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Version 1.1.0
I call this the MegaDex. Its a living shinydex that has all the forms of every pokemon. i based this off of the save provided by Gridelin. some things included are: Shinydex (minus ones that cant be legally shiny) vivillion dex unown dex minior dex rotom dex alola forms pikachu hats events (some are duplicates) PKHeX (20200807) - SAV7USUM_ Blank Save File [PKHeX (Ultra Moon)] 2020-08-27 16-02-16.mp4- 2 comments
- Living Dex
- shinys
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.3.2
Has all shiny pokemon, almost all are legal! Kept freezing so I gave up on Dyminax adventure, below is the pokemon left to get in it. Sword DYMINAX ADVENTURE Articuno (Kanto) Moltres (Kanto) Mewtwo Raikou Rayquaza Uxie Mesprit Heatran Giratina Kyurem Zygarde Tapu Koko Tapu Fini Ho-Oh Latios Solgaleo N somethiung save failed and lost it Reshiram Dialga Buzzwole Pheromosa Xurkitree Celesteela Necrozma Stakataka Weak Against Fighting, Ground, Water Strong Against Flying, Bug, Fire, Ice, Dark, Rock, Fairy Blacephalon -
Be patient, I am super green at this. Anyway, I got this shiny Charizard I looked on RNG to generate via Pkhex on my FireRed Rom. Specs: Timid, Shiny--IVs: 31//31/26/31/30/31 (I want this to be my starter not an egg) Whenever I put the data on Pkhex, it looks like the Pokemon is legal. However, when I try to set it on my party box, it's like the program uncheckes the shiny characteristic. RNG tells me it's a shiny Pokemon with literally the exact same specs. What do I do? Here is the screenshot from RNG with the data and the shiny mark (!!!) IMG_3271.HEIC Here is when I check for legality after putting all the specs in order and marking the shiny characteristic. IMG_3272.HEIC However, when I set up the Pokemon in my party box, Pkhex uncheckes the shiny characteristic. IMG_3273.HEIC You can see here all the stats are the same as the RNG report. HELP PLEASE!!! IMG_3274.HEIC
Hey, I am trying to make a mod that recolors the sprites of shiny pokemon that have kind of shitty shinies (specifically Dragonite, but other shinies too). I'm not trying to make regular pokemon shiny (plenty of AR codes for that), I'm just trying to recolor the sprites of existing shinies so that they look better. I have already recolored the sprites. However, I keep running across issues. First I'll pull up the picture of the pokemon I want to recolor, like so: [ATTACH=CONFIG]13725[/ATTACH] Then, I'll pull up the file that makes it shiny: [ATTACH=CONFIG]13726[/ATTACH] I open up the file and add my edited sprites for the shiny (which I did index to make it work, btw): [ATTACH=CONFIG]13727[/ATTACH] I'll write it to the narc and go back to the regular sprite: [ATTACH=CONFIG]13728[/ATTACH] Then I go back to where the edited shiny sprite should be, and I get this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]13729[/ATTACH] Fucking this I think it's something about altering the coloring rather than the sprites themselves, because when I look at Mewtwo: [ATTACH=CONFIG]13730[/ATTACH] Then go back to where Dragonite was, I get this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]13731[/ATTACH] It's Mewtwo with Dragonite's colors. It also happens for the failed recoloring I wrote to the narc: [ATTACH=CONFIG]13732[/ATTACH] So, my question is: HOW THE FUCK DO I EDIT THIS SHIT SO I GET A PINK SHINY DRAGONITE WITHOUT THE COLORS FUCKING UP ON ME??? HALP
- heart gold and soul silver
- rom hacking
(and 3 more)
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Requires this class: class bf(object): def __init__(self,value=0): self._d = value def __getitem__(self, index): return (self._d >> index) & 1 def __setitem__(self,index,value): value = (value&1L)<<index mask = (1L)<<index self._d = (self._d & ~mask) | value def __getslice__(self, start, end): mask = 2L**(end - start) -1 return (self._d >> start) & mask def __setslice__(self, start, end, value): mask = 2L**(end - start) -1 value = (value & mask) << start mask = mask << start self._d = (self._d & ~mask) | value return (self._d >> start) & mask def __int__(self): return self._d Function: def shinygen(pokemonid): """Returns Tuple of Shiny TID and SID for given PID""" shiny=False n=0 while shiny == False: tid=bf(random.getrandbits(16)) sid=bf(random.getrandbits(16)) pid=bf(pokemonid) n +=1 shiny = True for i in range(0,13): if int(pid[15-i]) + int(pid[31-i])+ int(tid[15-i])+ int(sid[15-i])== 3: shiny = False break elif int(pid[15-i])+ int(pid[31-i])+ int(tid[15-i])+ int(sid[15-i])== 1: shiny = False break if shiny: return (tid,sid) else: return False Demo Program that generates shiny TID/SIDs: (on dropbox because py2exe is too big to upload [barely])
This program makes pokemon shiny! Download Here! BEWARE THIS CHANGES YOUR POKEMON'S IVS Simply start the program and type in the file that you want to make shiny and presto! instant shiny! Non IV changing version coming soon.
are the 10ANIV shiny pokemon Legit?:bidoof::confused: