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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. yeah, I used the PID, TID, and SID, obtained from the painting. Took the PID -> Generated Method 1 IVs. Took the PID -> Generated correct level based on assumed met location. Made it Leaf Green, because ANABEL's Ditto was from Leaf Green. TID/SID -> TID/SID. Lol. Is ANABEL your own save or from some other person?
  2. Well at the very least it doesn't have your TID/SID. What TID did your own created Piloswine have? Any chance ANABEL had multiple games? Edit: In any case, here is a recreated Piloswine. 221 ★ - PILOSWINE - BBEAC02F2057.pk3
  3. Is the Piloswine from Anabel's? else why would the TID/SID be the same as Anabel's Ditto?
  4. On your 'ghostless save', it still says JORGE. I reckon they just stored the name of the save's trainer as the one that did the contest. I mean, if the PID is the same as the ANABEL copy you sent. As such, there's no reason to doubt it, right? It's not like your gamesharked copy has the same PID, right? So yeah, I showed you the right Piloswine :3
  5. Are you sure you won a contest with ANABEL's Ditto in this save? I'm not finding the OT ANABEL anywhere. I do find this Ditto, as well as RON the Blaziken. Like for example, this is the Blaziken: The PID matches what you gave, the name matches what you gave. Also the name JORGE appears here. Maybe it isn't the OT, but rather the name of the person who won the contest? I'm unsure how the contest paintings work in Gen 3. Anyhow, do you know the name "OTILIO"? Or "BASILIO" Maybe these are NPC names? EDIT: -> So I changed Sharpedo's Hex data to Ditto. While the contest reference text is broken (which would be easy to fix; probably one of the bytes I didn't name), it does confirm that JORGE is indeed the name stored. EDIT again: Yup, it was the unidentified byte (the 09. 02 is the correct value for paintings in the Lilycove Contest Hall) Too easy :3 That confirms the data I showed you was indeed Piloswine's data.
  6. I think I found something. Do you know your Blaziken's PID? Also, was the Ditto's original OT name JORGE? Edit again: looks like it is! Appears to be this: Do note that block shuffling (which naturally occur during saves) will cause the address to shift. It's found in section 04. Based on that, your Piloswine's details can be found here: Don't forget to take endianness into account. Note: for species ID, you gotta use this list, as the internal species IDs in Gen 3 games are slightly different.
  7. You could provide your save, and give us the nickname. Should be easy to test. Also, there are many things wrong with that video. I don't recommend using it to inform yourself about anything.
  8. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_traded_event_Pokémon_distributions_(Generation_IV)#Bidoof It is a traded event. Given the nature of the event, there isn't a wonder card for it (as it was never publicly obtained). And any files you may find online for it is probably created by users. Also, this is a contribution thread, not a request thread.
  9. 1) Pokegen is outdated 2) You probably had it set to Gen 5. 3) You're wrong about nature being independent from PID in Gen 3. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Personality_value Gen 3 Nature is absolutely determined by PID. I'm glad you got a Jirachi either way, but I'm hoping you didn't stick to the original nature (if you intended to make it to be one like the original), because the nature is almost definitely changed. There's probably only a 1/25 chance that it didn't change.
  10. Nature automatically changes based on the PID in Gen 3/4. So when you modified the PID, as a consequence, you would have changed the nature too. So you can just pick the nature you recall from the second post and move on. Also, you should download the latest Pokefinder from the github.
  11. Raid plugin? the issue is with the author of the plugin. Leave an issue one their github.
  12. theSLAYER

    About PKHaX

    Go back into options and turn Hax on launch = false, then reboot the program.
  13. I believe the options are there for error handling, or leftovers from before PLA to HOME compatibility was a thing. Those values can only be on SWSH format Pokémon. If the Mon is transferred to other BDSP/PLA, the values are not on the Mon, but stashed in HOME (using the HOME tracker to keep track). Editing a mon and injecting it into HOME would make HOME think it’s a different Mon, so it would not transfer values tied to other games to it. That sounds like what you’re experiencing. Given we can’t hack HOME, you can’t create an edit that controls all possible values of mons, running across all games.
  14. Can you provide an example? upload the pk7 and pb8
  15. Try seeing if those (in decimal) would get a scientist to return you the Mon. edit: I found the flags that say you received them. they might work together. Or maybe if you “revived” before, you cannot “give to scientist” again. You’re gonna have to test it out :3
  16. The data doesn't look like a save. Did you drop your cart or something?
  17. All you can do is hack in shiny charm. Besides that, you can’t change shiny odds via save editing.
  18. Or, just use a generated template for Pokewalker mons (either obtained from encounter database [I've not checked, but they may be there] or from the link I gave you in another thread), then modify the details there.
  19. Hi Arjun, you can check out here: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/166-pokéwalker/
  20. Emulators try their best, but so far they’ve not been able to run 1 for 1. Maybe it’s to cut corners, maybe it’s a creative choice, but it hasn’t been able to do so.
  21. Off the top of my head I don’t remember. I’m away from my PC for the next couple of hours. Consider checking pret’s disassembly or something.
  22. In FRLG, there's a separate event flag/constant for being able to give and collect from the scientist. You need to edit those instead.
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