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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. no, it's really not at the moment. there are a few interesting things, but that's about it. only one person that's looked at it is at all well acquainted with C#, and it's missing stuff since it was disassembled and deobfuscated. and even then i'm only guessing at what stuff is missing(if anything) based off what little i know.
  2. People have been using legal.exe for a few years now to weed out hacked pokemon, and in that time it has done an extraordinary job. The question remains, though, how exactly does it do the excellent job that it does? Myself and Kaphotics had been wondering for awhile exactly what it looked for, which pieces of data were culled from the pkm to determine its status. On Friday, as many are already well aware, an extremely rare event pokemon, the JEREMY Oddish, was leaked from an older collector's hands and began to spread rapidly. On checking in legal.exe, one was greeted with "JEREMY (Static)", thus verifying the pkm file. Knowing that legal is an app written in .NET 2.0, I began to disassemble legal and break it into classes. Eventually I had it deobfuscated and disassembled so both myself and Kaphotics could have a look. Over the last 2 days we've been going through and documenting what we could with help from a couple of other people. What I have hosted here is what we've managed to find thus far. This includes static JEREMY lists, in-game trades and wondercard lists, possibly the sync check and the 3rd gen event RNG. Hopefully this might spur along anyone thinking about possibly continuing Sabresite's excellent work, or at least working together with us to more thoroughly document Legal.exe's functionality. http://pokemon.thundaga.com/reflect.zip
  3. dittos can't breed and what the hell is sendoff spring? these are from "giant hole".
  4. yep, absolutely nothing. it's just an extremely rare event from 2004, there's nothing actually special about it. there have been a few people with them for a long time and they won't trade it so that's kinda dumb. doesn't matter any more, i guess.
  5. i'm waiting on moonrays with it. i'm gonna just put up a quick one in a little bit along with updated archives and everything. ok, pkms for the JEREMY oddish and shellder are hosted in post 2 and PKMs.rar is updated. there is also a quick list of the available pokes.
  6. i'm adding an extremely rare(rare as in basically non-existent until being leaked 75 min ago) jeremy oddish to both servers now. enjoy!
  7. that's what i said. you can start out with a sav and go from there. or maybe just use the sav if your flash card will take it. e: what do you know, i just converted it to a sav with uniquegeeks and it works fine. shunyweb doesn't have a desmume option. and it's not really a surprise that the r4 option works fine, too.
  8. you put one to sleep, right? i could swear that that's the "you need a sleeping pokemon!" message. e: when i get it i just completely close that website and then re-log in to it and that seems to fix it ok.
  9. ok, everything is changed out. no list or updated pkms.rar until tomorrow, though. minecraft beta 1.2 is out and i wanna go play! music boxes! dyed wool! squid!
  10. the simple dns hijack used for this disro is not possible any more due to changes in the 5th gen GTS setup.
  11. in desmume with the game running, save your game and then: file-> export backup memory once you have the .sav convert it to the format you need with this: http://www.shunyweb.info/convert.php it does work.
  12. what the hell? pingouin is right. pokegen has all the characters in a character map that is stupidly easy to use. you pick what japanese character you want and double click. pokesav has no such thing. you would have to look up the unicode characters for japanese-english. regardless of what you like, pokegen is the better app.
  13. when figuring locations, you have to add 3000 to what it says in the wondercard. if the wc says 60, then the real location is 3060, or "pokemon event".
  14. there's a web app for this: http://pokesplash.net/projects/highlinkmod.php the only issue is the special move, but that's being worked on.
  15. if i'm understanding you right, then no it's completely different.
  16. every time i try to connect to the GDS with the client, i get this error: --------------------------- Stack Trace --------------------------- System.Exception: The server is offline or unavailable! Copy this box by pressing Ctrl + C and post it for Shiny Jirachi to see. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- anyone able to use it without problems who can help me? i'm trying to connect from one PC to another internally. i tried sending a poke to my DS and had no issue, so it's something just just the GDS part. does it use another port besides 53 and 80? although, that shouldn't matter because i'm behind my NAT/firewall.
  17. added it in. now you see why i stopped doing them. they take forever if you want it to look good, even if you're just changing the pokes and not the layout.
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