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  xilo said:
There needs to be some quality control on the translations. I tried out the patch with a new game and got as far as the 2nd city. There were so many basic grammar and spelling mistakes along with awkward translations and formatting errors. It was painful to read it. :(
At least you're getting something instead of "ハッハッハ、あなたはこのトランスレータを使用するようになるんだよ!"
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  xilo said:
There needs to be some quality control on the translations. I tried out the patch with a new game and got as far as the 2nd city. There were so many basic grammar and spelling mistakes along with awkward translations and formatting errors. It was painful to read it. :(

There are links to error submission and typo submission pages on the very first post. And besides at least you have an idea of what's going on now.

  Dark-Jolteon said:
At least you're getting something instead of "ハッハッハ、あなたはこのトランスレータを使用するようになるんだよ!"

Well, I know enough Japanese to read a good deal of it. :P Just takes me a bit sometimes. I just can't read most of the abilities and moves and such.

Any way to make/get a patch that only has non-story stuff translated?


Thanks for all your effort guys.

I will be waiting for the next realease and that would be it for me. Wont change every day after new releases.

As long as I can read the attacks, items etc its fine for me.

Again, thanks a lot.


Just wondering why it is that you're (generic you being used, not anyone in particular) deciding to do the story last?

I mean, a lot of the battling and game mechanics are basic and haven't changed from the previous games.

(Wondering politely, of course. I appreciate anything being done, naturally.)

  Squid said:
Just wondering why it is that you're (generic you being used, not anyone in particular) deciding to do the story last?

I mean, a lot of the battling and game mechanics are basic and haven't changed from the previous games.

(Wondering politely, of course. I appreciate anything being done, naturally.)

because there a only a little bit of the game mechanics to translate compared to the storyline, people are working on the story at the same time they are working the bugs and stuff from the game mechanics

  Darken said:
Which version is it you have the trouble on? I myself tried with White in the past, unpatched, and it did the same, but never on Black. Plus, I use an R4i Gold with TTDS menu. Can you give us the specifics? Maybe someone else can help with more info.

I'm using the Black Translation Patch with New English Names and Exp Patch. I'm using it on a M3 Real. After playing with it more I discovered it does the same Freeze when you Exit the Wi-Fi connection screen just like when you exit Mystery Gift. Another problem I'm having is that the game won't load at all if I try to use cheats or Real-Time-Save-Menu. If I have both disabled the game loads fine. I've had the same problem with LoZ: Spirit Tracks and I am not sure if it's specific to running on M3 Real or not. Oh I'm also using M3 Sakura Firmware Latest Dual-Boot version.


hello everybody

Could anyone tell me how to translate the game?

I means i want to start from zero & i don't know how to get files from the game and translated the put it into the game

because i want to start translate the game into Arabic language 8P

  Kaarosu said:
v2 is now out with everything that is in the gits, enjoy.

Thank you so much for organizing the links.

Much appreciated.

The only complaint I have is that you guys work too hard on this, and don't get enough thanks.


I went looking through the git page but couldn't find the Storyline .txts anywhere. I wanted to read up on how far things were so far. Anyone got a link they can pop out at me with?


Somehow a line was erased during translations breaking repacking ><
Someone check lines 55-57 from the kanji files and re translate them as well since these seem to be off thanks

I really can't tell if someone has already translated things, so here you go:

+ Cheren: This Kandou ... ... \ xfffe I finally got used to the trainer \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 ... ... Well no \ xfffe room that the kid's mom \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 I have to Ayamaranai \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

Obviously not everything is right, but for the most part, it seems to make a bit of sense. Someone can go and fine tune it later.


When purchasing at the pokemart, the money section is blank, and then when you buy something, Item appears where the amount of money you have is supposed to be.

This is with the exp patch for black + katakana names. patched after I patched the rom with rudolph's patch.

Also, the Pokemart person saying Welcome twice doesn't seem right. Maybe change it to Hi > Welcome to the PokeMart etc.


Well, I liked what I saw in the Storyline so far. But, sadly, I shall wait for the next update, hoping there will be more added in. ^-^

Great work so far, though. Team PBWTP, go! xD

  Silent Storm said:
When purchasing at the pokemart, the money section is blank, and then when you buy something, Item appears where the amount of money you have is supposed to be.

This is with the exp patch for black + katakana names. patched after I patched the rom with rudolph's patch.

I was hoping that wasn't the case as I was merging stuff in *facepalm* it's cause they stopped using the Yen sign... if it's bad enough I may have to do a v2.1 or something tomorrow

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