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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. 4 hours ago, jasenyoface said:

    Sounds awesome.  if they did do it, I get the feeling they would use Granbull as the base with fairy/dark XD

    My wished new Alolan forms:

    -Alolan Sunflora (Grass/Fire) w/Drought

    -Alolan Snubull/Granbull (Fairy/Dark) w/Moxie

    -Alolan Stunky/Skuntank(Poison/Electric) w/Static

    -Alolan Larvesta/Volcarona (Bug/Ice) w/Magic Guard

    -Alolan Tauros (Normal/Steel) w/Fur Coat

    -Alolan Ekans/Arbok (Poison/Ice) w/Slush Rush

    -Alolan Stantler (Normal/Ice) w/Snow Warning

    -Alolan Rapidash (Fire/Fairy) w/Levitate

  2. Researches of Hacky from GlitchCity Laboratories showed that if you ranked #1 in Battle Tower in Crystal you win a GS Ball. Amazing Link

    He also did researches about the Odd Egg event: apparently when you first connect the Mobile Adapter you got it. I'll try in Crystal Debug.

    I also learned is that most of gen4 wi-fi innovations were created in fact in gen2 with Crystal (I saw with crystal debug the ancestor of GTS that is in fact very similar to DP one).

    Finally I read today that Masuda decided to make FRLG when they found the incompatibility of gen2 and gen3 mons mostly due to the mechanics of abilities and IV too.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Kirzi said:


    It actually has:


    • Any Absol event. It's one of the only Pokemon that got a mega evo in gen 6 that did not get a gen 6 event. Totally unfair.
    • Other events of my favorites that haven't had events yet, or haven't in awhile: Luxray, Lycanroc-midday, Alola Ninetales, regular and/or shiny Ninetales, Bayleef, Quilava, Growlithe, Vulpix, Castform, Shinx, Minccino, Talonflame, Silvally, shiny Minior
    • Paras. Specifically, Worlds Paras.


    Oh thanks I forgot about this Korean exclusive event.

    Absol has a gen 3 event with Wish that was pretty cool but yeah no gen6.

    Growlithe and Vulpix had gen3 events. Ninetales had gen 5. Paras had gen2. Bayleef and Quilava from Colosseum can be considered as events. Shinx had gen4 GTS event.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Holla! said:

    This should've been the Worlds event this year... :[

    Celebrate Garchomp/Landorus/Cresselia/Tapu. (kek)

    Yeah, I'm disappointed too by this Alolan Exeggutor event, even it has Celebrate.

    Garchomp, Landorus, Tapu and Cresselia are OU and don't need Z-Celebrate, it'll be too much broken.

    But I'm a bit sad that Celebrate Victini is not often played in Smogon.

    8 minutes ago, Ruby Genseki said:
    • 10. Some Daisuki-related Elgyem/Beheeyem. Come on! I cannot be the only one who likes them, right?
    • 8. Original Magearna. I like her looks, and specially in her shiny form.

    Yeah maybe people will rediscover Elgyem/Beheeyem with an event like that.

    Original Magearna will come in USUM I'm pretty sure.


    And for shiny Celebi we'll have to wait VC Crystal.

  5. Hi,

    I decided to open this discussion thread about the event Pokemon you wished.


    Here's my top 10 from Gen 1 to 6:

    • n°10: Emolga (Iris's one or just a fun one)
    • n°9: Krookodile (Battle Ready or Ash's one)
    • n°8: Noivern (Ash's one or a Battle Ready)
    • n°7: Sigilyph (one related to the Daisuki mysteries can be very cool)
    • n°6: Eelektross (Battle Ready)
    • n°5: Klekfi (one to commemorate the short movie or just a fun one)
    • n°4: Hawlucha (Ash's one or a fun one)
    • n°3: Clefairy (because we all know that is what Mimikyu is hiding, and it can be seen in VGC, w/ Softboiled of course)
    • n°2: Claydol (same as Sigilyph, w/Stored Power)
    • n°1: Cresselia (honnestly this pokemon rule the VGC and never had a distrib, why?)


    And from Gen 7:

    • n°6: Oricorio (can be cool, especially if there is a new form in USUM, plus 4 to collect)
    • n°5: Sandygast (a fun one)
    • n°4: Type:Null (Gladion's one is so charismatic in the anime, in a Honorball of course)
    • n°3: Alolan Muk (Battle Ready)
    • n°2: Alolan Marowak (Battle Ready)
    • n°1: Alolan Raichu (just a fun one w/Surf please)


    And you what Pokemon do you dream to be distributed? Of course I can speak about the unreleased HA Pokemon (Alolan Starters, Alolan Tapu ...) or the shiny-lock but they'll surely be distributed one day.


    Let's imagine all cool event we could have.

    • Like 1
  6. Back in business ^^

    So I decided first to get all the non-buggy Pokemon from Pokemon Yellow Bug Town (Here for explanations). That was hard but I succeded.


    Then I also found that you can still catch wild Wailord in Pokemon Prism thanks to the walk through walls code. But I still haven't find any fossil.

    Finally I'll try to see if I can get the data of the surfing Pikachu from that game just for personal use.

    Edit: I got it but each time I try to edit my save I got a save corruption. That's hard


    022 - FEAROW - 60BC.pk1

    027 - SANDSHREW - 6231.pk1

    058 - GROWLITHE - A5E9.pk1

    080 - SLOWBRO - 749A.pk1

    100 - VOLTORB - A575.pk1

    100 - VOLTORB - B161.pk1

    115 - KANGASKHAN - 6400.pk1

    123 - SCYTHER - D357.pk1

    • Thanks 1
    • Proud 1
  7. Welcome to the Under Level Collection.
    This thread was originally started by Poke J (as seen below in the second post), however due to inactivity maintaining the archive links,
    theSLAYER usurped one of jojo12100's older post, and shifted it over to become the top post of this thread.

    This first post will be updated to include the latest archive zip in due time.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, BlackShark said:

    The Pokemon Request forums would have been a better place for your question. But anyway I would recomment to use suloku's Gen 5 Save Tool to inject Sylveon into Entralink Forest and then catch it there. . .

    Sylveon is a Gen 6 Pokemon.

    To get a DW Sylveon you can transfer a DW Eevee directly from gen5 to Gen 7 and raise its love to evolve, or you can breed a DW female Eevee in gen6/7 in order to get the baby with the Dream Ball and evolve it.

    • Like 1
  9. Salazzle will be distributed in Europe from August 18th to September 18th

    Uk at Game

    Germany at Nintendo Zone

    France at Micromania

    In Italy it will be at Gamestop.

    In the Netherlands, it'll be distributed at Intertoys


    Source: Serebii.net

  10. 7 hours ago, HaxAras said:

    Is it possible to use Action Replay codes to force the US Colosseum Bonus disk to accept the PAL games and send a Wishmaker Jirachi to a non-English game?

    I personnally modify the Bonus Disc code a long time ago to do it.

    So yes it is possible but I'm not an AR specialist.

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