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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. gonna hold off on that. don't wanna give it away just yet.
  2. the server never goes down except for 2 minutes while i swap pokes in and out. probably between 10 and 11. i've got them partially ready. e: seriously though, i've actually managed to surprise myself. it's been like 99.5% uptime.
  3. there was a relation in that pid and nature were related and not all natures can have all the different IVs spreads. for example, 31/31/31/31/31/31 can only be modest, calm, docile, and timid. and it's not a hex value, it's pair of rng calls that return a pair of values that are used to create the IVs. they do correspond. if you want simple proof, go play around with SCV's generator. it can take a PID and output possible IV spreads for it. it's really obvious why not all natures can have all the different IV spread, not a "PID reset" or anything like that. all the natures, abilities, IVs, genders, everything would call for something like 26 billion combos. the 4th gen rng is only 32-bit. see where i'm going? 2^32 = 4294967296 different combos. nowhere close to 26 billion. e: for DW breeding, if the female has the ability it will be passed to the bred poke 50% of the time. e2: there's finally NOT a relation between PID/IVs in 5th gen, though. you can catch a poke and change its IVs to literally anything you want and it will still function on random wifi and everywhere else. e3: no, 4th gen pokes do not have modded PIDs. their 0x41 offset changes to reflect their nature, along with a few other things, but that's about it. the game knows which gen it's from by it's hometown, etc.
  4. no, it still works the same for non-DW abilities. That has nothing to do with it. even PID for abil 0, odd PID for abil 1. offset 0x42 in the pkm indicates DW ability. and there is no correlation anymore between IVs and PID. Likely nature either, since it doesn't seem to be PID-based anymore.
  5. there's a full set on filetrip. e: just FYI, the archive on there has no event pokes since they haven't come out yet.
  6. the only thing true about what you wrote is: " less than 20 iv's in atk, sp. atk and speed is bad for a mild pokémon." everything else is conjecture at best.
  7. you have no clue of whether or not any of that is true. it might be hacked it might not. no way for anyone to know until the algorithms are figured out.
  8. synchronize causes the rng to cycle forward until it finds a PID that corresponds to the nature of the synchronizer.
  9. that's what i've been telling people to do. thanks for the confirmation.
  10. ivs/PID/nature aren't linked anymore. we're still working out how it all inter-relates.
  11. that means nothing. it's easy to beat.
  12. we have no idea if they're legit or not, though. and someone looking to fake would make the IVs low/non-beneficial to make it more believable. it's still appreciated, but we really can't say fro sure either way.
  13. i have those on my list anyway. abra near the top, oddish later on.
  14. pokesav/pokegen only. and, it's hacked. btw, i fixed the problem with the deoxys. it was done in diamond this time.
  15. noted. may not be up tomorrow(likely not), but definitely the week after. e: i'm getting set to abuse for a new TID/SID on Plat so I can do shiny/flawless timid and modest pokes on there. I know someone asked for a timid, flawless, shiny darkrai a while ago, so that will be do-able along with arceus, et al. gonna take care of it tomorrow and start playing through.
  16. e: what kaph said /\/\/\/\ there are plenty of fingers to point here, but let's leave it at that i don't mean official channels like nintendo. the same thing you're saying, i think. what happens to your friend is the same thing that happens to me. i never, ever error out of anyone's GTS distro for whatever reason, and i'm yet to have any issues.
  17. the game doesn't care about the ball or the hatch location whether the poke is marked as hatched or not. it only seems to care if the poke WAS hatched, and even then not where. we're not gonna get into evading VGC checks, but quite a bit of poke-data isn't checked by the game and is only viewed by overly obsessed hack-checkers and the like.
  18. it(the gui patcher) doesn't always work for some reason. it isn't necessarily something with anyone's fast or slow pc, it's something with the patcher. i've just been using the command line xdelta app. to patch with the command line: xdelta patch patchname.patch binaryname.nds will output a translated binary.
  19. try pokegen. i've still got it on one save and i loaded it into another save and neither have had any issues.
  20. the wondercard might have somehow been hacked(doubtful, though), but it was rng-ed by me personally in hg via injected wondercard. the event was 2.5 years ago, i don't think i should have to spell out that it isn't straight from gamestop. the deoxys is marked as from diamond which is right. it was met by me in hg, which got somehow screwed up and ended up as plat.
  21. done, thanks. e: got them and hosted. same for you, magic. if you want to send me the pkms or host them yourself, i'll put a link up so people can use your stuff also. e: still lookin for that perfect softboiled emerald clefable, btw.
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