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About Bonez77

  • Birthday 08/14/1989
  1. Ok. I've looked on GTS and i cannot seem to find a Nidorino or Nidorina or even any of the Nido families. Why is it i can see it online but i cannot seek one in the GTS? Any reasons why? I cannot even put up a pokemon in request for a Nido.
  2. subway ride? ha! i hafta DRIVE 30 mins to another state to get to TRU. Gamestop should do these events too.
  3. D:< HER NAME IS SOUL!!!! they named the ugly girl Soul?!?!?!? makes me want to hate it even more! This sucks. i miss Kris -v_v-
  4. Wasnt there a rumor that you could Skateboard in GSC anyways. I think i remember there being a rumor. Wich was just a rumor. heh.
  5. Maybe his hat is a ultra ball. now that you mention it. the new females hat looks like a premier ball. Fancy that. XP.
  6. Wouldn't it be cool if you could have a legendary follow you around? Regigigas tearing through Johto. Your unstopable. OH NO HERE COMES THE JETS AND TANKS FROM GTA!!!! haha just kiddin. but that would be neat having a legendary follow you around even tho this is prety stupid to say. New features. i want to hear more -^3^-
  7. browsing some vids on youtube about this game. And this one guy was talking about seeing a Crystal Onix. wich would be nice. But. if they made a Crystal Onix, it would have its own sprite and Data. Because 1, Onix is protected from water by his Crystal Glass skin. and 2. Onix is weak against fire. i doubt they would make a Crystal Onix but this one guy thinks they would put him in a Crystal Remake. wich i doubt they wold make.
  8. Ya know how you get the GS ball in Crystal in Japan. Well we didnt have the items. and they wont need to make the items to recieve the GS ball. We have WIFI connection and TRU and Gamestop and any other video game retailer. Im sure it would go something like. maybe the wonder card would have Prof. Oak giving you the GS ball like in the Anime? Who knows. We have the technology. Why not?
  9. Good. i dont hafta buy an old gbc or gba and get gold silver or crystal. But what im going to do is get Gold in japanese. Play that and beat it untill Silver comes out for US. After seeing this news. I'm going to be excited all day, which is good because i hafta go to wrk at 6 in the morning. XDXXD Thanks for the announcment and great names by the way. Dusk and Dawn. i didnt like those names. and i like how Ho-oh has the heart wings on that one and Lugia has a spiritual like lugia on it.
  10. Like how they did with fire red and leaf green. They should put the Orange Islands in there. Don't forget GSC had the ability to obtain 8 more badges. It would be awesome to see a GS Remake. Johto was my fav region. And if thats the case then there will be a new series of GS Mangas comeing out.
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