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IMO, them having a team trying to attain them doesn't really help their chances for said team to appear for them again. Archie and Maxie gave up their conquest of trying to attain the titans and alter the earth's land-water ratio. They learned that they couldn't control them and that their inability to do so almost caused a semi-natural disaster the likes the world had never seen before. The grunts were just as much of an eye witness as the leaders, and I'm sure none of them are stupid enough to try and destroy the world again.

And before you say this is the same thing as Giovanni leaving Team rocket, its not. Even though Team Rocket was after Mewtwo, once it escaped into the wild, all it wanted was to be left alone. It went and hid in a cave that next to no one is allowed into. And once you defeated Giovanni, and he left Team Rocket without saying a word to anyone, the grunts were just left alone without leadership. The admins took over and continued to try and capture Pokemon to help them rule the world and draw their leader back to them, but not cause the entire planet to erupt into chaos that would cause mass extinction for anything that couldn't live in water.

Anyway, I really hope Lugia and Ho-Oh play a bit more of role in the main storyline. In the original Gold and Silver, you could have played the whole game and never actually be drawn to the mascots. The beast trio played more of a role in game, because at least you were drawn to the Burnt tower for a rival battle and witnessed the release of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune.

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  TM2-Megatron said:
Possible, but unlikely. Perhaps 1 person in a traditional Aqua/Magma uniform, but currently working for Team Rocket. Including a whole other Team, though, would be awkward.

True, two teams is pretty big. But still, this game will probably add new enemies.



The whole map of Johto!!1 Although I want a bigger picture.............

Like I said, Cianwood has got new areas behind it, which at first appear to also hold a Pal park, but I hope I'm wrong and it's something more cool!

There really is something next to the Radio tower. GTS comes to mind.

A cloud is hiding the area west of Olivine City. It's big enough for 3 Battle towers O_O

And there definitely is soemthing as the beginning of the road leading up can be seen.

The golden area above Ecruteak city is highly suspicious!

How you get there? Around the Burnt tower is a path leading behind it...

My thoughts about one entrace to Mt.Mortar being higher on the mountain are shown to be real, as now we cna clearly see 4 caves.

The new river that goes from a cave near Blackthorn south to Newbark town could be a foretaste of Mt.Silver if it's enterable. Larvitars for us before E4 hopefully.

And for everyone who was doubting Kanto, even tough we know there was a train and that the E4 is in Kanto... you can now see part of Route 22 to the east...

And congratulations GF you screwed the similarity to realworld japan even more LOL

Now it's totally different around Cianwood and unclear which island it represents....

  Guested said:


I really looks like it!

But the water between them looks just like a river or something, while it should have 4 small islands, 1 bigger and 1 really big island in there. Instead there are 4 islands east of Shikoku....)=

And the golden forest should already be half in the sea, yet there's alot of mountains further...

Like the lake being in the wrong place wasn't enough LOL


  Klaatu said:
I really looks like it!

But the water between them looks just like a river or something, while it should have 4 small islands, 1 bigger and 1 really big island in there. Instead there are 4 islands east of Shikoku....)=

And the golden forest should already be half in the sea, yet there's alot of mountains further...

Like the lake being in the wrong place wasn't enough LOL


Just keep in mind... the Pokemon world is merely based off of the real world.

I could tell you a million things that are incorrect about Hoenn and Sinnoh, compared to Kyushu and Hokkaido. My favorite: The fact that there's a tropical resort area on Sakhalin Island.... >_>


I'm hoping that we can go to Jhoto and Kanto like the old games.

Though it would still be fun to have one master game where you can go to Kanto all the way to Sinnoh!

Sadly there was already an interview where the idea of an MMO was shot down. Pokemon is handheld only, and even with WiFi its still mainly a single player game...

  AlbinoDrow said:
I'm hoping that we can go to Jhoto and Kanto like the old games.

Though it would still be fun to have one master game where you can go to Kanto all the way to Sinnoh!

Sadly there was already an interview where the idea of an MMO was shot down. Pokemon is handheld only, and even with WiFi its still mainly a single player game...

Are there still people who think Kanto could possibly not be in the games?

Not just that we saw the train already, but now we also have a map where one can see the Route from Victory road leading to Viridian (23 or something)....

And Johto without Kanto is not realistic, there's too much that can't be just left out.


True, though I still wonder if there will ever be a game where you can join the bad guys.

I remember the guy that asked you to join Team Rocket on Nugget Bridge. Shame you always were forced to say 'no' lol


That will never happen. It is one of those things where they give you a choice, but you really don't have a choice. Speaking of bad guys, I think the plot for Team Rocket is going to change and that they might be after the Hoenn legends instead of bringing the team back. But they could probably do both. Lately I've been okay with the major changes they made.


Yea, I'm now just in it for the new features, new discoveries, and learning more about the pokemon world. The battling, gyms, and E4 are just little roadblocks that must be destroyed if I am to learn about the world created.


what about pokemons which evolve in certain areas like leafeon and glaceon

if the only evolve in areas of sinnoh are they going to evolve in hg and ss ???:confused:

Hey, a thought just popped into mind! Since a lot of things are now being controlled with the touch screen, maybe the unown tiles will also be moved with the touch screen!

Well that's obvious.

I wonder if they'll leave the HM list like it is in DPt.


1 Cut Cut

2 Fly Fly

3 Surf Surf

4 Strength Strength

5 Defog Flash

6 Rock Smash Whirlpool

7 Waterfall Waterfall

8 Rock Climb -

Flash is a TM now, so it can NOT be a HM, as it's tradeable.

1 2 3 and 4 will remain the same.

Unless they add fog into any area, HM5 will either be Whirlpool or Rock Smash.

Waterfall has no reason to be changed. So the most likely:






Rock Smash


Although I remember there are no honey trees on the Johto map despite this feature was originally meant for GS. This can only mean that headbutting trees will return, as there has to be a way to get all those Pokemon like Pineco Aipom and Heracross.

But, they cannot add TMs and none of them is Headbutt. My guess:

HM1 - Cut

HM2 - Fly

HM3 - Surf

HM4 - Strength

HM5 - Headbutt

HM6 - Rock Smash

HM7 - Waterfall

HM8 - Whirlpool

If I'm wrong, we will be forced to using Snubbull, Drowzee or Slowpoke for Headbutting XDDD

  sabocan said:
what about pokemons which evolve in certain areas like leafeon and glaceon

if the only evolve in areas of sinnoh are they going to evolve in hg and ss ???:confused:

I remember (does anyone know from where this could be) that all the new evolutions of known Pokemon are happening because of Sinnohs different climate and such.

So a Magneton only evolves near Mt.Coronet, while when a Yanma levels up in Sinnoh it learns Ancientpower, which also triggers evolution to Yanmega and so on.

So those evolutions are kind of Sinnoh-exclusive.

It wouldn't be hard to find locations for Leaf/Glaceon (Ilex forest, Ice Path) but it should not happen for obvious reasons ranging from exclusion in Johtodex to the 5 Kimono girls in Ecruteak City.

They could however include some of the new evolution items, of course after getting national dex and everything. For example you could run into Cynthia or anyone else and they'd give you a single Shiny stone or an Electrizer....

But we will surely need to trade the other Pokemon over to DPt too evolve them.

  Klaatu said:
Well that's obvious.

I wonder if they'll leave the HM list like it is in DPt.


1 Cut Cut

2 Fly Fly

3 Surf Surf

4 Strength Strength

5 Defog Flash

6 Rock Smash Whirlpool

7 Waterfall Waterfall

8 Rock Climb -

Flash is a TM now, so it can NOT be a HM, as it's tradeable.

1 2 3 and 4 will remain the same.

Unless they add fog into any area, HM5 will either be Whirlpool or Rock Smash.

Waterfall has no reason to be changed. So the most likely:






Rock Smash


Although I remember there are no honey trees on the Johto map despite this feature was originally meant for GS. This can only mean that headbutting trees will return, as there has to be a way to get all those Pokemon like Pineco Aipom and Heracross.

But, they cannot add TMs and none of them is Headbutt. My guess:

HM1 - Cut

HM2 - Fly

HM3 - Surf

HM4 - Strength

HM5 - Headbutt

HM6 - Rock Smash

HM7 - Waterfall

HM8 - Whirlpool

If I'm wrong, we will be forced to using Snubbull, Drowzee or Slowpoke for Headbutting XDDD

I remember (does anyone know from where this could be) that all the new evolutions of known Pokemon are happening because of Sinnohs different climate and such.

So a Magneton only evolves near Mt.Coronet, while when a Yanma levels up in Sinnoh it learns Ancientpower, which also triggers evolution to Yanmega and so on.

So those evolutions are kind of Sinnoh-exclusive.

It wouldn't be hard to find locations for Leaf/Glaceon (Ilex forest, Ice Path) but it should not happen for obvious reasons ranging from exclusion in Johtodex to the 5 Kimono girls in Ecruteak City.

They could however include some of the new evolution items, of course after getting national dex and everything. For example you could run into Cynthia or anyone else and they'd give you a single Shiny stone or an Electrizer....

But we will surely need to trade the other Pokemon over to DPt too evolve them.

I highly doubt HMs can be changed, but then again... HMs aren't able to be traded anyways.

  wraith89 said:
I highly doubt HMs can be changed, but then again... HMs aren't able to be traded anyways.

What else can they do?

They absolutely can't let us access the Whirl islands without having to use Whirlpool.

The only other realistic possibility would be an infinite move-tutor.

That's even a suiting idea.

But it would look odd when you had HMs 1-4 and 6-7, with 5 missing between xD

  Klaatu said:
What else can they do?

They absolutely can't let us access the Whirl islands without having to use Whirlpool.

The only other realistic possibility would be an infinite move-tutor.

That's even a suiting idea.

But it would look odd when you had HMs 1-4 and 6-7, with 5 missing between xD

Yeah probably. No rocks to scale in Johto (or is there?), so Rock Climb might change into Whirlpool. MIGHT. But they've never did this before X_X

  wraith89 said:
Yeah probably. No rocks to scale in Johto (or is there?), so Rock Climb might change into Whirlpool. MIGHT. But they've never did this before X_X

Well there's alot of things they're doing with HGSS they never did before, especially if comparing what changes were made in FRLG from RBY with those drastic improvements, new areas and whatnot.


Well, maybe the HM's that are TM's in Sinnoh (Whirlpool) will become TM moves when traded over, and revert back to an HM move when traded back. Or there could just be a restriction of trading them like they did with the time capsule in the originals.


I doubt they can make moves change like that, since then on WiFi the moves database would be awkward. I think they might keep the Sinnoh TMs and HMs, but maybe add more.

Plus we can trade TMs to each other, so they would have to keep the same numbers and moves under those. I dont think they could add more TMs unless the other games are coded to accept them.

HMs could change though since you cant trade them. Defog might get replaces since it was pretty worthless (unless there is a LOT of fog in Johto/Kanto in the game. Then it might be useful. Course a 100% accuracy move like Aura Sphere/Magical Leaf/Swift will be even more useful)

Heatbutt could be a Tutor move. Someone in a town could just love heatbutting soooo much he wants to teach pokemon how to do it too.

@Klaatu: I said the Sinnoh new evos were probably due to the different climate somewhere just yesterday xD As for them Johto might have areas like Mt Cornet that act like a Sinnoh climate and evolve pokes. Item evolutions might just be hard to find (wild hold item only perhaps) or you trade for them from DPPT. Leafeon and Glaceon might get a similar item in Johto in one of the new areas, but (I know anime =/= games) May was in Johto and wanted to evolve her Eevee into Glaceon so she went to Sinnoh. It might be a Sinnoh only thing for those two and more since a lot more pokemon now need certain areas to evolve (Mt Cornet, the rocks). I'm guessing you trade for them from DPPT, though who knows how this will effect the pokedex, or if those pokemon will just not be in the Johto regional dex.

  wraith89 said:
Yeah probably. No rocks to scale in Johto (or is there?), so Rock Climb might change into Whirlpool. MIGHT. But they've never did this before X_X

I think Rock Climb will apear as an HM. If you look in Mt Mortar in the map you see that is an entrance on top of another so it might sugest the use of rock climb.

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