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magma/aqua return?cool! Heres the scenario i am seeing,

You beat the champ and can go to kanto you go to the sevi islands and discover team magma/aqua(depends on version) is after a legendary pokemon on 8 island (kyogre/groudon) they find the gemstone needed to awaken the pokemon (remember in leaf/fire the two gems needed to trade with the hoenn region?those) but the pokemons full climate abilities are surpressed by a mystical power on a nearby island...long story short you go to the island defeat the magma/aqua boss and take the gemstone the legendary pokemon then attacks you and you battle and defeat/catch it job done!

this seems very plausible to me :D


It's such a weird match up, though. O.o?!

Seriously, it should be Groudon along side of Hoho. It would make sense that way since Groudon is perfect to match up with Hoho, but Kyogre only makes Hoho substantially weaker. It lowers it's Fire, powers it's weakness Water and allows Thunder to hit each time.

Lugia is okay with Groudon, but could be better with Kyogre.

  Greencat said:
Possible, but I mean, I don't like the idea of me having to trade for Kyogre just so I can have it. I'll rather battle it and catch it in Silver. :/

You know Gamefreak. More money for them X_X

They always do this. And I was actually expecting it. One firesque and one wateresque for one version.

Eh, sounds plain. They will probably be found in a new area. Like a new cave or something like that.

What about terra cave and marine cave from emerald!

  PaDdY! said:
What about terra cave and marine cave from emerald!

That was my first thought when I started speculating they would be included, I mean the cave can teleport from route to route, so why not region to region if necessary. But I then dismissed the idea because I figured they wouldn't want to create an overworld sprite for them like they didn't for the Regis and Bird trio in Platinum. But once it was revealed that all 493 Pokemon will have overworlds anyway, I don't see a problem with it anymore.


They just like to make things rather balanced and I like this absolutely.

It would be rather strange if there was a Pokemon game where you'd get 3 different fire-like/red pokemon in 1 version and some other 3 water-like/blue pokemon in the other version.

I love it how now there is a set of games that has the 3 flying guardians Lugia, Ho-oh, Rayquaza in it =D

Btw: Why is everyone sure we will be able to let any Pokemon follow you?

IIRC it said in the scans that we can let out anything from the starter to legendaries.

This doesn't necessary mean every Pokemon IMO



1.) The statement "anything from starters to legendaries" covers all the Pokemon in the broad sense Bulbasaur to Arceus. Looking any further into it is pointless, there is no reason to think that it is only select Pokemon.

2.) Johto's original daycare center put the sprites of the Pokemon you left there outside in the fence, so they had to make overworlds for all the Pokemon anyway. You will be able to get other Pokemon besides the Johto Dex ones and others available in game, so eventually all 493 Pokemon can be placed in the Daycare, and they will have a sprite, its not that much more work to change like 5-10 pixels to make it look like they are walking.

I prefer the way the legends are distributed now anyway. I like Lugia more than Ho-oh, and Groudon more than Kyogre. Rayquaza is the best out of the ancient titans, but he's available to both games if you have the other two of the trio, so it doesn't really matter.

  wraith89 said:
Extra, but if Magma/Aqua were in, it shouldn't be that big of a role... or maybe minor compared to Rocket's.

I wasn't thinking that big of a role...maybe something along the lines of capturing heatran. Like they did with team galactic, they showed up at stark mountain and I was baffled until I saw chairon/pluto and then he talked and I realized what was going on. :( Maybe a bigger role then that but still small at the best.



If you look in the bottom left of this picture, you'll notice that the tree there has an overall different shape than the other trees, with a higher, narrower and green trunk. Maybe this is a headbutt tree!

I posted this same topic on gameFAQs and got flamed for it. Most people seem to think it's just the top of another tree but it seems to look significantly different at the bottom, so what do you guys think?


It'll be interesting to say the least what ends up happening with groudon, kyogre, and rayquaza. If team magma/aqua dont show up then wouldn't team rocket show up? It will be interesting to see everything slowly unfold. I just cant wait to get the game! Ugh, but by the time I'll get the game all the people from japan will have gotten all those cool pokes back in the 2nd generation and have gotten all the best trades, gotten all the guide information out, and had probably one of the best pokemon games a couple months before a ton of other pokemonfans :( If only I could read japanese or you could change the text from japanese to...english.


Naw, I really doubt Team Magma or Aqua will show up. Its too much effort for them to put in for legends not from the original generation. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel didn't get that treatment. No one in the game even really so much as mentions them besides Professor Oak.

At the very least, I expect Oak or Elm to tell you there have been reports of strange weather patterns in Johto, and maybe that the Goldenrod radio Tower might have the latest reports of where the anomaly has been spotted. If they want to get a little more in depth.

At the very most, I'd expect to see Ruby, Sapphire or Professor Birch show up saying they tracked Groudon/Kyogre to Johto and have been hearing rumors of weather anomalies, but they aren't familiar with the land and can't get seem to catch up with the beast and would like to know if the Player could do it for them.


Yeah, Birch may show up (or maybe May), however I seriously doubt Team Aqua or Magma will. Team Rocket already fills the role of inept idiots quite well.

At the most, perhaps during the Hoenn legendary side-quest of these games, there'll be some new Team Rocket grunts or admins that make reference to being former members of Team Magma, or Aqua. I'd be cool with that. It would provide an explanation for why Team Rocket could know about the titans, and be after them.

  DanteKoriyu said:
Naw, I really doubt Team Magma or Aqua will show up. Its too much effort for them to put in for legends not from the original generation. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel didn't get that treatment. No one in the game even really so much as mentions them besides Professor Oak.

At the very least, I expect Oak or Elm to tell you there have been reports of strange weather patterns in Johto, and maybe that the Goldenrod radio Tower might have the latest reports of where the anomaly has been spotted. If they want to get a little more in depth.

At the very most, I'd expect to see Ruby, Sapphire or Professor Birch show up saying they tracked Groudon/Kyogre to Johto and have been hearing rumors of weather anomalies, but they aren't familiar with the land and can't get seem to catch up with the beast and would like to know if the Player could do it for them.

Here's the difference. Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres didn't have a team trying to obtain them. Same with the Regis. As for the other legends in the game, they did. So it does seem possible.

Here's the difference. Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres didn't have a team trying to obtain them. Same with the Regis. As for the other legends in the game, they did. So it does seem possible.

Possible, but unlikely. Perhaps 1 person in a traditional Aqua/Magma uniform, but currently working for Team Rocket. Including a whole other Team, though, would be awkward.

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