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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. Bond697

    Random Wifi

    there was a lot wrong, OP. i fixed what i think is everything: http://pokemon.thundaga.com/b-pokemonb_patched-fixed.sav i can't test because i'm at work, but if that does work(and it should) just model any others you do after those. also make sure all the moves the pokes have are legally learnable by them, etc.
  2. i need to fix that. the modded version of hypergts can't send pokes to a PC, but the original version can. it's available somewhere in the miscellaneous board. e: gible noted for the week after next.
  3. Bond697

    Random Wifi

    ah, yes. i was able to use dw abilities that were available at the time in the dw. that should still be the case on random wifi unless nintendo has changed the filtering again. i haven't tried ditto, though.
  4. you're.. legitimately shifting this with 2 dses, right? not with kazo's program or via pokesav?
  5. if you're asking if it's ok that you have a darkrai that's got 6-31 Ivs and is shiny and timid, but you used a rebattle code to catch it, that's just fine. do you have one already and are willing to share?
  6. http://www.dotsarecool.com/images/bwani/bwani.html that guy is supposedly working on them.
  7. Bond697

    Random Wifi

    http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11680-What-is-Valid-and-Invalid-on-Random-Wifi-Pokemon-B-W dream world abilities absolutely do work. they just need to be allowed server-side. generating a PID like that will make the poke method 1, not whatever way PIDs are generated by 5th gen games. you're better off just marking the poke as hatched and leaving the PID alone and changing the IVs only. location data isn't checked nor is pokeball also, the encounter type for normally caught pokes is the "egg/pal park/etc" choice, not "tall grass". if you're going to make something look caught, be aware of that.
  8. are people having trouble connecting? i see a few people have connected, but not downloaded anything. i tested today from home, my office, and a client site, and i had no problem downloading from any of them.
  9. timid/flawless is no problem, just not shiny. wondercards can't be shiny unless they're set shiny by nintendo/tpci. e: gts is back up, sorry for the outage. not really sure why that happened..
  10. i just went and looked at that picture again and i see the XDRNG and XDRNGR in the researcher part. very cool.
  11. i don't care about permission or anything like that. i'd prefer it if people came here and read the OP before downloading, that's why i'd like it if the link were shared, not my ip. obviously i can't stop anyone from doing what they want, nor do i really care to- i didn't mark the gfaqs thread, someone else apparently did. reposts of old stuff once a month or less would happen whether or not other sites were coming here or whatever. i don't want to do them because there are a LOT of people downloading now and i'd like to keep getting new stuff out instead of doing repeats. also, randomspot is a super mod so he doesn't need to report you. e: the more people that want to download, the better as far as i'm concerned. hypergts is holding up without a sweat regardless of how many people connect, so there's no problems so long as people don't mind trying a few times to get everything/what they want. e2: people are welcome to spread "my work" as much as they want, really. it's in bold at the top of the OP. e3: there are literally hundreds to give out still.
  12. does anyone know the generation method for ? i didn't think much research had been done on it, if any. it's a lot more difficult to get a debugger, etc set up for a gc game than it is to run desmume+hasteds/cheat engine or whatever. that's probably why it's coming up hacked. does legal even cover stuff? actually: "- Unknown GBA Pokemon - Hacked & Hatched pokemon from GBA will show up as unknown. Pokemon from XD/Collo will also be unknown." so between that and you screwing with the PID and IVs without knowing the generation method, I'm sure it does look hacked.
  13. reposts probably aren't going to happen very often due to the large volume of people now using this. i've seen both links to the thread and my ip(looks like this was deleted fast, thankfully) posted on gamefaqs and they're likely other places by now too, so due to the volume of people i would like to minimize reposts to once a month at the most. basically, if you have any semblance of wifi or anyone you know has wifi, do it yourself unless you don't mind waiting a while. i don't mean to be a dick, but there are already a lot more people than i expected, so i'm trying to keep order at least somewhat with what goes up, etc.
  14. it's possible with a bit of coding. i know there's another version of sendpkm that was developed privately that can send the same poke infinitely and have the number of times to send to the same cart set as a variable. it's either ip-related or maybe TID/SID, as the odds of 2 people having the same one is extremely low. that said, there's absolutely no reason to restrict downloads like that. people downloading more than once uses almost no bandwidth and doesn't affect them in any way. in the last 4 days(wed until now) i've had twice as many people download stuff as in the last 2.5 months combined. no joke. it hasn't affected anything at all, and there are people in it probably 20 hours a day, sometimes 24. this is especially true in their case, as they only give away 1 poke at a time, not a bunch.
  15. actually, yeah, if anyone has a server that will consistently be up, then say something. i'll add you to the list of stuff in the second post.
  16. we're looking for stuff that's either of competitive quality, can be used to breed things of that quality(i.e. good dittos, etc), or very rare things(the shiny jirachi, which has a supposed 1/6.7million chance of appearing). if you want to post them yourself, post anything you like. if you can't for whatever reason and would like me to then whatever pkm you have should fall into one of the categories above. so yes, definitely list a few things or post pics of pokegen or something.
  17. no new hometown data that i could find. everything from 01(hoenn - sapphire) to 21(Isshu - pokemon white) still obviously works, but i tried quite a few random values between 22 and FF and got nothing. 00 is "current game". e: 5th gen mystery gifts are already easy to move around between games. no pcd/pgt either, just pgf. pokesav .06a/b does it and i'm sure this will soon. e: if there were 3rd gen remakes, they would probably show up as "faraway place" in these games anyway.
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