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Everything posted by codemonkey85

  1. @evandixon Those are a bit too small; I'm not sure what resolution they're stored in for the games, but I imagine it's larger than that? I need the cured symbol too, which I can't seem to find anywhere. Thanks for that, I think I missed it. I could do that but.... That's pretty helpful - thanks! And thanks LEGOanimal22!
  2. Well since you asked: The PC box wallpapers The Pokerus symbols The shiny star The gender symbols The markings (circle, square, diamond, etc.) I... think that's it really? I'll get back to you if I think of more.
  3. I wouldn't go quite that far. I know some people disagree, but I personally think Pokegen has a lot of really good functionality, and some polish to boot. Not everything. Wonder Cards aren't close to done, and there's a lot of the save file yet to be mapped. Plus, there are lots of graphics I still don't have (I'll probably end up just recreating them manually). I can't stress enough that my primary goal isn't really to make a save editor, though. It's to make an open library so anyone can make anything with it. Yay openness!
  4. Well, I'm now on Bitbucket as well as GitHub: https://bitbucket.org/codemonkey85/pkmds-g5 And also, the PKM Viewer can now edit the current Pokémon's held item and level. Changes will be merged shortly. Hopefully I can get the main part of this form done this week...?
  5. The stuff on Drive is still there, but yeah - you're better off using GitHub to download the zip, or just get an account and the Windows client and clone it. I'll probably close up shop on the public Drive folder soon anyway.
  6. Just a quick update: work has been nuts this week, but I did manage to eke out a few small things. As is the plan going forward, the GitHub repository has also been updated to reflect this latest code.
  7. Actually do yourself a favor: stop trying to do it in VB and try it in a language more suited for working with binary data. You can do it in VB, but it's a much simpler task in, say, C++. (Why do you think I switched?) PS: PM or email me anytime if you need some guidance.
  8. Great to see you again man. How's life been? You might be happy to learn that I have been doing an open source save hacking library with C++ and Qt.
  9. Hmm, actually I had forgotten that. I suppose I should write another function to give the user a legal range of PIDs so they can fix it after they change the gender.
  10. Okay folks, Github is go! https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS
  11. As a matter of fact, I'm on Github now after all. https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-G5.git And I'd be happy to take contributions.
  12. Just FYI: evandixon recently pointed out that people have a hard time getting my source code from Google Drive. To that end, here is a download link: PKMDS Source on Dropbox I'll try to keep the files in there up-to-date, until I figure out a smarter way (like a proper Github implementation).
  13. Guested: your excitement is welcome as always. evandixon & everyone else who asks: I'm thinking about separately hosting a downloadable version that's always up-to-date, but I'm not 100% sure what the best way to go about that is. I don't want to let people download directly off Google Drive, because I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to, and I don't want to risk them restricting me in any way. Of course, even if I did do that it would only be good for Windows (until I'm brave enough to try installing Ubuntu on my SSD again so I can compile there). EDIT: Also, anyone who's interested in trying out the source will not be able to download it directly from my Drive page, so you'll have to contact me directly with a Gmail address if you want to have it shared to you. I got annoyed trying to figure out how to use Git on Windows or directly through Qt, so until I figure that out or a better way, that's how things are working. If you have any suggestions or would like to offer help in improving that situation, help is welcome.
  14. PKMDS Save Editor 1.0: Edit your Generation 5 save files! You can download the latest release from: https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-Save-Editor/releases/latest Please report issues to the GitHub issue tracker! PKMDS Save editor currently supports the following Pokémon games: Black White Black 2 White 2 As of this release, you can: Import and export Pokémon. Edit individual Pokémon Common info such as species, form, held item, ball, markings, level Basic info such as nickname, trainer info, ability, EXP Stats info such as IVs, EVs, Nature, Pokerus Moves, PP Ups, current PP Origins info such as met / egg location / date, met level, game, country, fateful, N's Pokémon [*]Drag and drop your Pokémon between the party and current box, or drag and drop from the party / current box to another box using the list on the right [*]Edit box names And there are more features on the way!
  15. Actually, I second this, since I'm working on my C++ library and surely there is something insightful to be found.
  16. Since you already have the format now, the fastest solution may well be using a hex editor (like HxD) to change the dates yourself, and then simply open and save the file using Pokegen to fix it. Thanks for the info, evandixon! I'm gonna throw that into my library.
  17. I know where the "Adventure Started" date is kept and which format it's in. I'm not sure where the other dates are (for the badges), but I'm sure they're in the same format... if you PM me the save file and tell me the dates you currently have, I bet I could change 'em. I'm not sure what other dates are stored, or where they are though.
  18. Yeah, I'm gonna have to do the wrapper thing I think, because my library uses the open source sqlite library, which is C code (cannot be compiled in CLI applications). I'm caring less and less about cross-platform, although only for GUI purposes; I'd like the core functionality to be platform-agnostic.
  19. Not to steer the thread away from the subject at hand, but Grovyle91 - what do you design your apps with again? C#, right? I'm in a position where I really need to develop a GUI, but I'm using a mix of C and C++, and GUIs are a pain in the neck.
  20. I'm sure you already know this, but just because FR LG E used "wireless" link technology does not mean it would be easy to adapt them to DS wireless communications. If anything, I imagine the wireless used in the Gen III games more closely resembled the architecture of the link cable... just wireless. Of course, I'm no hardware manufacturer or network protocol specialist, so I can't really back that up.... I get the feeling SEP is gone for good. :-(
  21. Just as an update, I have been working away at my C++ library. There's quite a bit of open-ended functionality now. At this point one could use it to create a program that can: Encrypt and / or decrypt a PC storage Pokémon (or party Pokémon) at will Get or set any data for any Pokémon, and do that in a pretty readable way thanks to various value enumerations for species, items, in-game locations, etc. Get or set the values and quantities of bag items Fix checksums for Pokémon data, block data for the party, PC storage system, items, the save file as a whole, and really any other block you know the location for. Sort Pokémon based on criteria of your choosing (work in progress) As another proof of concept, here is a sample of how one could use my library to, say, turn every Pokémon in a given save file into a Psyduck: If there are any further questions, feel free to email or PM me!
  22. EDIT: For the main thread concerning the code library itself, please go here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?20984-PKMDS-Code-Library-Gen-V Hi all. I've been mostly pretty quiet about it, but for the last several months I've been writing a new Pokémon hacking code library in C++. It is open source, and in fact you can find it in my signature (or right here). For fun, as well as to demonstrate the new code library in action, I have written a small program which will sort all of the Pokémon in the PC storage system of a given save file in ascending order of National Pokédex ID. Please note that this program is compatible with Generation V save files only (meaning only Black / White and Black 2 / White 2). I have attached a zip file containing both the compiled .exe for Windows, and a .cpp file containing the source code for the program's main function. The rest of the source is, as I said before, available in my signature. It should be compatible with other operating systems, so you can compile it for Linux / MacOS yourself. To use the program in Windows, simply drag and drop a compatible .sav file onto the .exe, and a new save file named "OUT.sav" will be created. Please feel free to contact me with further questions about the program or the code library. I can be reached here via this thread, via PM, or at my email address (my username at Gmail). PKMDS G5 PC Sorter&.zip
  23. I fixed it. Just had to trim the first 0xA4 or so bytes to bring it down to the normal size of 0x80000. It was easy to spot the extra info, since normally there's no recognizable text in a Gen IV save file. pokemon_pearl..sav
  24. aminevidel, please read through the existing forums and threads before asking such generalized questions. This thread has served... well, no purpose.
  25. Preparefortrouble: post your .SAV file here and I will see if I can help you out.
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