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Everything posted by abb7

  1. I mean I know what Keldeo looks like but I havn't seen it in the movie pictures yet.
  2. The ''Sacred Swordsmen'' Are the Musketeer Trio. I haven't seen Keldeo yet.
  3. At serebii, they said there's gonna be a new movie called ''Kyurem VS the Sacred Swordsmen. This doesn't even explain anything about it's connection between Zek and Resh.
  4. This is so weak! I think Articuno is better because it learns sheer cold! You know move upgrades? Well I think Glaciate will have 80 BP, 100 Accuracy And 100% chance of lowering speed by two stages in Grey. There is a possiblity that there's gonna be an event with freeze shck and ice burn. And I think it will have a Dragon/Steel Second Form. Just my oppinions.
  5. I'm breeding scrafty.My scrafty has mild nature. I'm breeding it with dragonite. But the scraggy keeps hatching with Mild nature and it's female too. I keep hatching and hatching but the same thing! Is my game glitched? If this is a new mechanic someone knows about, explain it to me! I'm hoping to get a jolly nature male!
  6. I'm thinking of replacing samurott with Eelektross. I can't do this because Samurott is my starter! what do you think? should i replace him or not?
  7. Hi. I'm trying to pick which water type is good. I want this pokemon to get huge damage from surf when it uses it. I don't know! there are so many! A PM would be good.
  8. I'm sick of Samurott and i need an Electric type! what is a good Electric Type? I'm thinking Zebstrika or Rotom. And also Eelektross looks interesting. Please tell me a good electric type pokemon. PLEASE! :confused:
  9. I normally use Aerodactyl, another good one. Another good one is Drifblim, Who can learn Thunderbolt and Shadow Ball. 3 other good flying types are Honchkrow, Fearow and Dodrio. XxSondraBearxX, If you want a flying type pokemon before league that can learn fly, Unfezant is good. Swanna is a good slave and Sigilyph is another pick from me. Golurk czn also learn fly even though it has no wings.
  10. looking foward to it
  11. Ok. I don't have a reason for captivate. Zekrom is physical and Reshiram is Special. Maybe you can change there movesets and maybe levels so it can be fair, to this Zekrom: Fusion Bolt ,Dragon Claw ,Zen Headbutt ,Thunder Fang Reshiram: Fusion Flare ,Dragon Pulse , Extrasensory, Flamethrower
  12. Cut should be changed to grass type, Flying type is not a bad option either. Strength should be changed to TBWCW type, Rock Type or Fighting Type. The things i don't get are: Serperior being Grass/Electric. I don't think it matches its design. It should be something more like Grass/Psychic or Grass/Dragon. Gothitelle line being psychic/dark. I don't really think it matches it. I know it's the colouring but if you're going to have it like that shouldn't Reuniclus's type change? Something like Psychic/Fighting for Reuniclus to make it pretty neutral on counterparts. Plus, it would be unusual to have a psychic/dark type. And don't you think Gyarados's type should be changed to Water/Dragon? Yes or Nos. -Making Captivate Genderless/SpA version Charm - opinions on this change? - Defintely NOT! -Hyper Beam and similar moves - opinions on how the move should change? To Something Like Fire Blast/Thunder/Blizzard. etc -Sky attack to be changed to be similar to Cross Chop/Stone Edge - opinions on this change? - Yes
  13. You've got some movepools wrong. Some movepools are from pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White so the movesets are wrong. i'm trying to edit samurott and it came up with the Pokemon Blaze Black & Volt White movepool instead of the normal movepool.
  14. That's 336 squared cm and i'm using a joybook lite.
  15. i did! maybe i figured out the problem. My computer is not big enough to show the save button so that means i won't be able to finish my hack. I don't have another computer aswell.
  16. The button isn't there and what version is that? Look i'm serious. Not Joking.
  17. where's the save button? It can't save! (I don't mean save to text file). I edited wild pokemon then i tested it out with my white rom, The pokemon are still the same! how do i edit the pokemon and save it? Please tell me.
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