.


Hmm, i still seem to have troubles using the mugshot editor... It keeps giving me an error about something being outside the matrixborder stuff. looks like this, and tried decompressing till my arse fell off.

  Reveal hidden contents

I simply cant get it to work, so i gave up for today..



before kazo create this tools, i just using crystaltile2 for editing sprite no compressed, compressed with 0x10. after kazo create this tools, in my first experiment is totally working without problem you countered, I can't read you error message, maybe is from net framework.

1. is right you file is was decompressed ? kiwi.ds will decompressed some file in same location on kiwi.ds itselft. if not sure you can look up on HEX editor these file, you can indicate is compressed or not, is simple see 1st byte, if is 10/11/00 and will follow ncgr (in magic name) (yeah is based on narc header), is still compressed....

2. maybe you step is wrong?. a extract narc file from ROM using NitroExplorer2b, after there move narc file into kiwi.ds exe patch, see IAL32 video.

3. if you problem is only on compressed file you can using http://code.google.com/p/puyotools/ for only decompressed and compressed, remember not all file to decompressed, pallete file is not need to decompressed, kept it original. kiwi.ds always give a extension in some file, is no problem, you can give a extension with ncgr (for indicate is not compressed), NARN / NCGR is always compressed.

4. if done compressed again mug shot sprite with 0x10 and not 0x11 it will freeze. OW/trainer/pokemon/backsprite is seem compressed with 0x11. pokemon games always using 0x10 / 0x11 and not compressed.

5. clearly you step, and please not using you desktop, i don't know why someone is fail, but i success replace with another sprite, i was editing some sprite on my new version (my mod version 3), i just confused help you because you not given a actual data / "how you get these error?". maybe is wrong , sorry because i don't know.


I've been having some trouble trying to use the Sprite Editor to modify the pokemon in a/0/0/4. It seems that when you try to reinsert a .png - even if it's been unedited - it messes up the scripting which dictates which color from the palette goes in which location on the sprite.

I've also seen all of the locations of the different files in a/0/0/4 all mixed up (viewed via ConsoleTool), which results in the game crashing whenever you'd look at a pokemon.


After pallete file is a new sprite... so pallete file is last file for some file, after pallete file is a next sprite, i think is have 7 file (if animated is need 7 file or more, yeah is not include alternative form, color like archeus, and ect....)

Bulbasaur is have 20 file on a/0/0/4, 3 ncgr file, 2 ncer file, 1 nanr file, 1 nmcr file, 1 nmar file, 1 script, it will repeat for backsprite file, and last file is 2 pallete file, is for shiny and normal, and is end for bulbasaur sprite file, total 20 file.... , nanr and ncgr is compressed with 0x11 so carefully for these file~, is same as front sprite trainer but is 7/8 file....

20 file is for normal pokemon, is was include female sprite~. pokemon like archeus, and another alternative form, is need more than 20 file, is on sprite or pallete, also ncer, nmar, script is always together...


Good to know, Andi!

Has anybody ever actually successfully edited a pokemon's in-battle sprite? Here's what happens to me, step by step. I'll first extract all the files from a/0/0/4 into a folder. Then I'll use LZSS 0x11 decompression on the third NCGR file in a particular pokemon's "section." The third one after the previous pokemon's palette file. This contains a broken-up frontsprite that looks like picture number one.

I'll then decompress the corresponding backsprite - picture 2. I select the frontsprite's decompressed NCGR file and its corresponding NCLR palette with Kazo's BWSE. I get a working picture which I export as a .png - that's how I got the attached photos. I re-import the photo without so much as touching it in Paint or whatever. Then, still in the BWSE, I open the NCGR that contains the same pokemon's backsprite. Picture 3 is the result.

Has anybody found a way around this?


Druddigon Back..png

Druddigon Twiste&#1.png




  • 3 weeks later...


Im really new in this so,I want to change the overword,how do I use the tool?

it ask for a narc. file,and I really dont know what it is.

Please help :3

  Joalsses said:

Im really new in this so,I want to change the overword,how do I use the tool?

it ask for a narc. file,and I really dont know what it is.

Please help :3

You can get it by following these directions

1. open up editor.exe or NitroExplorer.exe (I will use NitroExplorer)

2. Load up the rom

3. go to a/0/4/

4. once you get to that part you will see multiple files. Choose 9 and extract it anywhere.

5. rename the file you extracted 9.narc

6. open the Overworld Editor

7. load up the 9.narc file

8. Do your part extracting pictures and edit them

9. save it

10. Go to your nitroexplorer

11. load up your rom

12. go back to a/0/4/

13. go to reinsert on the nitroexplorer and browse the 9.narc file

14. save it into your rom

15. enjoy

Posted (edited)
  evandixon said:
You'll need to be more specific. What kind of problem are you having?

I actually need help on this one. I keep on getting Just in time errors and they're so annoying. please help

Edited by Paced98

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