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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. oh, wait, are you using the hyperGTS program i have a link to? if so, you need to use the dns portion also, not just hyperGTS. also, try connecting to me and downloading something. just to make sure you can. there are a few people that just can't connect to fake GTSes for whatever reason. it's back up now. not sure what happened there.
  2. comparing the HG save to my good .sav, there's a ton of extra junk at the end and interspersed throughout. a lot of lines that should be straight zeroes are: 04 00 7E 22 00 00 00 00 04 00 7E 22 02 22 01 22 e: actually, almost all the blocks that should be all zeros are overwritten with that junk, probably parts of the file with actual data, too. pokegen must check somewhere that pokesav doesn't to verify the file. e2: the other 2 save files have the same junk throughout. maybe it's a product of your 3-in1? e3: which numbers do you need from the hardare test? well, here's what my output was: C13: testing 512m version: 2e 7008 ea00 1c58 testing 256m versions: 227e 227e testing 256m revision: 2202 2202 VZ064 - r1 C11: testing 512m version: 2e 18c0 ea00 1840 testing 256m versions: 227e 227e testing 256m revision: 2218 2218 H6H6
  3. try grabbing the .net framework 2.0. i know you said you have the latest, but each new .net doesn't always encompass everything in the old .net versions.
  4. yep, that looks like it's the problem.
  5. doing hundreds though would take awhile. i think he's looking to convert almost 1000.
  6. do yourself the favor and get a dstwo. it's an extra $15 or so, but it can play anything, has an extensive plugin library(including snes/gba/gb/gbc/nes/genesis emus), can handle 4 saves per game, 4 save states per game, has an onboard processor for clean DS emulation(i.e. NO PATCHES to play your personal dumped game collection), and is updated often. it has no peer.
  7. you don't have to, though. MGE detects desmume's native saves and can use/trim them as needed. also, 1.4.3 only works for B/W even if that isn't noted anywhere. you need to use 1.4.2 for 4th gen and 1.4.3 for 5th gen. 1.4.3 can't save 4th gen saves, so you'll just end up screwed. you're doing something very, very wrong if you can't open a B/W sav or a dsv in 1.4.3.
  8. same thing happens to me with b15. pretty sure codr already knows about it. i think it will work fine with b16 once it comes out.
  9. last 2 times i tried giving one a ball they ended up corrupted. the riolu and one other. not sure about that lugia, it was in my shiny folder. guess it was an accident that it ended up in there.
  10. yeah, i have 2 of the newest build 3-in-1s and neither are detected. weird.
  11. i've never gotten rudolph's tools working. i have an ez-flash v+ and vi, not an iv which they are supposed to work with. my 3 in 1's are both the + version that fit snugly in the gba slot, not the big ones. i'm pretty sure that i've checked which revision mine are at some point and they're the newest. i'll have a look when i get home from work.
  12. nds adaptor+ can dump saves and works great with both HGSS and BW. i got mine from renchi.
  13. no, it's fine. just saying. everything is up and running now.
  14. everything is right now on both. randomspot pointed out something i missed on the second server in my haste. also, fusion: make sure you enter the GTS with a FULL party. otherwise, things like what you've described can happen.
  15. for pointing out the smeargle thing. i only download the first pkm every week to make sure it works. i never would have caught it.
  16. Bond697

    EMS save file

    sorry for the bump, but the SMS4 is OUT: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6419.0.html
  17. SMS4 is OUT: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6419.0.html
  18. that sounds loike a problem on your end. if you weren't able to transfer ny then i could see it being a problem with ir-gts or maybe your setup, but i've used it pretty extensively while testing it for the guy and more recently for transferring .3gpkm files to HGSS with it and i've never run into a problem.
  19. i know what it is. it's supposed to be using the 3-in-1, not FTP. besides: (well, the currently defunct WiFi backup method would need a compatible access pont as well)
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