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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. I'm only getting the Luga. Where'd everything else go? Because I could care less about the super hacked stuff.
  2. <p><p><p><p><p><p>No, I haven't. But I'm going to go in and grab that Fungus, Swampert, Machamp and Munna later. I don't really care about the super hax0red stuff. And I swear, this time, I'll do it tonight.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

  3. Wide Lens Gengar can be pretty evil to Machamp. Come in on Dynamic Punch or Earthquake, sleep or put up a Substitute and fire off Hypnosis and Shadow Balls. Gengar isn't a very defensive Pokemon, but it has 3 immunities, resists Poison and is immune to Toxic. It's pretty nifty if you can come in on the right moves.
  4. Well Skarmory, while a physical wall, isn't as amazing as he's often talked about. He absolutely is destroyed by any type of Special Attack that hits for neutral damage. And even the stuff that he resists can hurt a ton if it's backed up by STAB. In many cases, he can be 2HKOed by a STAB Focus Punch/Close Combat. I don't really do battle simulators anymore,but I'll dig out my old Wi-Fi team and do a Wi-Fi battle with you if you can wait for the weekend. It won't be mono bug, but it'll still be a good test.
  5. It costs nothing to hop on and download an event. I doubt anyone of imporatance has ever visited the site.
  6. This doesn't happen in Wi-Fi, Random Battles, or Union Room (aka local wireless) battles. First off, remember that auto-leveling is possible, depending on if you're doing Wi-fi or Local Wireless battling. So if they auto-level to 50 or 100, you won't have a level 1 Smeargle. That being said, you're trying to pull off Sleep, Endeavor to 1 HP, and Trick Room. That's too much and is essentially wasint a move slot. If you want to Endeavor your opponent down to 1 HP, you want to at least also have a priority move. Quick Attack, Bullet Punch or Aqua Jet all get the job done. There's two move slots right there, Endeavor and whatever priority move you want. What will likely happen is after you Endeavor your opponent down to 1 HP, your opponent will probably realize what you're trying to do and switch. You've got a couple options. You can set up entry hazards such as Stealth Rock, Spikes, or Toxic Spikes. You can Taunt to stop your opponent from setting up entry hazards. You can boost stats and attempt to Baton Pass. And you can switch. I think Smeargle's best bet is to set up Stealth Rock and, if it gets the chance, to use Taunt. So Smeargle w/ Focus Sash Jolly Own Tempo 252 atk/252 speed/6 HP -Endeavor - Quick Attack - Stealth Rock - Taunt Word of warning. This whole Endeavor/Quick Attack strategy is a fairly well known strategy. People WILL see this coming. But if you catch them off guard, it can pay off big. ----------------------------- Rest is just letting your opponent switch out to get your stat boosted Snorlax to be Whirlwinded or Roared away, or knocked out with a Fighting move. Body Slam/Fire Punch has a pretty bad coverage. I think Thunderpunch helps you take out Gyarados and Earthquake hels you take on Heatran. You're still kind of vulnerable to Dragons, but STAB Body Slam hurts quite a bit and has that handy paralysis. ------------------------------ Okay, about Hidden Power. Hidden Power is ONLY effective for those it hits for x4 super effective damage. A standard STAB BoltBeam type move is just about or even stronger when it hits for neutral damage than a Super Effective x2 HP does. STAB Surf/Flamethrower/IceBeam/Thunderbolt for neutral damage: 142 Hidden Power Whatever for x2 damage at base 70 power: 140 Hidden Power Whatever for x4 damage at base 70 power: 280 So what is Porygon-Z hitting for x4 damage? Are these really that big of threats? The only thing it really hits is Tyranitar, and Tyranitar's Sp Def is ridiculous anyway. Might not be worth the moveslot. Magnezone w/ Magnet Pull is possibly the best Scizor counter, but your current set kind of sucks. Substitute or Toxic/Thunderbolt/HP Fire/Thunderwave is your new set. This easily takes down Forretress and Scizor (watch out for Superpower). Heracross will be a bad matchup for Skarmory (though Skarmory hates STAB Close Combat)....and, well , Heatran is a problem to your team, no doubt about that. Maybe fit Aura Sphere on Togekiss, maybe ditching Encore. Mono tourneys are more for fun than straight up competition anyway since you'll always have a weak spot or two. Best of luck.
  7. <p><p><p><p><p><p>You are awesome</p></p></p></p></p></p>

  8. <p><p><p><p><p><p>Think you can RNG a Jolly ANA Flyvchu, the recent event? And if possible, a Naive/Hasty one as well with HP Ice?</p></p></p></p></p></p>

  9. Too tired now. Gonna test this out tomorrow in the afternoon, probably around 1ish EST
  10. This really isn't the proper forum for "how do i hack" since this forum is for specific questions and discussion for Pokegen. Pokegen is just a computer program. You can either modify digital pokemon files, or create them yourself. You can also either output it as an AR code, or directly modify a save file. If you want to get your save file off of your B/W or Gen 4 cartridge, you'll need a flash card. The R4 is the most widely used, but it's a piece of junk. Ask around for advice. Different carts do different stuff and depending on the extent you're going to use it, one size doesn't fit all. If all you want to do is mess around with indiividual Pokemon, you can do that with either a flash card (again, modifying the save file), get an action Replay (available where most games are sold), or use a GTS exploit. The GTS exploit allows you both to send Pokemon TO your game, and export your Pokemon from your game to your computer. Read about the GTS exploit here, here, and here
  11. Read the first post and this thread (http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?8325-GTS-Servers-and-(Valid)-Pokemon-Creation-for-Dummies). Please don't spam the forums with the same post, and if you have questions, be specific.
  12. The DPPlat, HGSS, and BW forums all have trading threads. We frankly don't have enough Wi-Fi activity to justify a Trade forum. As for shinyGTS, no one is going to hold your hand and explain the whole thing to you. There are several tutorials and help threads on this very forum, probably in Miscellaneous. Read the proper materials, and if you have further questions, ask them and be specific.
  13. I've seen some evidence that descriptions of the Classic Ribbon can change depending on the legality of Pokemon, but that's about it. And only evidence, not a 100% conclusion. But no, nothing bad will happen to your save. It's possible to create a Pokemon that'll shut down a game...but you just boot it back up.
  14. Are you using a DSi, DSiXL, or a 3DS?
  15. Probably because the cost is too much to justify it. Australia doesn't have Internet connections? The events at tournaments aren't anything special. One was a Shiny Eevee, and the other was a Shiny Milotic. Big woop. Since the tournament is over and this thread was pretty much dead, I'm gonna close this.
  16. No, it's not possible. There's several forums all with Help/Questions threads so that these simple yes/no questions don't need to be posted as their own threads. Search before posting, next time.
  17. Any further questions, comments, or concerns can be posted here, or you can PM me, CuleX, Bond697, or Guested (all of whom are OPs of some sort on IRC).
  18. Here's a hint: If you keep getting your posts deleted, don't keep re-posting them There's an entire forum dedicated to AR codes with specific threads for games, countries, etc...There's no reason to have each individual user set up their own "shop" or whatever. Just if someone, in some thread, needs an AR code made, then make it for them. SEARCH BEFORE POSTING. If you want to make AR codes, go to the appropriate forum. If you want to help fulfill requests, I directed you there earlier.
  19. This is more of a general help thread than specifically related to PokeGen, and since all the questions seemed to have been answered, I'm going to close it now.
  20. If you don't have wi-fi, you can't trade.
  21. No need for this when we have a request thread. Just help out there. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15403-General-Pokemon-Request-Thread-Revenge-of-the-Fallen
  22. Did you bother checking the event contributions forum? Please search before posting.
  23. If Bond has posted the pkm on his server, it's in his zip. If he hasn't, it isn't. I'm closing this thread for now until Bond tells me to re-open it.
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