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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. wrong place for this. if you're thinking about buying a card, though, just do yourself the favor and get a DSTWO if you don't mind the extra cash or an EZ-flash Vi/acekard 2i if you need something cheaper. if you already have a DSTTi, why not just try it out yourself?
  2. a mix of firefox and chrome. ie 9 looks pretty nice, though. definitely gonna spend some time with it once it goes RTM.
  3. sunkern F kangaskhan F croagunk M i'll say it again: anyone who extracted a DW poke as a party pokemon needs to go ahead and re-do it either as a boxed poke or in pokegen. pkms aren't 236 bytes anymore, and pokesav screws this up while pokegen naturally gets it right. batgirl: here are kangaskhan and croagunk done correctly, also. not butchered by pokesav and saved as the wrong size. sunkernDW.pkm kangaskhanDW.pkm croagunkDW.pkm
  4. this was my very first RNG, actually. <3 metagross if you want to, feel free. i just had one up last week and have like a dozen others.
  5. yeah, in gen 5 lv. 100 pokes can gain evs(and subsequently stats) normally.
  6. it switches out every wednesday, so you have some time. and also, you can use any 4th gen game, not just hg/ss.
  7. this doesn't make sense at all. if you had something in slot one, it would show up in pokegen. your save is corrupt or something. post it.
  8. legality checker is incredibly easy to fool. someone would need to actually look to make sure. good idea, though.
  9. you could've just linked to my post. arceusDW.pkm
  10. you're doing something wrong, because b15 can open all of those. post examples.
  11. he knows. i posted a bunch of info on that in the thread. it'll be fixed for the next version.
  12. fresh from the DW. also, pokes from the DW can't be shiny, at least not unless nintendo sets them as shiny somehow. just FYI in case anyone runs into one somewhere else. e: can anyone who extracted stuff as a party poke in pokesav please either re-do it in pokegen or change it over to a box poke? party pokes aren't 236 bytes anymore and poksav screws it up badly. batgirl, could you please put that in your first post? e: mareep F shinx M arceus is obv genderless. arceusDW.pkm shinxDW.pkm mareepDW.pkm
  13. there isn't one. i'm in #projectpokemon pretty much 24 hours, though.
  14. just so you know: d2140289/52140289 - delay 639, frame 114(m1), 116(wondercard), timid/modest - 31/31/31/31/31/31 learn to love them
  15. i have all the FAL2010 mew natures rng-ed so no problems there. this is not nearly as much work as it sounds. it's hitting a seed once and taking a save state, not rng-ing for half a day.
  16. i have a nice surprise ready for when we pass 25K. :) e: carvanha is noted.
  17. honestly, it costs pretty much zero unless someone decides to buy a vps to host. even then, a small vps with a half terabyte of bandwidth costs next to nothing- $30 or less a month. the ones i priced awhile back for something unrelated started at $18/month. cost of running the server really, really isn't an excuse. e: on the off chance someone is bothered, everything here has always been free and will always be free regardless of cost to me. not that there really is much of any at all.
  18. pokemon in exchange for "donations": http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/2000442-pokemon-heartgold-soulsilver-trade/57019107 there's a lot wrong with that.
  19. oh, sorry, it's EST. so in the next couple of hours everything will be swapping out. and thanks. i had posted something relevant to that, but i deleted it before anyone saw(i think). it's a surprise!
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