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Everything posted by codemonkey85

  1. I'm not a PHP programmer, but I have heard that PHP and C++ are pretty similar in terms of syntax at least. If you're a good PHP programmer, I expect you should be able to figure out the logic from my library and implement it your own way... assuming PHP doesn't have any annoying problems in dealing with binary data. FYI, I don't iterate over the bytes from a file or array or anything like that; I have a well-defined structure inheriting from some nested structures, and I essentially read the binary data right into them, filling the members with the values I need. I won't lie, I think it's pretty cool. EDIT: I suggest you start from here and work your way up the file: https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-G5/blob/087c26260d07df756ff719e6e34df2471dbad7fb/include/pkmds/pkmds_g5.h#L3001 tldr; if PHP does object serialization I would do it that way. EDIT 2: I've also heard python is pretty similar as it is a scripted language with similar functionality. You should check out the source code tsanth posts here: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Talk:Pok%C3%A9mon_data_structure_in_Generation_IV#Checksum
  2. Somewhat minor, but you can now toggle the Pokémon markings (circle, heart, etc.) by clicking on them. Sweet! EDIT: Have any suggestions? Let me know in this collaborative document!
  3. Just wanted to drop in and say great job! Also I'm not sure what compatibility for Ubuntu / Linux is supposed to be like but there are some slight issues with size and placement of the form controls: (Everything looks funny because I don't think your program can handle .duc files, which is all I had to work with for the moment.) That all being said, the fact that you coded it in Java is pretty cool.
  4. Why not? I have to display both anyway.
  5. Haven't quite figured out the best deployment scenario, but ncorgan has some ideas about that so stay tuned! Then again, you should be able to download the Qt runtime and run it. Maybe I'll try to compile it and post the .exe on GitHub too.
  6. And then there was moveset editing.
  7. That's the idea. Iterate and improve!
  8. Got some new pics, boys and girls! IV / EV editing is now a go!
  9. Just FYI: I do plan to allow box editing, including names and wallpapers. I just hadn't gotten there yet. As far as too many windows is concerned, it's being done this way mostly because I want the box UI and the Pokémon UI to be separate, for the sake of anyone who might use one but not the other. Keeping things modular and flexible is part of my goal. (As a reminder, the editor is not the endgame; the library is.) I wasn't even thinking about a feature suggestion thread, but I suppose evandixon is right. Actually, I might make a Google Form or something for suggestions. I'll think it over.
  10. Major thanks to Nicholas Corgan (https://github.com/ncorgan) for contributing directly to this project, making it more portable, and perhaps most excitingly more compatible with Linux! Work has yet to be done to get the Qt project working properly, but things are very exciting right now for the community of Pokémon hacking / open source overlappers! There seems to be a slight bug in displaying / accessing Pokémon in specific box slots in the box viewer, but once I sort that out it's time to fill out the other tabs in the Pokémon viewer and get some more editing opened up! It was unintentional, but hilarious!
  11. Major thanks to Nicholas Corgan (https://github.com/ncorgan) for contributing directly to this project, making it more portable, and perhaps most excitingly more compatible with Linux! Work has yet to be done to get the Qt project working properly, but things are very exciting right now for the community of Pokémon hacking / open source overlappers!
  12. I wasn't free at 6 PM my time. :-( Can you meet me in the IRC?
  13. Well, if no one wants to give you their Heatran or generate one or whatever, your other option is to trade your messed up Heatran to someone through wifi, let that person edit it to fix it for you, and trade it back to you. In fact, if you'd like I might be able to do that for you tonight, since I have an NDS Adapter with which I could easily extract and edit your Heatran.
  14. I don't think that's gonna work for him, evan. Although, charizard_ranger - you suggested a trade. How can you do a wifi trade but not connect to GTS?
  15. This would be a great time to use Select Case instead of If... Then.
  16. Unless you get a faulty unit, the likelihood of this happening is probably pretty close to 0. I've never heard of such a thing in the 4+ years of save hacking I've done. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.
  17. Poryhack is 100% correct, although with some time and work I also plan to have a "finished"* product in the form of a sav editor. But yeah, in all likelihood PokeGen has everything you want right now, so you'd best download that. *Technically software is never finished :-P
  18. FYI, in the code I suggested I didn't increment z, so you'll either have to add that yourself, or (more efficiently) modify the code to make a viable index from Box and Slot. i.e. SavLStream.Seek(&H400, SeekOrigin.Begin) For Box As Integer = 0 To 23 SavLStream.Seek(&H400 + (Box * &H1000)) For Slot As Integer = 0 to 29 [b]pkm((Box*30)+Slot) = New G5_PC_PKM(SavL.ReadBytes(136))[/b] Next Next
  19. And why should that matter? SavLStream.Seek(&H400, SeekOrigin.Begin) For Box As Integer = 0 To 23 SavLStream.Seek(&H400 + (Box * &H1000)) For Slot As Integer = 0 to 29 pkm(z) = New G5_PC_PKM(SavL.ReadBytes(136)) Next Next
  20. You mean my old VB.Net library? FYI, the whole dictionary thing was done pretty badly (by me). I'm sure there's a better way to handle database info, even if you hardcode the data. And as for creating the PKM array, I would suggest a nested loop rather than a separate while loop for each box. EDIT: Also, if you're not doing Gen IV support there is probably a hefty chunk of code you can remove, particularly in the dictionaries. The stuff that converts "Pokemon text" to Unicode and back can definitely go, since Gen V uses Unicode anyway.
  21. I dunno, since "online avatars" in the past have always been pretty varied (although they used to simply be a rehash of the standard trainer sprites).
  22. Just throwing this out there: would a car be more ridiculous than an ice cream cone?
  23. @skylarmt Yeah, I never quite bothered to look into licensing and stuff, but I just tossed GNU into the readme for now. I'll add the little blurb to the source files sometime later. Anyway, do what you will. I would love to know more about your project by the way. Feel free to PM (or preferably email) me about it sometime. And don't hesitate to contribute to the repository!
  24. Let it never be stated that I don't like Linux folks. It's far from ready for prime time, but it's a good start I think. SIDE NOTE: dealing with Unicode that works in a cross-platform way is unfortunately very annoying.
  25. I ended up stealing the ones from Bulbapedia because ripping them from the ROM was too much work. Plus the Bulbapedia shots were (probably) ripped straight from the games anyway, and they included the transparency. But thanks KazoWAR! After a little batch cropping, I now have the wallpapers and banners separated, so yay!
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