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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Thanks to theSLAYER, I was able to find the Bank Celebi data, which is treated kinda like a wondercard.


    Stored inside the Pokemon Bank block. There's data afterwards which I can't figure out, so I'm not gonna post an entire dump of his saveblock.

    02CB = 715

    0269 = 617

    022F = 559

    0072 = 114

    9C54 = 40020

    9C71 = 40049

    and some japanese unicode (サトシ = Satoshi/Ash)

  2. Mass Dumper

    This program is an extension of KeySAV which allows the user to dump the info of multiple boxes at once, instead of being restricted to 1 box at a time.



    You cannot use someone else's data.

    Can export to CSV for thorough data output (moves,ball) for Trade Threads.

    This program does not export any files from your save file. Only views it.

    Thanks to OmegaDonut for dumps, testing, and original concept with KeySAV.

    This program requires you to have your Blank file from KeySAV.

    Mass Dumper can use keystreams obtained from KeySAV, or you can generate longer keystreams for multi-box dumping by using the second tab.

    Basic Tutorial

    Tab 2: To dump a multi-box key, empty all of your boxes (to Bank) for a desired Start & End range and then open the emptied save file (which you did the save-twice method).

    Press Dump Key for Box Range and save your new multi-key.

    Tab 1: Then, just use that multi-box key in the first tab with another (non-empty) save file.

    All of the data will spit out into the text box!

    Since this program allows multiple box output, if you have ever switched boxes you'll likely run into some dumping errors.

    If you're able to empty all boxes you should probably do so and dump a 1-30 Box Key instead.

    Source code available on my GitHub.

    Mass Dumper.zip

    Mass Dumper.zip

  3. We still haven't figured out how exactly Datel is doing things.

    Every single edit is done server side, and they get the key from the cart when they read.

    With what KeySAV does and how it operates, it will never be possible to inject with the reading trick/program because it does not touch the hash tables.

  4. KeySAV doesn't need the key - it instead operates on a simple concept which involves rearranging slot data and knowing how save files are encrypted.

    The trick which was used to reveal more contents of the save file didn't need a key either; it's essentially KeySAV's exploit pushed a little further in terms of rearranging data.

  5. okay guys considering the KEYsav was made to read the data from your digital copies save file (or powersaves if you have physical copy) i was wondering would it be possible to make a software that EDITS the data of the digital copy's save file like the power save? because as far as i can see, you need a physical copy to use the features of powersaves

    don't know if this is the right place, but i have searched everywhere and can't seem to find the answer.. so i figured might as well as ask the place where keysav was made..

    sorry if its wrong to post this here but im really curious haha xD please be gentle im new here xD

    No. Save file encryption is not the same as past gen games.

  6. Does it tell you where the save file is on the SD card so you can find it easier?
    See the tutorial
    Um I dumped box 1 and I got IVs but box 2 I did not. Any ideas? Haha. Thanks Kaph and Donut!

    Try switching the order of the save files you put in to the Box Breaker.

    I tried to code enough error messages in; so I'm not entirely sure what issue you're having.

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