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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. will either of you guys be getting your GTSes up soon, spunk and magicsgame? i only ask because i'll temporarily remove you from the 2nd post if it's going to be some time. if you need help feel free to IM me; i usually have pidgin open. AIM name = forums username. no one else bother, i'm not tech support.
  2. whether you have a ds lite or dsi, you can't go wrong with either a dstwo or an ez-flash vi. the vi is half the price of the dstwo, so it depends on how much you want to spend. the dstwo is really pretty amazing, though.
  3. i got my sms2 from ic2005.com not sure how patient you are, but it's still not out and the forum is pretty dead. i'm sure it's coming at some point soon, but who knows when exactly http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/board,141.0.html
  4. grovyle's can already do this...? and no one with windows should NOT have the .NET framework.
  5. just so you know, those emerald .3gpkm files are a different size and format than regular pkm files. ir-gts is the only thing that can handle them and they will crash the trashbyte fixer if you try to run them through.
  6. if it does, then anyone with hgss who downloaded my stuff last week or the week before should have it. those dittos were japanese, obv.
  7. yeah, i've actually gotten lucky a couple times. it's really surprising, because i've had terrible luck breeding since 2nd gen. btw, what's with those guys promising flawless stuff and not coming close? it's not hard to figure out.
  8. once the fake GTS apps are updated/new ones are written for the new GTS. i've looked a little bit and grovyle has somewhat taken it apart in the GTS research thread, but i'm definitely not qualified to write something like that.
  9. if you're thinking about buying a new one, you might want to wait. the sms4 should be out soon and it has more functionality than the nds adaptor+. it's more expensive, but can dump all different saves, games, whatever.
  10. if someone honestly won't battle you because you used fast hatch, you're probably best off following UNK's example. we can all learn just a bit from UNK. e: UNK UNK UNK
  11. desmume users can either save their game and export the save or just rename the .dsv to.sav and it should work fine. on the off chance it doesn't for whatever reason, just open the dsv with pokegen and re-save as a .sav. pokesav can also open .dsvs if you really really just have to use for whatever reason. if you use no$gba, you need to make sure the save type is set to uncompressed and (possibly) run it through the no$gba -> vba converter.
  12. the nds adaptor can't do hgss or bw. you need the nds adaptor+ those games use a different cart(nitro-031 instead of nitro-005) due to the built-in infrared .
  13. i changed the formatting in the second post. adjust it however you like.
  14. Bond697

    EMS save file

    i got mine from renchi. it came pretty quickly and was authentic most importantly.
  15. does anyone have a perfect emerald magic guard softboiled clefable? i've wanted one for a while. i think you need to forward some ports on your router. i bet to
  16. ohh... well, if it's mostly my stuff i guess don't bother. maybe post a zip file of pkms instead? if its mostly your stuff, then no reason not to. put it this way: if you want to post it, post it. if not, then don't. i'm not gonna get upset that you're like cutting into my uploads or something.
  17. don't worry about it. obviously i can't speak for everyone else giving stuff out, but do what you like with mine. i think kaph feels pretty much the same way, but feel free to chime in.
  18. can i get a link to this trade thread? i don't mind at all, i'm just curious to see it.
  19. wow, this has been active. sorry folks, i was lazy and just moved the egg from one save to the other via pokegen. i forgot that that changes the met location.
  20. i have my notes from last month, a koromori(blue fruit bat-thing) that i caught and changed nothing but IVs on failed. it passed tonight when i tested again. i don't know.
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