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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. The gap of 0x9C is because you have the powersaves header. Strip it out and you'll have the actual offsets.

    The save file must be valid for Datel to load it; they are running modified 3DSes to load,decrypt,edit,encrypt,save. There is no way to alter the savefile and have Datel fix it.

  2. I'm sorry if I missed something, but is there currently a way I can dump a Pokemon from my game? I'm mostly interested in finding out my SID for personal reasons

    KeySAV&Mass Dumper / KeyBV


    03/17/14: Loads/Saves Friendship value dynamically depending on current handler flag (added indicator in OT tab & memories -- can switch in Memory/Amie. Added a few countries to dropdowns.

  3. Might as well make a few comments:

    Save file "decryption" and the process:

    Gamesaves use a static XORpad which does not change after saving. Starting a new game on digital forces a new XORpad to be used.

    The easiest way to "decrypt" a vast majority of your savefile is by using Powersaves.

    • Back up your save file.
    • Delete the save ingame, and start a new game. Save once early as possible. The new game's backup save will be essentially zeroed out (sans slots that store EKX files), then the game will apply the XOR. The result is (essentially) the XORpad.
    • Back up the new game.
    • By XORing these two savefiles together, a lot of plaintext and data will be revealed.

    By using the Wiki's offsets, you can easily find the data for Wondercards, items, etc. We've mapped the offsets for pretty much everything! Since there is no way to recover hashes or offset tables (due to the XOR only abusing 00^XP), there's no way to alter your save file.

    If you have a Digital Save File, you can extract a WonderCard's contents as follows:

    • Have a desired wondercard in the highest slot possible (not 1).
    • Backup save file 1.
    • Delete wondercard. The data is replaced by zeros.
    • Backup save file 2.
    • XOR the two together; the wondercard should be revealed in plaintext shortly after the wondercard offset in the save file.

    Can also do a Before & After Receiving.

    About KeySAV & Mass Dumper, and the trick that makes them work:

    Save files have a main and backup, just like previous generation games. As previously mentioned, they just have a static pad that is XOR'd over top of the data.

    The way the trick works is by knowing/guessing the contents of an Empty Box Slot.

    Usually it's a PKX full of zeroes [0000000....0000] that are stored encrypted ("encrypted zeroes"). However, there is a problem. The game sometimes stores a "blank" egg - which is basically encrypted zeroes with the name "Egg" and Origin Data (E0-E4). With some clever manipulation, the Nickname and Origin Data can be obtained by using ingame mons.

    • (Empty Row^XORpad) ^ (Full Row^XORpad) = (Empty Row ^ Full Row). Easy canceling of the XORpad. But we need the empty slot's data!
    • To find the Origin Data, we must submit observe an EKX with the Origin Data obtained ingame. By feeding 6 (Full Row), we can obtain it.
    • Since the Origin Data for Empty Zeroes is stored in the 4th Block (00000000 shift value = 0 -> ABCD), we need one of our 6 to have the D block not in the 4th slot.
    • (1/4)^6 = 1:4096, should succeed. Encryption Constant for zeroes & blank is 0, so....
    • Due to the blank and encryptedzeroes not having any data at (0xE0-0xE4)-(n*56), we can XOR (Empty ^ Full) with EncryptedZeroes to obtain a "Polluted" EKX.
    • Decrypt the polluted EKX and see what the Origin Data is. Bingo, now we have our origin (and language) Data.
    • Create a blank EKX with Nickname = Egg(language), and the Origin Data obtained. Encrypt it!
    • With a given Empty Box, just XOR the entire box with the encrypted zeroes and you have your keystream.
    • When dumping data out, check the checksum. If it doesn't match, just XOR it with the obtained blank egg EKX and it should be fixed.

    About KeyBV and the trick that makes it work:

    Battle Videos are stored on the SD card; for a given battle video "slot" (the internal filename is stored as an 8 digit hex index number) they use different XORpads.

    The downfall of using different XORpads is that the same slot will always have the same XORpad. By deleting videos and making the game save to that slot, we can force it to use the same XORpad.

    Battle Videos for Singles store the entire EKX data in Party Format. The trick for "decryption" is as follows:

    • Create a battle video by participating with only 1 Pokemon. Slots 2-6 are empty.
    • Delete battle video so that the next one saves to the same slot.
    • Create a battle video by participating with 2 Pokemon, the 2nd being the one from the first (this is important).
    • At the party EKX offset, we know slots 2-6 are empty from video 1.
    • ((xorpad^emptyslot) ^ encryptedzeros) = xorpad, as the empty slot is just encrypted zeros!
    • This doesn't give us our slot 1 xorpad, so we need to obtain the slot's data from slot 2 of the other battle video.
    • Since we obtained our slot2 xorpad, ((xorpad2 ^ video2slot2) ^ xorpad2) = video2slot2 = video1slot1.
    • Now we just ((xorpad1 ^ video1slot1) ^ video1slot1) = xorpad1.
    • All 6 xorpads have been obtained; concatenate and export.
    • This xorpad can be applied to any future battle video in that slot to reveal its contents.
    • Verify the checksum, if it doesn't match then just xor by encryptedzeros (slot 6 can be uninitialized sometimes == 00000...).
    • Obtain data :)

    By abusing the Force Save = Off, you can check shiny values by saving->hatching->battling->resetting.

  4. On a side note, is this the big reveal for Pokecheck? I was predicting that this would be server-side and hosted on the website (Which would still be fantastic).

    It is something entirely separate -- not the Pokecheck reveal.

    How/where is it possible to use the Vs. Recorder without saving? As far as I know you have to save before you can even start the battle?

    Sorry, if there's an obvious answer... got the game few weeks ago and haven't played that much yet.

    Options -> turn off Forced Save. You won't be required to save before battling against a friend.

  5. KeyBV

    KeyBV is a tool I wrote to decrypt portions of the X/Y extdata from the SD card.

    With this tool you can view IVs/Nature/ESV/TSV of Hatched Pokémon that are in your party during a battle.

    If you want to check eggs and their SV, hatch them first and battle without saving - the video will save to your SD anyways!

    It is not required to back up the save file - only battle videos!



    You must use your own data from your SD card, not someone else's.

    Non Windows users: KeyBV runs fine with Wine.

    Thanks to OmegaDonut for dumps, testing, and original concept.

    Basic Tutorial:

    Battle Videos are stored in:

    • \Nintendo 3DS\*\*\extdata\00000000\0000055(d/e)\00000000

    Initial Setup:

    • Ensure you have space for battle videos to be stored (Max 100)
    • Options -> turn off Forced Save.
    • Single Battle with only 1 Pokemon in your party.
    • Save the battle video ingame.
    • Open up your SD card on your computer - the latest battle video should be the the most recent created -- take note of what battle video slot it is.
    • Copy the battle video from your SD card to your computer. Append the filename with "-1".
    • Delete the battle video from your SD card (leaving your computer copy intact).
    • Add another Pokemon to your party; make sure the 2nd party member is the same as Battle Video 1.
    • Single Battle with only 2 Pokemon in your party.
    • Save, Copy, append "-2"; delete from SD.

    Tab 1: Cracking your Video Keystream

    • Open Video 1 = (First Video ~ "-1")
    • Open Video 2 = (First Video ~ "-2")
    • Click [break].
    • --
    • Save KS with the suggested filename.

    Tab 2: Data Export

    • Ensure that the battle video slot you want to check is deleted and is the lowest open slot.
    • Single Battle with any <6 mons you wish to check and save the battle video -- battle video will be saved to the lowest open slot.
    • Copy to your computer, delete it from SD.
    • Open the Video file you wish to check.
    • Open the keystream.
    • Select the Data Mode you wish to Dump for: TSV outputs TSVs, Default&Reddit output ESVs, CSV outputs everything, Files outputs .pk6/.ek6 files.
    • Click Dump x. Results will be exported to the lower window.
    • Eggs: If any of the hatches end up having all 5 be not useful, you can just save and release since they're already hatched.

    tl;dr for checking eggs:

    you have to:

    • turn off forced save
    • save game
    • hatch them
    • battle
    • save video
    • reset

    they'll become unhatched again but you'll have a video of them hatched

    If you save battle videos afterwards, delete em. The keystream you dump is exclusive to the battle video's file-number!


    If you have any problems with the program, please see /r/SVExchange's documentation.

    Source code available on my GitHub.

    Want auto-loading when you plug in your SD card? Try KeySAV2 - it has all the features of KeyBV and more!



  6. Update 03/12/14:

    • Fixed 5th Gen Ribbon transfers and some data being lost.
    • Ribbon UI updated with a more visual interface.
    • Memory/Amie UI restructured for easier editing; 93 flag's true purpose is now clear.
    • Shortcut Keys for Open, Save, Import, About, and Exit. Ctrl + Key = Shortcut Combination.

  7. Correct - the TextVar is a text variable that is dynamic based on the context of the other message arguments. It can represent items (such as "Bicycle"), Pokemon, locations, etc.

    Some examples:

    06 1A 03 00 C2 01 - [it] saw [OT] using Bicycles. The Pokemon definitely remembers that it grinned.

    04 30 09 00 46 00 - The Move Deleter that [it] met through [OT] made it forget Strength. The Pokemon remembers that it got nervous.

    01 04 04 00 09 00 - [it] became [OT]'s friend when it arrived via Link Trade at... a Pokemon center. The Pokemon remembers that it got overwhelmed by emotion.

    03 1A 01 00 5D 01 - [it] saw [OT] using TM22s. The Pokemon remembers that it had fun.

    Short list of feelings observed (could be wrong in a few places):

    0 it was happy

    1 it had fun

    2 it was glad

    3 it grinned

    4 it got overwhelmed by emotion

    5 its feelings were indescribable

    6 it felt good

    7 it got teary eyed

    8 it got lighthearted

    9 it got nervous

    A ?

    B it was restless

    C ?

    D it felt sorry

    E it felt emotional

    F it felt nostalgic

    10 ?

    11 ?

    12 ?

    13 ?

    14 they ended up in a foul mood.

    15 ?


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