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Everything posted by ArcticPrism

  1. Think it'd be possible for someone to modify how trainer Pokemon pids are generated in the rom and make a tool that goes with it? Though something like that sounds like it wouldn't happen anytime soon if it were possible.
  2. I just put 7 or equivalent for doubles/triples for the trainers since there isn't much else I can do other than try to give them movesets they can use somewhat effectively. What is the nature part of the program for? It's locked so I'm assuming it isn't functioning yet and is just there as a placeholder?
  3. Is it possible to make it where the trainer editor remembers the last folder you opened? It would make it more convenient so you don't need to browse to your folders every time you want to open trdata/poke.
  4. Oh, ok. Yeah I just read it wrong. I won't need to go through all the Pokemon I gave Return to afterall!. Well, it doesn't say unknown for the Pokemon, just the trainer AI. It says difficulty for the Pokemon. I'm using BWTE2. I downloaded it January 25th. I will update though as I just checked and there is indeed a new version.
  5. Cool. I know nothing about hex work though so I'll have to stick to modding Rock Climb to emulate Return/Frustration to make sure it's properly used by the AI. I might look around in the Kazowar threads some more if I can find more information about setting that kind of stuff up, at least natures anyways. I Know i can set iv to all 31 by using 255 in the unknown field, which gives a neutral nature, but it would be awesome if I could learn how to adjust that number to give the desired nature. Also a shame there are no EV settings.
  6. Cool, thanks for the information. I guess that means I'll need to go and remove Return on all the Pokemon I gave it to . I'll just modify Rock Climb and make it into a 102 power move and remove secondary effects to emulate it for the AI then. Kind of like giving them moves to emulate hidden power(like Flame Burst,Energy Ball, Bubblebeam etc.) I've noticed the following things in my time playing with ai trainers, though not in battle subway: The AI will do the same thing with other abilities similar to Flash Fire such as Sap Sipper, Lightningrod etc. Something cool about that is that if the AI have a Pokemon with one of these abilities and you use an attack of the same type on another one of their Pokemon weak to it they will switch in the immunity ability holder on the next turn assuming the Pokemon survives to predict you using it again and absorb the hit. I think the AI may have been improved some from bw > bw2 as the AI no longer seems to use entry hazard moves on a Pokemon that has Magic Bounce unless it gets your hp low and it predicts you are going to switch.
  7. Do these work properly on AI trainers? Do they have happiness values for Pokemon? Or is their happiness based off of a Pokemon's base happiness?
  8. Hi Andibad. Your moveset editor is working great for me. I have a small suggestion for you that can improve it some. Is it possible to make it so searching isn't case sensitive? It's a minor issue but it would be convenient to not need to capitalize every time I want to search. Also looking forward to your type changing tool whenever it is released. It'll be fun to mess with poison and ice types.
  9. Is it possible to edit how badges work? Specifically, editing the level they allow your pokemon to be before they don't listen? Like Badge 3 letting you control up to level 60 pokemon. Could you change it to 50?
  10. Not sure how far you are in the game, but the rustling grass doesn't show up until after you beat the first gym.
  11. Seems pretty cool so far. After playing your bw1 versions I see you toned down the improvement of a lot of things. Like Milotic doesn't have multiscale anymore, and Umbreon lost prankster for..... poison touch. Pikachu/Raichu lost speed and special attack. Altaria and Flygon lost their stat improvements too. Many attacks that were improved were improved weren't improved as much or left untouched. Eeveelutions have worse movepools compared to your previous improvements.
  12. Is there anywhere I can find a neat little program or even a PDF with a list of trainers per area for BW2? I was using Zero's BW Trainer along side Kazo's for that very reason but Zero's doesn't work with BW2 and he hasn't logged onto the forum in about 2 months so he may not update it any time soon. http://puu.sh/1SOrL An example of what I'm looking for. The best I know of at the moment is using bulbapedia and looking at the trainer section to see what trainers are in an area but this is far more convenient since I can scroll through the list, find the trainer I want and type the name in on Kazo's editor and edit it.
  13. How do I set forms for BW1? I'd use Zero's thing but it's really sensitive and always tells me my rom is broken when it clearly works fine in game.
  14. Your moveset editor has worked pretty well for me. Thanks. As a side note, I miss your Glaceon avatar. It's only second to Lapras in terms of favorite ice types.
  15. How is the money given by trainers calculated? I put in an amount but the amount I get after defeating the trainer is much more than specified. 10000 gives 28600, 5000 gave me around 10k etc. This is for Black And White.
  16. Any working links for this anywhere? I'm having trouble finding one.
  17. Is this still being developed? If so, will a way to edit the trainer stats such as difficulty level be added?
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