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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. i must be doing something wrong. i hit A to continue as requested. and it goes to a screen that says "FTP mode unsupported" and then i can't do anything else. i have a couple of 3 in 1s i'm trying with that i know both work. what might i be doing wrong?
  2. yeah, if you want anything in particular to go up next week.
  3. thanks! anything you would like me to put up next week? e: all fixed, sorry about that.
  4. because the non-cgear stuff isn't fully fleshed out yet. there's sha-1 hashing involved along with another DSID. seeds are predictable using the cgear, but not yet for non-cgear. if you're playing a 5th gen game on a real cart and have a working AR, let me know, because i'd like to have you test something for me. there's also a very hastily thrown together list in post 2 so people know when to stop. e: and as i said on the list, please trade the celebi and jirachi as much as possible! i would appreciate it.
  5. or just use pokegen like you should be.
  6. use IR-GTS to do that. it can either accept one or a bunch at a time. i really need to fix my description for hyperGTS. i don;t think the modded one can still receive.
  7. ok, everything is up and the archive is updated. i'll make a real list in post 2 at some point later on. also keep in mind both servers are serving the same 11 things, so if one is busy and you're skipping things, try the other. and since very few bother to read the first post: New rule: NO MORE REQUESTS. Don't even bother, because once I do start accepting them again I'll be ignoring any made before then.
  8. ok, everything is ready to go. the old stuff is still up for download. 8:30AM EST tomorrow(fri) everything will switch out. waaay too late to do it all now
  9. making serious black/white headway. gonna be up tonight, just later.
  10. 3 more thanks to kudan!! omanyteDW(F).pkm pachirisuDW(F).pkm electrikeDW(F).pkm
  11. hi, i don't want to read anything nor am i willing to experiment for 10 minutes, can someone answer a bunch of questions that have been answered over and over again?
  12. don't care, 2 is plenty. e: i wasn't planning on updating tonight since i thought the site was still down. tomorrow afternoon.
  13. no gen 5 requests. though on the subject of gen5: Vulpix(F) - Timid - Drought OT: Mat 30160 Met: 11/22/2010 on Route 3 Notes: Emulator used. 31/31/31/31/31/31
  14. yeah, it'll be bred in HG and untrained but with perfect stats. i already have bronzor done, though, if you still want it. to get rid of the error message you need to visit the real GTS once.
  15. yeah, serebii is wrong about the oblivia pokes. i told him about it and he said he's going to look into it. they should all be 03060 with differing SIDs based on region.
  16. gonna be awesome e: 4 eevees have already been given out. check the rar archive in the second post. e2: gonna post an archive of BW stuff once i have more. i did the fire-moth thing and the candleabra today, too.
  17. Puriru(M) - Calm OT: Mat 30160 Met: 11/22/2010 at P2 Lab Notes: Emulator used. 31/31/31/31/31/31 Puriru(F) - Modest OT: Mat 30160 Met: 11/22/2010 at P2 Lab Notes: Emulator used. 31/31/31/31/31/31 Meguroko - Adamant/Jolly OT: Mat 30160 Met: 11/22/2010 at Desert outside Hiun Notes: Emulator used. 31/31/31/31/31/31 Darumakka - Adamant/Jolly OT: Mat 30160 Met: 11/22/2010 at Desert outside Hiun Notes: Emulator used. 31/31/31/31/31/31 now we just need a way of sending them...
  18. you sent me a PM that i never responded to. it's hard to promise help when i never said anything back.
  19. i've seen shiny arceus traded over there before and no one has complained or so much as batted an eye. some people will want it, some won't. honestly, it hasn't come out anywhere and isn't going to come out anywhere. at this point everyone has to know that. e: this same topic came up on pokemongts today. odd the way that works.
  20. every once in a while someone shows up and it just doesn't work for them for no specific reason. someone once had a problem with their japanese DS(DSi?) and switching to a U DS fixed it. you might try that if you're using a non-english region DS.
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