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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. shininess is dependent on TID, SID, and PID. Changing any of them will usually make it unshiny.

    Current Level is dependent on experience and the species' growth rate; change the species and PokeGen recalculates the current level.

    You're likely did something wrong saving (ie, saving a save file) rather than saving from tabs.

  2. 024F - MoveNPC
    [color=blue]024F[/color] [color=red]MoveNPC[/color][color=green]
    - u16: Overworld ID
    - u16: X coordinate
    - u16: Y coordinate
    - u16: Z coordinate
    - u16: Rapidity (how fast)
    - u16: Face Direction (not used?)[/color]
    [color=blue]4F 02 [/color] [color=green]03 00 19 00 0F 00 02 00 0C 00 02 00[/color]
    relocate NPC=0x03 to (X,Y,Z)=(0x19,0x15,0x02), at speed 0x0C

    Just read the thread, I explained how to alter some premade command strings.

  3. it's just a movement instruction for the given NPC's ID.

    select the NPC, specify length of movement instruction

    move instruction 1 & iterations

    move instruction 2 & iterations ...

    command IDs differ between games but it's really easy.

    Moving an NPC:

    You have three methods to move NPCs.

    • 0064 - Applymovement - You can tell them what movements to perform.
    • 006D - RelocateNPC - You can instantly relocate them to new coordinates.
    • 024F - MoveNPC - You can tell them to move coordinates (over a time period) from their current coordinates.


    0064 - Applymovement

    Applymovement has many movement types. Give the NPC a movement and how many times it does that movement.

    ...time to move an NPC.
    [color=blue]64 00[/color] [color=green]FF 00[/color] [color=purple]08 00 00 00[/color]         ApplyMovement 0xFF~hero (jump 0x00000008, start those movements, continue script)
    [color=blue]65 00[/color]                     WaitMovement
    [color=blue]1E 00[/color] [color=purple]16 00 00 00[/color]            Jump (0x00000016) past the movement instructions
       [color=gold]01 00 00 00[/color]                 Face Down for 0 iterations.
       [color=gold]4B 00 00 00[/color]                 Exclamation for 0 iterations (0 or 1 is ok)
       [color=gold]17 00 01 00[/color]                 Shuffle right 1 step (one can always have StoreHeroPosition -> different moves)
       [color=gold]14 00 01 00[/color]                 Shuffle up 1 step
       [color=gold]01 00 00 00[/color]                 Face Down for 0 iterations
       [u]FE 00 00 00[/u]                End Movement Instructions
    ... continue script

    List of movement types

  4. b2w2 eggs are the same as BW except the first egg uses a LCRNG seed from the save file.

    there's always 6 calls to the twister first, and then inherited IVs overwrite them. not two.

    so in that effect, the link you provided is wrong.

    Also, no the encryption constant has no IV relation. Whatever that link noticed was just coincidence (with the plethora of provided bred PKX's, there's no way there's a relation between IVs and ec)

  5. The whole breeding routine is covered in this post. It always generates 6 individual IVs from the Mersenne Twister, and everything else is from the 64bit LCRNG.

    Gen5 spots were based on the PID; this gen they aren't. There was no correlation shown in the article. There will be no "new spinda painter" because the spots in gen 6 are now based on the encryption constant, which has no use besides encryption and spots.

    If you're saying that the Mersenne Twister sets the encryption constant with two calls and the IVs have some sort of derived relation; it's hard to see that given the article is Japanese but we'll see when dumps come.

  6. So like in gen5, all attributes of the egg are determined by a single separate sequence (probably derived from 2 consecutive MTs), but here also including both the actual pid and another "spinda pattern determiner" which is independent from the actual pid but follows the same format as a 4th gen iv-pid?

    6 MT sequences (one per IV) then overwritten by inherited IVs. There are no more PID-IVs.

    1 Call for PID

    1 Call For Nature

    1 Call for DW ability

    one call per try of inheritance

    it's a lot of rand calls. They assumed stuff and were wrong.

  7. The PID is used for more things than just shininess (gender for sure and probably initial ability / wurmple evolution too, unless I'm totally wrong). Spinda spots are now believed to be based on the encryption constant (no need to decrypt PKX to make spots).

    Good luck getting poses and generating an egg to get the 32 bit value. We don't even know if it is modified in any way, or if any RNG advancements were to occur.

    It's best to find something with a multitude of repeatable random responses; the more the better.

    In the meantime there's a few better things to do than get your initial RNG state; we have no way to know how it is modified or used when generating Pokemon if we cannot see the raw data in-game. Hence why battle video uploads (to check breeding inheritance/pid/ec) or total dumps are a higher priority.

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