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Everything posted by BlackShark

  1. Incorrect met level. That's the level your Pokemon had when it was transfered to Gen 5, so like this your Blaziken was already transfered on level 1 when it was still a Torchic and unable to learn Vacuum Wave. Combusken can learn the move as well so any met level above 16 is valid here.
  2. They are stored in C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\Ryujinx\bis\user\save Or just right click the game in the games list, then you should see an option to open the saves directory.
  3. @Bloshi & @NekoSabrina The issue should now be fixed in the latest release. Make sure to have the latest version of PKHeX as well (currently 22.01.01). If there are still issue please upload your save file.
  4. TwilightMenu is applying AP patches based on the game code (IREO or IREK for B2W2) and the game header CRC16 (offset 0x15E in the ROM). The Route 10 patch modifies the header and the CRC16, so TwilightMenu is unable to find and apply the correct AP patch. You would need to AP-patch the game manually after applying the Route 10 patch.
  5. The berries are compatible with Ruby/Sapphire of all languages.
  6. RS berries also won't work in Emerald, those would have a slightly different format.
  7. This can only be done by modifying the ROM.
  8. If you use the GBA decompilations you could use Luno's implementation for Gen 6 Exp Share in Emerald and FRLG. Emerald: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=10060538&postcount=26 FRLG: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=10257905&postcount=196
  9. You need to save ingame normally, don't use save states.
  10. Update your game. This is a displaying issue that has already been fixed.
  11. Keep in mind that PokeGen and Pokesav are both very outdated. PKHeX might work, when in Hax Mode, but ROM hacks are not officially supported. Keep a backup of your save file in any case!
  12. You need a hacked Switch, then use either Checkpoint or JKSV. Check the following tutorials for details. https://projectpokemon.org/home/tutorials/save-editing/managing-switch-saves/
  13. Check the links provided on each wild area download page.
  14. Toxic is unavailable for Articuno in BDSP. The only way for it to learn Toxic was a TM in Gen 1 - 7 which doesn't exist in BDSP and there's no way to transfer mons to these games yet.
  15. Use the Batch Editor like this. =Box=2 .OT_Name=YourOT .Language=2 .ConsoleRegion=1 .Country=49 .Region=1 Check this tutorial for more infromation about how to use the batch editor. It also has lists with country and region IDs.
  16. Use the Block Data editor. Scroll down, find and open the Player property. The first property inside is BikeColor. 0 - blue 1 - red 2 - yellow 3 - green
  17. FlagWork8b.GetWork is returning 32bit ints, however the max value of the constant NUD in the research tab is currently set to only 499. In the Work Values tab they are set to 65535. Both can get overflowed by the returned values.
  18. Why would you need that? It is recommended to always use the latest version, but you could compile it from the source https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/releases/tag/19.12.26
  19. sulokus Gen 3 Mystery Gift Tool has a decoration editor.
  20. The games are not officially released yet ...
  21. https://github.com/Admiral-Fish/PokeFinder/releases
  22. That tutorial still works but it is a bit outdated, there is a setting now.
  23. Update your .NET Framework runtime. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net48
  24. Met information didn't exist in Gen 1, the game doesn't store that kind of information anywhere. If you catch a Weedle it will come with Poison String and String Shot. Beedrill will still know them if you didn't let him forget them, however it will never learn these two moves on it's own, no matter if it was initially obtained as Weedle or Kakuna. Prior to Gen 6 information about the previous handlers were not stored as well. For a Pokemon to appear as traded it just needs an OT/ID that's different from yours.
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