Guested Posted June 11, 2009 Author Posted June 11, 2009 It's interesting that while there are so MANY legendary pokemon, they are not all completely available in one play through, in a normal situation. Kyogre/Groudon Dialga/Palkia/Giratina I keep thinking that we'll see Latios/Latias as roaming Pokemon, but we'll have to wait to find out. As for the white rock, I don't think it will be Shaymin. If it is related to a Pokemon event, I think they'll put something different with it. Mew, perhaps? But I still don't think it will be Mew since it was in a WC last year, and is also available through Ranch.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 11, 2009 Posted June 11, 2009 Serebii obtains images of Cynthia with Arceus with three circles around him forming a triangle which must be for the Sinnoh trio and Serebii states that if Arceus is traded over to HG and SS you can get the trio at level one, Jirachi event distribution which unlocks a secret area (probably will be in the game), box art, and Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza. I speculate Jirachi will be in the game. They are adding all the legendaries due to the lack of pal-park, which makes these in game events all the better.
Endless Eden Posted June 11, 2009 Posted June 11, 2009 Yes i have seen them the circles around arceus seem colored towards the trio...But still were will they put em all?
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 11, 2009 Posted June 11, 2009 That's what speculation is for. We don't know yet, but maybe there will be an area that opens up after trading Arceus over.
Endless Eden Posted June 11, 2009 Posted June 11, 2009 Either that or they are listening to people and there going to make kanto WAY more interesting...
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 11, 2009 Posted June 11, 2009 No need to guess that. Just by making it 3D makes it interesting. But I do speculate that Sevii islands will be in the game since now they are revealing all the Pokémon events, they will most likely add Mew in there.
DanteKoriyu Posted June 11, 2009 Posted June 11, 2009 Just a note, the bit about Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina being in game is just a rumor right now. The scan shows Cynthia and Arceus as well as text saying "given the choice to chose one life of 3". For all we know, it could be Arceus revealing why he chose Giratina to inhabit the Torn World. As for Celebi being included, that's pretty much a definite, even if they don't announce it till after the release. Celebi hasn't been available legitimately to hardly anyone, making it a very rare legend, and even more so out of Japan. On the subject of the white rock, I really hate to think they would cram MORE Sinnoh legends in after we just had 3 games with them. I'd like more to think that tghhe white rock would be more related to Jirachi, similar to the one in Hoenn which was never utilized. (A NPC said that the rock was special to the Space Center and people of Mossdeep, and it was used to wish for safe launches by placing a wish tag upon it.) The rock may activate when you approach it with Jirachi and unlock a new area, possibly full of meteorites to change Deoxy's forms within HGSS? I dunno, a thought though.
FLOOTENKERP Posted June 11, 2009 Posted June 11, 2009 Hm, you're right. The white rock might be related to Jirachi. since they had that white rock in Mosdeep rumored to unlock Jirachi, maybe Game Freak decided to do that in this game. This game is already dazzling me with the extensive amount of legendary Pokémon. Maybe they will have Mew as well. Seems like a possibility.
PaDdY! Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 i just thought- what if when you just left the game sitting there your pokemon would dance or jump or something- how cool, a dancing totodile
Klaatu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Even stuff like Wobbuffet, Larvitar and Steelix can follow you outside it's Pokéball! ( And now it's clear, the "New Pokedex" is back. Mareep #53, Togepi #46 etc. Btw, there is something totally new right west to the National Park. No real clue what this could be. New rocket base? Battle tent-like building? Something to do with Kyogre/Groudon? A kind of tower is east to Mt.Mortar? Mt.Mortar got a hole that's higher than the others? The Ruins look kewl The Route down from Blackthorn looks different too. Don't remember that river there. Cool visual imrpovements for windows like Team stats, PC box, items O= The Rocket is in front of the Radio tower like always. I wanna play this q.q You get some crap figures again for preordering (July4+), lol Arceus The Route from Ilex Forest->Goldenrod looks so fresh and 201 like .... Pokewalker looks crap =o But yay cool intros with Tin tower and Lugia behind a waterfall O: EDIT: OMG OMG OMG (doesn't mean I believe in some god btw) LOOK AT THE FIRST SCAN under elms hand Cianwood RIVER BRIDGES new place =DDDd
DanteKoriyu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Sorry but your links are terrible and don't wanna work. So heres new ones... I'm excited that all 493 Pokemon can follow you. And you know why they did this, so that they had all the sprites for when you put your Pokemon in the daycare. Though this raises the question how Pokemon with larger sprites are going to work. Can you imagine your little character trotting along with the big old Origin for Giratina or Regigigas sprites following behind you? They wouldn't fit in most of the rooms you go into. Also, Arceus event with a Level 1 Giratina, Dialga, or Palkia is confirmed. Why its included, no idea, but its true.... Not sure how much I like the Poke'Dex, Poke'Gear, and other menu upgrades. I'm used to the rounded one with a smooth look to them in D/P/Pt and these new ones look a bit square/sharp/boxy. I'm sure I'll adjust though, but I doo like the touch screen functionality thats been implemented into everything. Almost everything in HGSS seems to be getting a huge overhaul.
Klaatu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: Sorry but your links are terrible and don't wanna work. So heres new ones... I'm excited that all 493 Pokemon can follow you. And you know why they did this, so that they had all the sprites for when you put your Pokemon in the daycare. Though this raises the question how Pokemon with larger sprites are going to work. Can you imagine your little character trotting along with the big old Origin for Giratina or Regigigas sprites following behind you? They wouldn't fit in most of the rooms you go into. Also, Arceus event with a Level 1 Giratina, Dialga, or Palkia is confirmed. Why its included, no idea, but its true.... Not sure how much I like the Poke'Dex, Poke'Gear, and other menu upgrades. I'm used to the rounded one with a smooth look to them in D/P/Pt and these new ones look a bit square/sharp/boxy. I'm sure I'll adjust though, but I doo like the touch screen functionality thats been implemented into everything. Almost everything in HGSS seems to be getting a huge overhaul. Those are the scans I meant yeah, but tried posting links from them on Which automatically don't work. Maybe the new area next to National Park is a fishing contest or something? DX Yeah they did the overworld sprites cause of the daycare so why not let them follow you hehe. Seeing how Steelix is not THAT huge on there, the others shouldn't really be problematic. What I wonder is, if water 2 (fish-like) Pokémon can follow you? In Daycare there's a pool for those Wailord noez.... DX
Endless Eden Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 that area next to the park looks like a port of some sort..In the johto map there was all water to the right of the park my guess is that its a ferry to a new area! Ha that steelix looks funny that doesnt look like larvitar to me more like keckleon..O_o And goldenrod looks way different
Klaatu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 telos said: that area next to the park looks like a port of some sort..In the johto map there was all water to the right of the park my guess is that its a ferry to a new area!Ha that steelix looks funny that doesnt look like larvitar to me more like keckleon..O_o And goldenrod looks way different No I see it now, its Politoed! =DDDDDDdddddd Goldenrod seems quite the same to me Beside the rail being above ground, the PC, mart, gamecroner, radio tower, name rater, bicycle seller house and the other few houses are arranged exactly the same. Oh, you mentioned the port. Maybe it's just the port where you get underground, but east instead of south? Altough I don't see any ship or anything LOL I'm the most interested in those bridges southwest of Cianwood O_O Also the ponds north of those!
Endless Eden Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Now that ^ seems more probable It appears the train that goes from goldenrod to saffron goes underwater! cool! Either that or it is incomplete... And also further to the left of that new park area (port?) i can see a church of some sort....Arceus anyone?..O_o I can see mt.silver though it appears unchanged...O_o And i can see a bit of the lake of rage too!Gah i am too excited i want this game!!!!!!
Klaatu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 telos said: Now that ^ seems more probable It appears the train that goes from goldenrod to saffron goes underwater! cool! Either that or it is incomplete... And also further to the left of that new park area (port?) i can see a church of some sort....Arceus anyone?..O_o And i can see a bit of the lake of rage too!Gah i am too excited i want this game!!!!!! That's no church, its definitely the lighthouse. Its where it should be considering the road slightly northwest of it. The train probably goes into a cave, which we cannot see because of 1 or 2 cm of the map missing in between the pages (which is also why there's no Sprout tower). But it's interesting that it's still over ground when going through the Route =D Crap, chances for Houndour appearing in Johto fell with it again being number 2xx somewhere before the Kanto fossils and starters -___- But hopefully there'll be a volcano, so we don't find Slugma on a stupid place like the cycling road o____O"
DanteKoriyu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 I'm pretty sure that "church" is the lighthouse in Olivine City. The new port is probably just an aesthetic change to Olivine so it seems more useful as said port instead of just a coast with a light house. I'm willing to bet that the Pokemon placement has at least been revamped. I hated that half the Johto Pokemon couldn't be caught until Kanto.
Klaatu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 If I'm not mistaken (pic with Wobbuffet), I can get myself a Mareep before challenging Falkner due to the new patch of Grass =DDDDDDDd
Endless Eden Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Ahh the light house i forgot about that..they seem a bit close together for it to be a lighthouse though and the light house is south not east... I think those 2 will probably be in victory road,mt.mortar or mt.silver? i dunno..slugma on cycling road lol that was so stupid
DanteKoriyu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 Actually, I'm really hoping for the return of the Unown'Dex. And I also hope that it updates them in order of the alphabet instead of catch order like the form feature of the Dex in D/P/Pt. That and I can't wait to walk around Johto with a Mewtwo, Deoxys, or almost any other legendary behind me. The only sad part is that the NPCs won't react to it. Imagine having a Legendary or a Wailord walking behind you and the NPCs just watching you walk by like "WTF?!".
Klaatu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 telos said: Ahh the light house i forgot about that..they seem a bit close together for it to be a lighthouse though and the light house is south not east...I think those 2 will probably be in victory road,mt.mortar or mt.silver? i dunno..slugma on cycling road lol that was so stupid They were saving Slugma for a volcano interior on Cinabar, but got space problems. There's no reason now why you couldn't be able to go into the volcano. But why Houndour in Kanto only? That was unacceptable q.q And will probably remain so. The placement in the Johtodex will remain the same. You can see numbers of Pokemon on a picture. All of them are the same. And as they won't leave any Kanto Pokémon out (Lance has Aerodactyl and Charizard) I highly doubt they'll change anything. Poor stuff like Misdreavus and Houndour q.q And what about Sneasel? It was in the Ice cave in Crystal, why put it at the last 50 of a 250 long Pokedex? That's even behind Cubone and Kangaskhan who are catchable in 1 area in Kanto <,< I don't get it how Water 2 Pokémon can walk behind you? They don't have legs and need water What if instead of walking behind you, sprites of those will be used to replace the Lapras/Wailmer/Surfing Fish and actually show you on what you're surfing? Go Poliwag Surf...............
DanteKoriyu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 If you were commenting on my statement about Pokemon placement, you misinterpreted my meaning. I didn't mean placement in the Dex, I mean in the region itself. They have had years to think about this and have plenty of space now, so I'm sure the Pokemon placement will be better thought out, though still pretty similar. ex.) Houdour or Slugma in the Burnt tower?
Klaatu Posted June 12, 2009 Posted June 12, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: If you were commenting on my statement about Pokemon placement, you misinterpreted my meaning. I didn't mean placement in the Dex, I mean in the region itself. They have had years to think about this and have plenty of space now, so I'm sure the Pokemon placement will be better thought out, though still pretty similar. ex.) Houdour or Slugma in the Burnt tower? I posted some time ago also that Slugma could be in the Burnt tower. But Houndour? The perfcet place for Houndour would be Growlithe/Vulpix areas at night. Similar for Murkrow in the few Spearow areas or replacing something other. What about Misdreavus? If it would appear somewhere before you end the whole game (<,<) there would be higher chances for Morty using one =D Say no to 4 Gastly-line team Ilex forest at night? Seems to Sinnoh-ish Lighthouse at night? um..... Burnt tower at night? Oh and soemthing more regarding the stupid Johtodex order. WTF is Diglett doing at #132? It's not like you find it elsewhere than Diglett cave after 5 Kanto gyms
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