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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. Ok  so yesterday I was fishing lv20 Whiscash in my Diamond and Pearl versions with 2 DS side by side when I noticed something really weird: the wild pokemon encountered were the same at +90%. I was convinced by that when I met a Red gyarados in my pearl version then in my diamond version.

    What is the probability of finding 2  same shinies in the same place in 2 different versions in less than 5 minutes ?

    In fact I suspect the version to synchronize themself like during record mixing.

    Does someone have encounter a similar case?

  2. Who got another shiny today hunting for lv15 Slowbro in SM? It's me ^^ I got a shiny Slowpoke with 5IV all except Speed. Caught in a LoveBall of course!


    I have a bad news unfortunately apparently Elektek lv26 is exclusive to Pokemon Moon that's why I don't have it yet.


    @HaxAras I don't understand why you changed the lowest level in gen7. I mean for example lv10 Gyarados is easy to find.

    • Like 1
  3. I found 2 Red Gyarados in less than 5 minutes searching for lv20 DP Whiscash. Is it good luck? After my 2 Safari fails that made me cry.


    Edit: Found lv22 Toxicroak I'm the luckiest guy in the world today ^^

    • Like 1
    • Teary-Eyed 1
  4. 4 hours ago, HaxAras said:

    1 in 600 for the level 25. And I get the damn level 26. I've captured every one that didn't flee. If I catch the entire level range outside of 25, I'll give up. Fishing is terrible. So painfully slow in these games. 

    I have 11 Japanese Sapphire. 


    So lucky I have only seen 2 lv28 for the moment. It's so painfull to get this. If you got it first I thought to share most of my gen5 collection.

    Edit: I saw it in my Emerald Cartrigde and it fled even with Pokeblock glitch I'm so salty !!!!!!

  5. You should take care of you better @HaxAras.

    Few corrections: Salamence is lv9 in SM not 3, Pupitar in SS is not an underleved as it evolves at lv30 and Herdier can be found in normal gameplay in Hidden Grotto at lv10.

    Have a good night.

    Still no Toxicroak after 38 tries, come on.

  6. 1 minute ago, HaxAras said:

    I rest my case.

    In that case you'll have to use the impossible escape safari trick known by shinyshunters.

    But I don't know if there is documentation on this in english.

  7. 32 minutes ago, HaxAras said:

    We need another Sedra and another Haunter to have the Gengar and Kingra. @jojo12100, Wanna start fishing for Seaking? We can race to see who catches it first. When i finish the spreadsheet, I'm going to seep. I've been up all night and working on this for hours.

    In order to not cry as I did for Safari Gyarados I suggest you to do it on emulator and save state in front of.

    I personnally created a custom rom in order to just see the 1% Seaking.

  8. 3 minutes ago, HaxAras said:

    I'm not even going to try to get any of those. They're all fishing and surfing and those are the worst ones. 

    Do you have a level 22 Graveler from Platinum, route 214? I spent 2 1/2 hours searching. I found about 50-60 level 23's and 3-5 level 24's. Not a single 22 showed up. Bulbapedia has Diamond/Pearl's lowest level listed at 23 so I wonder if they made a mistake. 

    Yes, it's a time exclusive level in DP or Pt?. Will contribute it when I'll upload my save for you.

  9. Ok, I have a new deal in order to get more contributers.

    Here's the list of the ones I don't have. If you get one of those and share it here I'll contribute another un-contributed underleved.

    Hope you'll enjoy.


    Gen 3

    Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

    • Safari Zone
      • Seaking lv25

    Gen 4

    Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

    • Twinleaf Town
      • Golduck lv 20 (DP) 


  10. I've updated the list, as you can see there is a lot of researches to do in gen 2/5/6/7.


    • Route 6
      • Golduck lv 15 (Yellow)
    • Route 9


      • Fearow lv 19 (Yellow)


    • Route 10


      • Poliwhirl lv 23 (Red/Blue)


      • Kingler lv 25 (Yellow)


    • Route 11
      • Raticate lv 17 (Yellow)


    • Route 13


      • Seadra lv 20 (Yellow)


    • Route 15


      • Venomoth lv 30 (Yellow)


    • Route 17


      • Dodrio lv 29 (Yellow)


    • Route 20


      • Tentacruel lv 20 (Yellow)


    • Fuchsia City


      • Seaking lv 23 (Red/Blue)


      • Gyarados lv 15 (Yellow)
    • Pokemon Tower


      • Huanter lv 20 (Yellow)


    • Safari Zone


      • Dragonair lv 15 (Yellow)


      • Marowak lv 24 (Yellow)


    • Seafoam Islands


      • Slowbro lv 31 (Yellow)


    • Viridian Forest
      • Metapod lv 4 (Red)


      • Kakuna lv 4 (Blue)


      • Pidgeotto lv 9 (Yellow)



    Gen 2

    • Route 1

    o    Furret lv 6

    o    Raticate lv 6 (Crystal)

    • Route 2

    o    Pidgeotto lv 7

    o    Noctowl lv 7

    o    Ariados lv 7 (Gold)

    o    Ledian lv 7 (Silver)

    • Route 3

    o    Arbok lv 10

    • Route 5

    o    Granbull lv 15 (Crystal)

    • Route 6

    o    Golduck lv 10

    • Route 7

    o    Persian lv 18 (Crystal)

    o    Haunter lv 17 (Captured)

    • Route 8

    o    Kababra lv 15 (Gold/Silver)

    • Route 9

    o    Primeape lv 15 (Gold?)

    • Route 11

    o    Hypno lv 16

    • Route 22

    o    Fearow lv 7

    • Route 24

    o    Weepinbell lv 12 (Gold/Silver)

    o    Venomoth lv 10 (Gold/Silver)

    o    Gloom lv 14 (Crystal) (Captured)

    • Route 27

    o    Dodrio lv 30

    • Route 30

    o    Poliwhirl lv 20 (Side note Poliwrath and Politoad can be obtained at this level by evolving)

    • Route 45

    o    Dragonair lv 10 (Captured)

    • Burned Tower

    o    Weezing lv 16 (Crystal)

    • Celadon City

    o    Muk lv 15

    ·         Cerulean City

    o    Seaking lv10

    • Dark Cave

    o    Ursaring lv 25 (Crystal)

    • Diglett's Cave

    o    Dugtrio lv 19

    ·         Ice Path

    o   Jynx lv20(Gold/Silver)

    • Ilex Forest

    o    Kakuna lv 5 (Silver)

    o    Metapod lv 5 (Gold)

    • Mt. Moon

    o    Sandslash lv 10 (Gold)

    • Mt. Mortar

    o    Golbat lv 13 (Crystal) (Side note Crobat can be obtained at lv 14 by evolving)

    • Mt. Silver

    o    Pupitar lv 20 (crystal)

    • New Bark Town

    o    Tentacruel lv 20

    • Rock Tunnel

    o    Marowak lv 12 (Crystal), lv14(GS)

    o    Machoke lv 14

    o    Haunter lv 15 (Crystal) (Side note need two to redo the Xatu trade in Crystal to get a lower level)

    • Ruins of Alph

    o    Quagsire lv 15

    • Team Rocket HQ

    o    Electrode lv23

    • Slowpoke Well

    o    Slowbro lv 20

    • Whirl Islands

    o    Seadra lv 20 (Side not Kingra can be obtained by evolving)

    • Victory Road

    o    Rhydon lv 35 (Crystal)


    Gen 3


    Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

    • Route 129
      • Wailord lv 25 (Captured)
    • Abandoned Ship
      • Tentacruel lv 20 (Captured)
    • Petalburg Forest
      • Silcoon lv 5 (Captured)
      • Cascoon lv 5 (Captured)
    • Safari Zone
      • Golduck lv 25 (Captured)
      • Dodrio lv 29 (Captured)
      • Seaking lv25

    ·         New Mauville

    o    Magneton lv26

    o    Electrode lv26

    Fire Red and Leaf Green

    • Kindle Road
      • Rapidash lv 37 (Captured)
    • Mt. Ember
      • Magcargo lv 25 (Captured)
    • Pallet Town
      • Gyarados lv 15 (Captured)
      • Seadra lv 25 (Fire Red) (Evolve to get Kingdra as well)
      • Kingler lv 25 (Leaf Green)
    • Pokemon Mansion
      • Weezing lv 32 (Fire Red) (Captured)
      • Muk lv 32 (Leaf Green)
    • Pokemon Tower
      • Haunter lv 20 (Captured)
    • Safari Zone
      • Seaking lv 20
      • Dragonair lv 25
    • Seafoam Islands
      • Dewgong lv 32 (Captured)
      • Slowbro lv 32
      • Golduck lv 32
    • Viridian City
      • Poliwhirl lv 20 (Captured)
      • Poliwrath lv 20 (Evolve) (Captured)
      • Politoad lv 20 (Evolve) (Captured)
    • Viridian Forest
      • Kakuna lv 4 (Fire Red) (Captured)
      • Metapod lv 4 (Leaf Green) (Captured)


    Gen 4


    Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

    • Route 203
      • Kirlia lv 6 (DP)
    • Route 205
      • Tentacruel lv 20
      • Gastrodon lv 20 (Plat)
      • Lumineon lv 20 (DP)
      • Skiploom lv12(Diamond)
    • Route 213
      • Swellow lv 20 (DP)
      • Octillery lv 20 (DP)
    • Route 214
      • Graveler lv 22 (Plat)
    • Route 215
      • Houndoom lv 20 (Pearl)
    • Route 217
      • Medicham lv 35 (DP)
      • Piloswine lv34 (PT)

    ·         Route 220

    o    Lanturn lv20(DP)

    ·         Route 221

    o    Skuntank lv29(Diamond)

    • Route 223
      • Wailord lv 35 (DP)
    • Great Marsh
      • Gyarados lv 15 (DP)
      • Drapion lv 22 (DP)
      • Toxicroak lv22 (DP)
    • Honey Trees
      • Silcoon lv 5
      • Cascoon lv 5
    • Lake Verity
      • Staravia lv 4 (GBA insertion E, FR, LG) (DP)
      • Bibarel lv 4 (GBA insertion E, FR, LG) (DP)
    • Mt. Coronet
      • Dragonair lvl 15 (DP)
      • Abomasnow lv38(Pt)
    • Old Chateau
      • Haunter lv 16 (GBA insertion)
      • Gengar lv 16 (GBA insertion)
    • Orburgh Gate
      • Golbat lv 10 (Plat)
      • Whiscash lv 20 (DP)
    • Twinleaf Town
      • Golduck lv 20
      • Seaking lv 20 (DP)
    •  TurnBack Cave
      • Dusclops lv36(Pt)

    Heart Gold and Soul Silver

    • Route 1
      • Furret lv 6


    • Route 2
      • Pidgeotto lv 7


    • Route 3
      • Arbok lv 10


    • Route 8
      • Kadabra lv 15
    • Route 7
      • Persian lv 19


    • Route 9
      • Primeape lv15


      • Gloom lv 15

    ·         Route 11

    o    Hypno lv16


    • Route 22
      • Fearow lv 7


      • Poliwhirl lv10


    • Route 25
      • Venomoth lv 8


      • Weepinbell lv 10


      • Seaking lv 10


    • Route 30
      • Linoone lv 4


      • Poliwhirl lv 15
    • Burnt Tower
      • Raticate lv 15


    • Celadon City
      • Muk lv 15


    • Cliff Cave
      • Kingler lv 22
    • Diglett's Cave
      • Dugtrio lv 19


    ·         Ilex Forest

    o    Butterfree lv6

    o    Beedrill lv6


    • Lake of Rage
      • Gyarados lv 10
    • Mt. Moon
      • Sandslash lv 10 (HG)

    ·         Mt.Silver

    o    Pupitar lv30(SS)

    • New Bark Town
      • Tentacruel lv 15


    ·         Pokewalker

    o    Octillery lv19

    o    Pelipper lv15


    • Rock Tunnel
      • Machoke lv 14 (Evolve to get Machamp as well)
      • Marowak lv 14


    • Slowpoke Well
      • Slowbro lv 15


    • Safari Zone
      • Nidorino lv15


      • Nidorina lv15


      • Golbat lv 17


      • Graveler lv 16
      • Magneton lv 16


      • Haunter lv 16
      • Weezing lv 15


    ·         Team Rocket HQ

    o    Electrode lv23


    • Union Cave
      • Quagsire lv 10


    • Violet City
      • Whiscash lv10


    ·         Viridian Forest

    o    Noctowl lv5

    o    Ledyba lv5

    o    Ariados lv5

    • Whirl Islands
      • Seadra lv 15


    Gen 5

    • Route 4
      • Mandibuzz lv 25 (B2)
      • Braviary lv25 (W2)
    • Route 6
      • Unfezant lv 25 (BW)
    • Route 8
      • Seismitoad lv 15 (BW)
    • Route 9
      • Garbodor lv 31 (BW)
      • Gothitelle lv 34 (B)
      • Reuniclus lv 34 (W)
    • Route 15
      • Tyranitar lv 50 (BW)
    • Castelia Sewers
      • Muk lv 5 (B2W2)
    • Chargestone Cave
      • Boldore lv 24 (BW)
    • Cold Storage
      • Stoutland lv 23 (BW)
    • Dragonspiral Tower
      • Dragonite lv 50
    • Hidden Grotto
      • Magneton lv 10 (Special event only)
      • Dragonite lv10 Special event only)
      • Shelgon lv10 (Special event only)
      • Herdier lv10
      • Amoonguss lv35

    ·         Lostlorn Forest

    o    Unfezant lv22 (BW)

    o    Flotazel lv10

    o    Zoroark lv25 (BW special event)

    • Nature Preserve
      • Gyarados lv 1 (B2W2)
    • P2 Laboratory
      • Jellicent lv 5 (BW)
    • Relic Castle
      • Volcarona lv 35 (B2W2 first encounter only)
    • Relic Passage
      • Azumarill lv 5(B2W2)
    • Seaside Cave
      • Dewgong lv 30 (B2W2)

    ·         Strange House

    o    Banette lv32 (B2W2)

    • Undella Bay
      • Wailord lv 30 (B2W2)
      • Sealeo lv25 (Winter)
      • Wailrein lv30 (Winter B2W2), lv35 (Winter BW)

    ·         Victory Road

    o    Zweilous lv49 (B2W2)


    Gen 6


    ·         Route 8

    o    Dragalge lv35(Y)

    o    Clawitzer lv35(X)

    • Route 11
      • Hariyama lv 22


    • Friend Safari
      • Piloswine lv 30


      • Bronzong lv30
      • Gabite lv30
      • Foretress lv30
      • Galvantula lv30
      • Lampent lv30
      • Fraxure lv30
      • Beartic lv30
      • Golurk lv30
      • Pyroar lv30
      • Gogoat lv30
      • Sliggoo lv30
    • Santelune Forest
      • Kakuna lv 4 (X)
      • Metapod lv 4 (Y)

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    ·         Mirage Island

    o    Purugly lv36

    ·         Demo

    o    Glalie lv40



    Gen 7

    • Route 1
      • Metapod lv 3
    • Route 3
      • Salamence lv 9 (SOS)

    ·         Route 10

    o    Pangoro lv24 (SOS)

    ·         Brooklet Hill

    o    Seaking lv10 (SOS)

    • Kala'e Bay
      • Shelgon lv 15 (SOS)
    • Melemele Meadow
      • Butterfree lv 9 (SOS)
    • Melemele Sea
      • Gyarados lv 10 (SOS)
    • Pokemon Pelago
      • Kadabra lv 11
      • Drifblim lv 11

    ·         Poni Break Coast

    o    Sharpedo lv10(SOS)

    • Poni Gauntlet
      • Dragonite lv 10 (SOS)
    • Poni Meadow
      • Dragonair lv 10 (SOS)
    • Seaward Cave
      • Whiscash lv 10 (SOS)
    • Vast Poni Canyon
      • Kommo-o lv 41 (SOS)


    • Like 2
  11. Found the lv5 Noctowl. Also found lv20 Swellow in DP and lv30 Pupitar in HGSS.

    Metagross in B2W2 is not an underleved (evolves at lv45).

    And hope new members will contribute, the fishing ones are very hard to get.

  12. Here's most of my gen4 underleved, hope it'll motivate you to get the missing ones ^^



    Edit: Found lv6 Butterfree and Beedrill in Ilex Forest in HGSS, apparently there will also be lv5 Noctowl in Viridian Forest but I didn't find it for the moment. Found lv5 Ariados/Ledian in Viridian Forest.

    • Like 2
  13. 9 hours ago, HaxAras said:

    I'm still interested in this project. But i'm waiting to see if more people join in and contribute because it feels like a second job after a while. There's also another under-leveled Seaking in the RSE Safari Zone I think. I think it's level 23. Not as low as the FR/LG one but you could argue it's still worth getting for the different region met location. Like the LV.15 FR/LG Gyarados I found vs. the level 1 from B2W2.


    The RSE Safari Zone has a 20% super rod encounter for a level 25 - to nobody cares Seaking. In ORAS, it can be level 30.

    The Seaking slot encounter for lv25 is 1% so you have 1/600 to get it and it can flee. Such a hard quest!

  14. 11 minutes ago, St. GIGA said:

    Thanks, so in order to translate to English readers it's a Spanish distribution of Mew in Generation 1 with random DV so it could be shiny but the one contained in the sav is not.


    @St. GIGA Do you have pic or other information about Goru-Chan's Pokemon?

  15. On 31/08/2017 at 0:09 AM, Ruby Genseki said:

    Now, as for the Scatterbug...

    I'm not sure if it's the case, but looks like a possible preset first encounter for Santalune Forest. That, or it might have been meant to appear at Route 2 before being changed for the Pidgey.

    Do you guys remember your first random encounter in Santalune Forest? I have yet to properly play XY, so I have nothing to say about it.

    After some tests I can say that it meant to appear at route2 before being changed for pidgey.

    Edit: Abomasnow encounter definitively is the one from Frost Cavern.


    Still no rom hacker or luma user to help us, please?

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, St. GIGA said:

    the shiny-unlocked Spanish d-j Mew was legitimately distributed at the official tcg despite being poorly documented. I view both as legit, same with goruchans.

    I knew about NPower Pikachu issues but I never heard of these events. Seems interesting to search about.


    Edit: Apparently Goru-chan's Pokemon were  "just" Pokemon (Piplup and Magneton or Magnezone according to the sources) that were traded by him in local trade during Worlds 2009 in San Diego. Unfortunately the only picture I found was broken.


    Now I'll search about D-j Mew event.

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