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Everything posted by aninymouse

  1. Right where it says: Checkgender 0x4000 If 0x4000 0 CheckLR 1 func 1 If 0x4000 1 CheckLR 1 func 2 End etc.
  2. i'm not sure how much more clear i can put that :\
  3. remember: any time you edit the wild pokemon of an area that has a script on it (like routes 29 & 30), erase the scripts and put a bunch of nonsense there so that your game won't freeze on those routes, later. PPRE won't save the garbage scripts, but it will keep things working, trust me.
  4. i hate to say it, but if you email me the file maybe i could try to look into it briefly. what areas/routes did you edit the wild pokemon at? with PPRE, right? did you apply the rudolph patch before using PPRE on your file? if you did any narc replacement, are you sure you put the file back in the right place? it's easy to get things mixed up since evertything's just a number. check this to be sure. does an unedited file play right on your card?
  5. i just use flash cards, since they tend to emulate much better. i know that doesn't help, but i'll keep an eye on this to see if i could help somehow.
  6. Haha, well, just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's impossible. At least you have something to go by!
  7. what variables? be more specific.
  8. It has a built-in hex editor, file system import/export/compression/decompression, and of course, the tile editor.
  9. No, changing Pokemon names was never a feature of PPRE. But thank you, just the same.
  10. I could be mistaken, be he mentions changing the name of Trainers (which is possible), not Pokemon. See, basically I was toying with the idea of putting a few of the Gen 5 Pokemon into HGSS; a fairly daunting task for someone with as meager a skill level as I.
  11. in diamond/pearl (the only games it works with), its waza_tbl.narc. if your destination for the file is Platinum, then it's called the same thing pl_waza_tbl.narc. in hg/ss, it's located at a/0/1/1
  12. There's a chance it could be that the rom you're using is too heavily edited and the narc could be messed up, maybe due to a offset miscalculation... but here's the one i use. http://www.sendspace.com/file/40e8gv hopefully it's just that your version is outdated.
  13. Maybe. I remember reading months ago that it was impossible, but that WAS months ago. Besides, I can't even seen to work thenewpoketext.
  14. Thanks for this. Even after all my practice, there's always something new to learn every day :]
  15. Oftentimes in Pokemon roms, when a 3 or 4-digit number is required, it's written like this: 123 = 23 01 get it? so, like 24E = 4E 02 oh, also: the egg you receive in Violet City is forced to have Extrasensory. Like, even if you edit Togepi's level-up moves to include Extrasensory at Level 1, it'll have it twice in it's moveset upon hatching. like... Growl Charm Extrasensory Extrasensory or just one, if normal
  16. Well, I found the offset for editing the HGSS pokemon overworld sprites with PokeTex. Once I edit the sprites, I should be able to track down the correct narc and replace it. One down! Now, how do you suppose you go about changing the names of Pokemon? Any ideas? It's a pretty difficult thing to google for since I can't think of a specific way to search for it. Just googling "Pokemon name hack," for instance, doesn't turn up anything. Honestly, I'm not sure I've ever heard of someone doing this in 4th gen... 3rd gen, all the time, sure.
  17. I haven't tried it myself, but I'd wager PPRE would be able to edit that. I'd imagine it's determined by a script.
  18. You have to save each attack individually. If you switch to a different attack from the scrolling menu before saving, your changes are lost. It should also be noted that some attacks cannot be successfully edited with this program alone; some hex editing may be necessary.
  19. 1. get CrystalTile2 & a hex editor. 2. open the rom in CrystalTile2, select (V) in the top menu bar, and switch to Hex Editor mode if it isn't already there. 3. at the top menu bar, select (T), then NDS File System. a small window will pop up. 4. right click "Arm9", select (U). 5. using a hex editor, open up the newly extracted & uncompressed Arm9 file. 6. search the file for 98 00 00 00 9B 00 00 00 9E 00 00 00 7. change the 98 00, 9B 00 or 9E 00 to the hexadecimal value of the Pokemon you desire, and save. 8. in the same pop-up NDS File System window in CrystalTile2, right click Arm9 again, and select ©. now select the edited Arm9.bin. 9. close all programs. an alert will pop up. select the option that isn't cancel.
  20. both are definitely possible. here's how to do number 1: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?12462-Change-Starters still on page 1, btw
  21. I have all the files extracted, I'm just not sure what programs I can use to combine the sprite files and palette files into one PNG image (and back again). PokeDSPic works for some of the images, but it's not programmed for the "following" sprites. Suffice to say, I'm pretty sure TheNewPokeText & CrystalTile2 are what I need to use, but I can't seem to figure out how to use either for the purposes I have in mind. In fact, I've yet to get TheNewPokeTextx to work without PPRE... I must be doing something wrong, since it always just gives me an error and closes when I try to make it do anything.
  22. You know, like when they follow behind you. As of yet I have not heard of this being done before. Can you use CrystalTile2 for reinserting your custom sprite work? What's the location of this narc? Lots of possibilities based on http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/HGSS_File_System ... Also, instead of making a separate thread: is it possible to edit Pokemon names (like making the game call Forretress, "Pendra") in HGSS, even just partially?
  23. I know there was another guy on page 1 (for now) who had a similar issue with shadows not lining up. Have you tried just moving the Pikachu sprite a few pixes upwards on the PNG? I'd imagine that'd work for the smaller sprites, but then I'm not sure if the game has a more complicated way of calculating sprite position... I've been editing stuff, myself, but I've yet to playtest anything
  24. First off, what rom are you starting with?
  25. it's possible, of course, but don't expect to get anything like this for some time.
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