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Everything posted by aquaguy34

  1. It's a good thing I have a good Gamestop and also I should be able to get all of the events btw.
  2. You are banned for having an avatar of colonel Mustang!
  3. Just use Hypergts, it is able to send and recieve from the computer.
  4. Just uncheck the box that has "you have recieved this gift" in a mystery gift editor. You still should be able to get the events even though it says "You have already received this gift before" since it worked for me.
  5. Granted but you lose your flashcart. I wish I had a map editor for the 4th and 5th gen games...
  6. Just save it as a different file type in pokegen. All you have to do is show the pokemon you want in controls then save it as a different file type.
  7. aquaguy34

    Pal Park

    Nature Date region you caught it in(ex. Hoenn) Arrived at Lv.(level it appeared when you pal parked it) Description (ex. Alert to sounds) other than the region everything is basically the same as a pokemon caught in the game.
  8. I have more proof on a ruby and sapphire remake. While looking at the 5th gen wonder card map i noticed that on offset 0x04 says "ruby(sapphire)" on the middle option so that got me thinking that this is a hint to a R/S remake. http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/5th_Generation_Wonder_Card_Map
  9. You are banned for having two reasons to ban someone else!
  10. We are all banned for talking about Kyurem! new subject
  11. You are banned for destroying Wuji so now you have only two choices no matter what!
  12. You are banned for not caring about Kyurem!
  13. Thats unfortunate that they can't be shiny Here is a pkm file of the DW Arceus, Credits go to Bond697 arceusDW.pkm
  14. But the difference is your getting the arceus within the game so when you encounter it every thing will be like a normal encounter
  15. Wait will you be able to SR for a different pokemon to hatch or is the pokemon decided as soon as you recieve the Wonder card?
  16. Yes it is possible to SR for shiny's I'm surprised and not surprised that the God pokemon won, but hopefully someone is able to get the Arceus and thank you d4rk_13l1t2er for finding the code.
  17. He managed to get the WC by using a japanese sav on an english rom so he could send it over and it is completely legit
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