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Everything posted by shadowofdarkness

  1. I know it may seem like a strange question since I can obviously get a decrypted save already but I do have a couple use cases where this may come in handy. If you have a encrypted 0000001.sav and a decrypted "main" from savedatafiler made at the same time would it be possible to generate a save key stream by just comparing them? (All digital versions so Powersaves is not a option like the current instructions need)? My use cases for why it would be handy would be For if I ever accidently end up with a broken 3DS but no recent decrypted backups I could pull the memory card which is still likely working and get a decrypted main that could be imported into a replacement system. To open some old backed up .sav files from before getting a Gateway. I do make regular backups both local and offsite but I still want to be extra safe and like the thought of the ability to not depend on old backups but be able to decrypt the latest as long as the pretty well protected memory card survives.
  2. I thought I would share some info on editing the games save that I was able to figure out. This requires savedatafiler to export and import unencrypted saves. I also found the Orbs number location to buy all the upgrades right away. I only had one gen 4 cartridge to start finding this info and the rest was brute forced with trying different values after finding the right offset by diffing a before and after save of unlocking Diamonds legend. savedatafiler 00000ae1 cygsavedata.dat Current number of Orbs 0x68-0x69 xxxx ----- Total collected Orbs (Not enough to help unlock extensions since on a new game setting it to 199 then collecting another didn't open the Retrieval Extension so basically useless) 0x6C-0x6D xxxx ----- Unlock generation 4 legends to be caught 0x26E xx 01 None 05 Temporal 10 Renegade 14 Temporal + Renegade 18 Spatial + Renegade 1C Temporal + Spatial + Renegade 20 Rainbow 24 Temporal + Rainbow 28 Spatial + Rainbow 2C Temporal + Spatial + Rainbow 30 Renegade + Rainbow 40 Diving 50 Renegade + Diving 60 Rainbow + Diving FC Temporal + Spatial + Renegade + Rainbow + Diving
  3. That seems strange I don't gen Pokemon (just look around my save and inject wonder cards) but I just tested it on mine without that problem. You may want to ask in the Mac thread but I had never heard any Mac users complaining so it may be a unique problem to you.
  4. I noticed the English Serperior is in red so here is a replacement that is my personal extraction of a legit unused one. May I also request the spreadsheet include info on if the card is used or not since you can't tell in pkhex and would be easier then always checking in a second program. 1505 - It's Serperior! (HA) (NA).zip
  5. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?44488-Get-PKHex-to-work-on-Linux-using-Wine
  6. I tried this to get another Celebi and it didn't work, it just says I have nothing to pickup. My save had link enabled from getting BP from bank but had never got a actual Celebi since I received it on a old now deleted save. I used this command to inject it dd if=XY\ Celebi.bin of=main bs=1 seek=$((0x19FFF)) conv=notrunc then shifted a Pokemon in pkhex and tried the checksums but it just said the save was edited and cannot check integrity but other then not getting another Celebi it still loaded fine and played.
  7. I haven't tried Mac but have you checked out my thread on getting pkhex to work under wine on Linux. It may be the same problem since you're describing the same problem Linux had.
  8. I don't have a Mac to know but I assume that it can as long as you can get winetricks to install dotnet40 which also needs to be in 32bit mode. I did a quick Google search and saw that winetricks does exist for Mac That is exactly the same problem Linux had before this fix so Mac should only need the same.
  9. Would you be willing to make another version that doesn't inject anything but just dumps all boxes for ESV checking or even a full save (I doubt it would be that usable if it is from a running game though) I know people that would like easier ESV checking on a cart version.
  10. I would like to thank you for this software it saved my two shinies from radar chaining in Diamond from being lost forever. When I randomly found a nand+keys backup of my long dead Wii on a sd card I was successful decrypting it and getting the Ranch save out. I found them and injected them back into Diamond and did all the transfers to bring them up to Omega Ruby. I'm really happy since I had permantly lost hope of finding them again.
  11. I have no problems with fonts, I even just now tested by changing the UI language to all available ones and found no problems with any of them including all three options that that don't use the same alphabet. I also found having a separate WINEPREFIX for this to be better so it has its own .wine directory due to finding other programs like keysav2 stopped working for me without the stock Wine settings.
  12. I figured out how to get PKHex working on Linux using Wine and thought I would share my info. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit using the stock repo version of Wine. First off you have a have a 32bit Wine environment which doesn't seem to be the default if your system is 64bit so you may have to move or delete your .wine directory. All you have to do is run this command to setup Wine WINEARCH='win32' winetricks dotnet40
  13. OK thanks for the info but whenever the QR Codes get figured I think it is still a good idea for a app even if it only figures out IVs and even EVs which do show in your screenshot, some people would love a easy way to check those.
  14. Wow the qr codes have already been figured out. I can't code to save my life but I had app idea that I hope someone would create. Even though I have digital copies and can use keysav for more bulk I think a phone app that reads the Pokemon info in lower amounts would be useful for quick checks or as a keybv alternative It would be as easy as putting the Pokemon in your team and generate a new qr code which wouldn't even need to be saved then hold phone up to 3ds screen and get shown the teams stats. I have never done keybv for esv but I shine it would be basically the same for temp hatching. This would save time for not having to take memory cards out of system or finding someone that can battle at the moment. Also on a separate question about secret bases I had a guy crate a base with a hacked hoops in it. But when I fought it, or was swapped for a poochyena can someone with pkhex check if the swap was before making the code or on my end since I assume Nintendo was smart enough to stop unreleased from showing up in these which caused the swap. Here is the thread http://www.reddit.com/r/SuperSecretBases/comments/2n1yu3/secret_base_with_hoopa_or_volcanion/ I would do our but only run Linux and pkhex doesn't work under wine.
  15. pkhex doesn't work on my computer (Linux) plus I figured out that the pk6 is not actually getting dumped so I will just have to wait on keysav2 being updated.
  16. I just realized based on file timestamps I wasn't getting a pk6 of the new Pokemon but by some random chance a old dump of the same species that was not deleted from the db directory. Apparently the program was crashing before dumping the new pk6.
  17. I'm trying to find my OR TSV and want to know if I did something wrong or if the mechanics are different in the new games I transfered a fresh catch from OR into my Y game using Bank. Trying to load a box in keysav2 with the Pokemon in it caused a program crash So I set it to dump pk6 files which it did before the crash. I opened the pk6 in a hex editor and went to the offset 0x0E-0x0F to find my SID (have done it before out of curiosity and got correct values) I used the TID XOR SID >> 4 calculation in a bitwise calculator for figure out a TSV But when I found a match in a TSV giveaway on Reddit it didn't hatch shiny.
  18. I used Pokemon Bank to move one Pokemon from Omega Ruby into Y in hopes of finding my new TSV and KeySAV2 crashes when trying to open the save.
  19. I could help you, if you give me one of your Black 2 Pokemon. I'm on the digital copy and have already broke my encryption with Keysav2 so I can dump the pk6 then just view the SID with a hex editor.
  20. Thanks that info helps and should be enough.
  21. May I request a feature that shows the forms of both Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist. They are annoying to tell apart in game and would like a easy way to make sure I get them all.
  22. I decided to try with different games Pokemon anyway and it worked I have every spot working now although it took some work with some being locked and I had to keep purging the spots and redoing them until all of them worked. That is with the preview version. Although I do have one problem. One of my Pokemon and Unown "?" crashes the program program completely. To the point I had to spread the whole box out over others to track down the individual one causing the problem. This Unown was caught by me personally and not hacked. The old Keysav2 v1.15 reads the same one fine. I dumped a pkx using v1.15 if needed for you to track down bugs but I do not like clones, so I will not post it any place public so no one else can grab it. I ask if you do need it to not use it other then for tracking down the bug. I'm running Kaysav2 using Wine under Linux.
  23. When breaking the encryption, I know the six Pokemon in 16.sav and 26.sav have to be from the same game but after that for any other spots can they be from different games? I have a full LiveDex in bank that I could put in, then view it followed by shifting all the boxes by one to have different in each spot. But if they have to be from the same game I do not have many and it would take a lot of work.
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