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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. i always save everything in 236b party size, but pokegen can do either if you don't want to use a separate program. open a 136b pkm and re-save as a 236b pkm and vice-versa.
  2. which .sav are you trying to convert to? if it's not the ez-flash RAW .sav, then it's not the right one.
  3. if only there was a way to get the music to play every time you posted with that avatar.
  4. then yes, both ar versions work and the dsi can dump the save with no issue. you might need to grab the newest driver from the datel site, but you should be good. dump the save, convert with the shunysoft thing, edit, reconvert, upload. you need a microSD card in the dsi to dump saves, though. are you maybe not using one?
  5. thanks sorrel. i've checked, it's 100% without a doubt the newest archive version.
  6. not sure what you're doing, but vista/win7 work just fine with ARDS/ARDSi, 64-bit included. what game are you trying to dump/edit?
  7. NONE here are 136 bytes. i do 236 only for everyone's(myself included) ease of use. the rest, as kaph says, is in the intro. e: i always set up both servers, the 2nd post, and the pkms.rar file within seconds of each other. it's been updated since very early this morning.
  8. i can vouch that savsender works for plat. i used it quite a lot. how big is the save your getting?
  9. ok, there are 21 pokemon up this week. the reason for it is that i will be taking next week off- there will be nothing new next week. i've split it between the 2 servers and everyone has 2 full weeks to download everything. enjoy!!
  10. nah, just post it here. i'll clean it up and put it in the 2nd post. and yes, winrar can make zips. right click->add to archive->choose "zip". e: yeah, i'm not really sure how it got down there with me. i was building a glass structure with no entrance(save me swimming to the surface) and i saw something out of the corner of my eye fall from the very high shaft i had constructed. i thought it was a creeper and was expecting to hear the "sssssssssss" before it blew up and wrecked my entire project and drowned me. no, however, it's a random chicken that has been running around laying eggs for a while on the now-dry glassed-in seabed.
  11. oh damn, i'm in the wrong thread. i thought this was the guy looking to dump the plat save, didn't notice soul silver. you absolutely can't dump that unless you use an nds adaptor+. plat will work fine with savsender. i used it a lot before i got my nds adaptor+.
  12. but... minecraft. http://minecraft.thundaga.com/underwater3.png http://minecraft.thundaga.com/underwater4.png e: there's never been a horsea. e2: just put the info up, sorrell. perferrably with a zip of the pkms. fine, fine, i'll put my new awesome biome mod-filled world aside and get this ready. i am actually pretty excited to get this bunch together, i think people are gonna be surprised.
  13. use mine as a template. Giratina_Sinjoh_RNG_Impish.pkm
  14. the make a wish gts thing is a joke. that's not a topic for here, though.
  15. not gonna happen, but feel free to do it yourself with AR or pokegen or whatever.
  16. how is it virtualized? vpses running on virtuozzo don't bind properly.(as they're software-based virtualization? something like that.) you would need something xen-based(hyper-v, vmware) that has a full virtual hardware layer. they're also usually a little more expensive. you'll need to check with your provider on which you have.
  17. how many evolve from 3rd to 4th gen? add one more check then to see if it's a poke that evolves between generations. not that it matters because it was just a dumb suggestion while i was testing something from 3 months ago.
  18. Bond697

    Pokemon White

    that usually only comes up when using no$gba. turn off all the cheats you have one and see if it works then. if not, leave all the codes off and move your save to a different folder and see if it works at that point. if it works after you turn all codes off, turn them on one at a time until you find the code that causes the problem.
  19. you referenced the riolu so i thought it was me. that has nothing to do with not being able to get on the regular gts, though.
  20. sorry about that, it should be better from now on. the problem is that the wireless router running the 802.11g here is from 2003 and i just updated it to the newest firmware(early200&). i think the router is starting to die and i need to buy a new one. i will soon, i suppose. my main switch is wireless-n only, so i can't use that. anyway, just bear with weird connectivity problems every once in a while and i'll eventually straighten it out. you should be able to connect immediately now, though.
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