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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. that's the one that says you need to wait a day, i'm pretty sure. i was able to connect to the DW once, but every time i try to now, i get that same message. i don't touch my ds clock or anything like that, so it isn't from the time changing. i'd love to know why that error pops up every time myself.
  2. just need to remove earth power at the bottom there. someone was wrong about that thing learning earth power and dark pulse at the same time.
  3. the names need to be in japanese. you can rename them at the name rater in hiun. you shouldn't need to delete your save, at least.
  4. it's not worth wasting time changing the save anymore. i would catch new pokes and DON'T touch the PIDs, just mark them as hatched and change the movesets to what you want. just release or delete the ones you have now and write them off as screwed up. from the thread: to quickly get a pokemon up and ready for battle: check off the "egg hatched" box and change the "level met" to 1. set the ball to a poke ball and change the IVs to whatever you want. don't change the PID. this has worked for me 100% of the time. this way you use egg moves, tutor moves, etc with no problem. i didn't think i needed to say it, but yes, nature too. moves, whatever. anything learnable is fine.
  5. are you sure that's the same save? i can't get it to happen again.
  6. right, poke names should go to 11, but pokegen would only allow me to input 8 including trash bytes for the pokes. i think it's something with his save, but i don't know what. a few if the pokes had 5-character names and after that all i could get in the box was \FFFF\0000\FFFF before pokegen wouldn't allow anymore.
  7. no one who has entered the GTS in the last hour has gotten any repeats without going through the list more than once. are you talking about mine? you can't specify which ones you receive if you are.
  8. ok, 0D is possibly for ribbons? B3 is for gift type. 0C is the primary ribbon flag(not B2) and looks like standard flags for "celebration" ribbons- 10h = classic ribbon, 20h = premiere ribbon, 80h = birthday ribbon, 10+20+80 = B0 = all 3 ribbons on the poke. gonna test 0D now, i'd bet 0D is for region-specific ribbons for contests, etc. e: 0C and 0D are both celebration ribbons. list coming... e2: 0C: 01 - country ribbon 02 - national 04 - earth 08 - world 10 - classic 20 - premiere 40 - event 80 - birthday and you obviously just add as you want to combine more. e3: 0D: 01 - special ribbon 02 - memorial 04 - wish 08 - battle champ 10 - regional champ 20 - national champ 40 - world champ 80 - no ribbon looks like 15 ribbons available to wondercard pokes. for example, if you wanted a wondercard to arrive with the national, birthday, memorial,wish, and world champ ribbons, you would make 0C = 0x82(0x02 + 0x80) and 0D = 0x46.(0x02+0x04+0x40) and i updated our wiki entry: http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/5th_Generation_Wonder_Card_Map e18: 0xB2(always 44) is unknown again at the moment.
  9. http://gbatemp.net/t256531-completed-pokesav-black-white-translation-w-upcoming-mods
  10. change it from "key item 00" to "pokemon 02" and it should work fine. we've only had 1 key item and a few pokes from that trade event a few weeks ago, still figuring some stuff out. e: i see why. that value should be referring to 0xB3, not 0x0D. that should fix it. card data vs. gift data, stuff is in a different order. gonna have to take another look at 0x0D, i guess, too.
  11. maybe nintendo changed their filtering? not sure, i'll test tonight after work. either way, i don't think nintendo ever checks the PID, so abilities should still work. i posted a link in your other topic to exactly what does and doesn't work on wifi. if you're changing level and getting rejected, it sounds like that's on your end somehow because that will never happen. the filtering doesn't know the difference between a lv 100 poke trained up normally, one set to 100 w/ pokegen, or a poke trained to 100 via the AR exp multiplier. if you have a save where you changed stuff and it doesn't work again, post it.
  12. so long as the poke is supposed to have the ability, random wifi doesn't care whether or not it has ability 1 and should have 2 or vice-versa. for example, if guts is ability 1 and encourage is 2, then even PIDs should only give guts and odd PIDs should only give encourage. the game doesn't check for this, though, so you could have an even PID with either ability. also, i've found that serebii tends to be trustworthy for ability order. DW abilities can be used regardless of whether the PID is even or odd, but the poke MUST be available in the DW. if the poke isn't, having the DW ability will get it disqualified.
  13. awfully weird, i haven't connected to the dw since saturday. thanks, though.
  14. trying to pick up my croagunk, but i keep getting an error. anyone know what it means? http://pokemon.thundaga.com/error.jpg
  15. Bond697

    Random Wifi

    how would that matter?
  16. Bond697

    Random Wifi

    no changing the levels doesn't cause anything to become invalid. are you using pokegen b15?
  17. yes. it has to be the + version, though. the regular version can't do it or hgss.
  18. Bond697

    Random Wifi

    no, it doesn't check the PC. if i have time later, i might use the original save again and take some screenshots of exactly what was wrong, overlay some text on how to fix, etc. might make for a good tutorial for others, too.
  19. i'm doing that last one. it's over 14000 frames, so it's going to be a while.
  20. Grovyle updated, pokesav isn't even good for that anymore. Thanks for the Croagunk password, gonna sit down and figure that out tonight. i'd like to get a female one, though. does anyone know when the game determines the stats, etc of the DW pokes? is it when you encounter them in the high link, or..?
  21. random and minor, but "scyther" is spelled "scyter". looks great so far.
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