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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Awesome program, congratulations for the project. I wonder if there is any list explaning each index number for "country, sub region, ...". Is there anything yet?

    And if you put the poke as an egg, what is the "Hatch Ctr" below "Held item". Thank you!

    There's no list of Countries-Index Number and the Subregions of them. So I just leave them as index numbers.

    It's like USA - California, for example.

    Hatch Ctr is hatch cycles remaining until it hatches. 256 steps * hatch ctr ~= steps remaining.

  2. KeySAV

    KeySAV is a tool I wrote to decrypt portions of the X/Y SaveData from a Digital Save / PowerSaves rip.

    With this tool you can view IVs/Nature/ESV/TSV of Hatched/Unhatched Pokémon that are in your boxes.



    You cannot use someone else's data.

    This program does not export any data from your save file. Only views it.

    Non Windows users: KeySAV runs fine with Wine.

    Thanks to OmegaDonut for dumps, testing, and original concept.

    Basic Tutorial: (チュートリアル日本)

    Digital Copy Save files are stored in:

    • X - \title\00040000\00055d00\
    • Y - \title\00040000\00055e00\

    Datel PowerSaves are stored in the C:\Users\*\PowerSaves3DS folder.

    Initial Setup:

    • Have an empty box 1 & 2 (can move out of box)
    • Go capture 6 Pokémon
    • --
    • Have them in slots 1-6 in Box 1
    • Save once, save again, then export your save as "16.bin" (or 16.sav if you have a digital)
    • --
    • Move them to slots 1-6 in Box 2, keep same order.
    • Save once, save again, then export your save as "26.bin" (or 26.sav if you have a digital)

    Tab 1: Cracking your Keystreams

    • Open SAV 1 = 26.bin
    • Open SAV 2 = 16.bin
    • Click [break].
    • (If it fails, switch SAV1 & SAV2. You've switched their positions ingame).
    • --
    • Save K1 with the suggested filename.
    • Save K2 with the suggested filename.
    • Save Blank as Blank.ekx

    Tab 2: Box Data Export

    • Open the Save file you wish to check.
    • Open the Box keystream of the box you wish to view data for.
    • Open the Blank.ekx you've exported.
    • Select the Box you wish to dump from. It must match the suggested Box "save as" name.
    • Select the Data Mode you wish to Dump for: TSV outputs TSVs, the other two output egg/stat-data in different formats.
    • Click Dump Box. Results will be exported to the lower window.

    If you have any problems with the program, please see /r/SVExchange's documentation.

    If you want to dump more than one box at a time, please use Mass Dumper after getting your Blank with KeySAV.

    Source code available on my GitHub.

    Use KeySAV (foreign) if your game language is not English. Once you obtain your blank file, you can use it with any other program.

    Want more boxes, expanded features, and a quicker process? Try KeySAV2!


    KeySAV (foreign).zip


    KeySAV (foreign).zip

  3. Cool tool, is the source available anywhere? : D

    Not comfortable sharing publicly at the moment :)

    New update - since we can now dump pkx's again (don't ask), I've fixed some stuff up and added in the index for Hold Back. I still need more time to study transferred dumps before I enable the transfer 5->6 feature.

  4. It's getting serious...

    I noticed that Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist lack their forms, but nice it seems to support MissingNo and the Bonus-Forms of Vivillon and Furfrou.

    Updated OP with a new version that includes Pumpkaboo & Gourgeist forms.

    I also added proper stat calculation for forms; for Mega Lati@s they just use the regular BST (until we know the exact numbers).

  5. (since Gen 5 VGC is over...)

    Similar to NulMyre's program for Platinum, this program allows a user to backup/load battle videos for their BW/B2W2 save files.



    • Load a BW or B2W2 Save file.
    • Once loaded, you can extract or load EBVs.
    • Can save your SAV at any time after loading it.

    The UI will show basic details of the battle. You can download battle videos from Pokecheck (EBV's) and load them into your game with this program.

    (Research Thread)





  6. Some simple tools to edit stuff that didn't have an editor (yet).

    Mart Editor (B2W2 Mart Inventory Editor)




    • Use kiwi.ds to extract all of the files from the PokeMart NARC (a282 for B2/W2)
    • [Open] -> Select folder with all of the files
    • [save] to save all of your edits.
    • Use PPNFR or kiwi.ds to build a new NARC out of the edited files.

    Pretty straightforward, operates like Kazo's BWTE.

    Egg Move Editor




    • Use kiwi.ds to extract all of the files from the Egg Move NARC (a124 for B2/W2)
    • [Open] -> Select folder with all of the files
    • [save] to save all of your edits.
    • Use PPNFR or kiwi.ds to build a new NARC out of the edited files.

    Pretty straightforward, operates like Kazo's BWTE.









  7. Wow, that's awesome... Is the PID generator fully functional? As in, could you edit a Pokémon's IVs, send it back to the game with a new PID, and it'd be completely legal?

    PIDIVs are not a 'thing' since Gen3/4. There is no correlation for 5th/6th gen games.

    Anyways, PIDIVs are not needed for routine gameplay. So there's no need to have a 'legal spread generator' for previous origin mons.

    The included PID generator just generates a random PID for the given nature. If you click the

    [*] button afterwards, it will keep the same gender but do some XORing to make it shiny, while preserving the TID/SID.

  8. It's part of the History/Memories block of who the OT originally traded away to.

    Player A hatched egg, becomes OT.

    Player A trades to Player B, Player B becomes "OT Traded Away To"

    I don't know if it is updated if it's traded away again.

    It's kinda like "Entrusted to OT". At least that's what the wiki implies, can't research further without new dumps -- the history block is pretty mysterious.

    I might rename that label if there's a better descriptor.

  9. Download Location Here

    PKMs and SAVs can be injected to 3DS games if you have any of the following:

    • Homebrew Menu & any Save Manager App
    • Hacked Console with Custom Firmware
    • JP Cart+JP System using Cyber Save Editor & Dongle

    NO POWERSAVES. Datel does not allow edited save resigning. NO SKY3DS EITHER.


    Save files must be decrypted in order to load & save.

    Methods how to view (not inject) your Powersaves are in the X/Y Save File Research Thread.

    Complete list of shortcuts and update history is available within program via Options->About.


    Source code is available on my GitHub.

    Tutorial Video

    • Like 19
    • Thanks 1
    • V-Wheeeeeel!!! 7
    • Amazed 1
    • Ashamed 1
    • Ditto 1
  10. gen3/4 PIDs; PID's aren't checked for FC battles or ingame.

    pokegen tries to predict the ingame characteristic. I don't think the pid%6 method has been added

    edit:thanks for the clarification

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