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About Made_s

  • Birthday 03/06/2000

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  1. The game also contains a bunch of scene files that were used for prerendered scenes, mainly the ending video
  2. Can you send me a copy or the location in the iso of the model and the texture (s) you tried to insert? EDIT: fixed some bugs in model texture tools try again now.
  3. I could get the mesh with textures, materials and so on easily, it's just the HAL DAT (Super Smash Bros Melee's) format hidden under some layers of structures. I could also get it completely rigged if I was more experienced with Matrices and changing between spaces/coordinate systems/file formats and importing them into programs. The things I'm looking for are the format of the animations and the arious property sections in these top layers of which I don't know what they do. I can't really put an other meshes inside these files because the data is all mixed with other parts that I don't know. Editing vertex positions is really easy though. Oh, and I'm somewhat progressing onmap hitboxes.
  4. You could replace the cries with the SAMP Tool if you wanted to put in the effort.
  5. This is a collection of a few small Java programs I wrote and have been using to edit some files in Pokemon XD: GoD and I've also recently found out that some of them also work with Pokemon Channel and Colosseum files. They're mainly just more convenient than manually editing the files. Almost all of them have size limits because changing file sizes needs modifications to the game's .toc and FSYS list. GTX to TGA: Converts .gtx files to TGA images, mainly useful to find out what they are I_SF Tool: Inserts/extracts DSP files into/from XD's music FSYS files, the filenames usually begin with "stm_" SAMP Tool: The same as above, uses .samp and .sdir files to extract and insert music samples, can be used to replace sound samples for sequenced music (Colosseum) and soundeffects, Pokemon Channel contains some too LZSS Tool: Inserts/extracts files into/from .fsys files, filenames should not be changed for the insertion to work ModelTextureExtractor/Inserter: Inserts/Extracts textures from model files in the form of .tpl files, the standard offset should usually work for most battle models, the offset needs to be set to 32 for overworld models and maps and to custom ones for some battle models that have particle data before the model Insertion has two options of reducing the palette of a TPL using a palette in case it is too large, though both are quite buggy, it's mostly a last resort option Again, don't change filenames of extracted textures for the insertion to work These should also work for Pokemon Channel's .dat files and Pokemon Colosseum's models MoveTextureExtractor/Inserter: Does the same as the model one, but only works directly on FSYS files, I'm really not sure why I wrote it like this String Table Editor: Just a more convenient way of editing the String tables, just removes the need to manage offsets and so on, top right corner shows all Special characters, adding a single byte can be done with {} too XD THP Tool: Inserts/Exracts THP files from FSYS archives, the filenames usually start with "movie" Download: Here EDIT 22.03.2017: bug fixes to model texture tools
  6. Ok, most of the text is in the pchall.bmg file in the /en/pch folde ( it's probably something else instead of en for other releases). It's a String table which starts with the magic bytes "MESGbmg1" followed by the total file size. following are the two 4 byte values 0x00000002 and 0x01000000, not sure what they are for yet. At 0x20, there are the magic bytes "INF1" for the offset section which contains offsets for every String in the file followed by the offset (relative to the start of this section, so just add 0x20) for the section of the file that contains the Strings . It can just as well be interpreted as the sizeof this section. Next is a 2 byte value containing the amount of Strings in the file and another value that seems to always be 0x0004 and another one that's either 0x0001 or 0x0000. 0x10 bytes relative to the section start is where the list of offsets start. These offsets are relative to the start of the String data in the next section. At the start of this second section the first thing are again some magic bytes "DAT1" followed by a 4 byte value containing the size of this section or the offset to the end of the file relative to the section start. The String data starts at 0x8 relative to the section start. The following Strings are regular C strings with the exception of the character 0x5E, which starts a highlighted part of a String, tking the following byte as a parameter (I don't know which corresponds to what) . This highlighted part is terminated by two 0x5E in a row.
  7. I was able to extract and insert textures of models using some things I wrote for Pokemon XD, I'll be posting those in a different Thread soon. I'm still working on video replacements and I could try to find the text data if you want that.
  8. The only reason I can think of why this would happen is that the Invalid Pokemon Flag is checked by the game, this might also set the Egg flag, since it's probably considered a Bag Egg. Is it a regular or a Shadow Pokemon? I don't know whether Shadow Pokemon can gain EVs. Also how did it gain those 2 attack EVs if you couldn't use it after the edit ?
  9. What values did you change ?
  10. I'm not sure, I know how most of the format works now but I'd have to look into the Battle revolution format to find out how similar they are, I know they don't have the same structure but if they're not too different I could probably import models from there with a bit of data shifting.(PBR might also use shaders for textures/surfaces which might make the imported models look very different in that aspect) The biggest problem is the animation data, I still don't know how it works in . Then there are particles contained in model files. I could just leave them out but models like Charizard would probably look weird. It's very possible to do it, but there are things that need to be done/found out first.
  11. DO you know how to change the file sizes in the iso so you can add bigger files ?
  12. I'm still working on documenting the whole model file format ( the most of it is the HAL DAT format but some top level structures that are specific for and the animation data are undocumented) but since I already know enough to write the model texture extractor/inserter you wanted I did just that. Extractor : Link Inserter: Link They work pretty much the same as the ones for move textures, with the change that you need to specify the offset of the main data ( not the start of the data) so 0xE80 for normal model files, not 0xE60 ( you need to enter them in decimal, so 0xE80 would be 3712) . Also the list of files you are about to process is always reset when you drop files into the window, so you have to drag all the files you want to process at once. There are some files that (for some reason I don't know yet) have a GPT1 section ( the one I was talking about in the move files) before the model data, for now you'll just have to put the Offset to the actual model data, I'll probably put out a fix once I know what to do with that. (My guess is that these are particles that are present on the model since I found this in Articuno's file, which probably has some kind of ice particles on it. Do you know whether it does?) You have the option between merging or throwing out one of the currently most similar colors until the palette fits in the case that a palette is too big, the merging process might produce weird colors you don't want in the textures, but this is just a kind of last resort since converting textures with the .bat usually already decreases the palette by quite a bit and gives you enough freedom for modifications. Most textures don't use palettes anyway. I'll probably fix the merging thing when I have the time. The Program should work with Maps, Battle models and Overworld models. If there are any Problems/Errors with this, please tell me about them and I'll try to help. *EDIT: made the programs more user friendly
  13. Ok, I finished the Inserter program and it should now be working. The fixed Extractor is Here . The Inserter is Here . I wrote up a (unfortunately) rather long tutorial on how to use them for someone in the group which shouy ex how they're used well enough (though you can be more free with it as it will tell you about any problems as usual): To Extract Textures ( You'll have to do this to insert anything, you can only insert edited versions of the extracted files as the replaced textures must retain their dimensions and texture type) : Use the MoveTextureExtractor jar , enter the name of the .fsys file and click Extract Textures. This should extract all contained textures. (Please have the .fsys file,the textures and both programs in the same folder) Please don't modify the filenames of the textures (they're in the .tpl format ) Then use the conversion program by selecting any texture you want to convert and dragging it onto the .bat ( you can do this with multiple ones at a time) Then just edit the resulting .png images. (I think they're all greyscale so using color probably won't do anything and youshouldn't do it) Then delete the old unconverted texture versions of the files you edited and drag the .png's onto the .bat. This will create new texture files of the images. Put those resulting textures back into the folder with the jars. Then open the MoveEffectInserter jar and drag and drop all textures you want to insert at a time into the top box. Enter the filename of the original .fsys and click Insert File(s). If it doesn't give you any errors they should now be inserted This took me quite a while longer than what I expected but I really wanted to get the Drag and Drop feature to work because you seemed to like the clean design of the Extractor ( I was also sick of entering file names for every single thing I do ) I might make all these texture things into one thing later just so I don't have to spam you with posts with little jars every time I find something new. Maybe this could be used to make your attack animation replacements look better ? I'll continue research into model files, I'll tell you if I find something useful/significant.
  14. (You can ignore the following for the EDIT) Like I said, the wimgt tool uses .tpl files and converts them to .png. It's run in command prompt. If you don't remember, you can find it Here . If you want to automate it for converting things automatically (You'll need to use wimgt for the model textures too (you don't need to, but it's the fastest way to do it that I know of)), the source code is Here , the relevant part mainly Here . The command is: wimgt dec [imagename].tpl --dest [destinationimagename].png The command for converting back into the respective format: wimgt enc [imagename].png --dest [destinationimagename].tpl --transform tpl.[format] (format is just the formatname in lower case letters) This is why I kept the format name in the filename, so you don't have to look into the file to find it out. *EDIT: I found a better way, I found This .bat that uses the wimgt tool and let's you convert multiple files at once ( when you open the .bat it tells you how to use it) without needing to bother with acommand prompt. It works both from and to .png . This needs a small modification in my program though , the format has to be given as a number, this fix will be included with the inserter.
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