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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. 1 hour ago, Bablunki said:

    Aka, would it have been possible back then in like 2003 where if someone from Japan went to the event to get the Old Sea Map with an English cartridge, would it have worked? I mostly want to ask because I don't understand how a English Shiny Mew can be transported to Home if you hacked/glitched an Old Sea Map event and Mew's still considered legitimate, but other Pokemon like this isn't. 

    I assume the event was planned for other regions but just never went through with it, but I dont get why it's considered legitimate. Any reason why?

    HOME has horrible hack checks. It being able to pass through HOME doesn’t mean it was possible nor intended.

    and no, specifically in Gen 3, can’t put Japanese wonder cards on non-Japanese cartridges.

  2. Hi @NamelessPlayah93, sorry this reply is almost a month late.

    My findings:
    1. There doesn't seem to be a block (species ID or perhaps some kind of table) that the game uses to base the next spawn off, additionally...
    2. You can actually soft reset the spawn by saving after you defeated the Stellar Tera, save in the area, then reload the game when the date changes (the date only has to change once; it is unlike SWSH's system where the species is preset for the next 3 raids)

    As such, there is no way to force the game to completely generate an encounter based on species.
    (Example: you can't change a value to 'Altaria' and it generates all of Altaria's details, such as PID, IVs, moves, etc)

    Do note:
    I am able to manipulate the Fixed Symbol Encounters, and change Stellar Haxorus to Stellar Altaria, but the way of doing that is by fully injecting a well-formed Pokemon (minus OT details and marks), which at that point would be the same as what @Atrius97 said:


    That said, you can get them from the encounter database under Tools > Data if you're just spawning them in anyway. There's not much difference between directly hacking one in, and changing the wild spawn to something that can already spawn there.

    I could just swap in all the details but retain generated PID/IVs/EC etc, but I believe that cause issues relating to the legality of RNG generation down the road (presumably the RNG generation includes species) so I am not fully comfortable with that. My advise is to soft reset away.


    these two threads are linked aren't they?

    Anyhow if the PID is stored, we can make convincing recreations. Most Pokémon commonly use Method 1 for PIDIV generation (and encounter slot information can be derived from that, to cross reference against met location data), so it won't be an issue. Give us the save and we can check that.

    Also, there's a chance the mon you extracted wasn't saved was either not saved as pk3, or you weren't using PKHeX with a Gen 3 save loaded.
    Poketransfer isn't a location in Gen 3, and if PKHeX showed that, either one of those things were likely wrong.

  4. 2 hours ago, Dragaza said:

    I don't know if it was hatched... I can't remember. It's so sad. I feel like I lost this old companion forever xD Anyway, I'm not really interested in generating a Swellow based on that one. I would love to be able to extract the one, without having to change anything...

    I'll see if I can share the save tomorrow. Thanks anyway man, thank you very much!

    The Hall of Fame entries didn’t contain all the data, but if I remember correctly, the e-card trainers do. So it can swing either direction. We’ll have to see.

  5. 1 minute ago, Dragaza said:

    I know its OT and ID, and game of origin. I just don't know its IVs and met location/level. That bothers me :(

    That information may or may not be there. If we have the PID (I assume it’s there), could try to assume it’s IVs. Depending on PID, could try to assume it’s met data too.

    at the very least, do you remember if it’s hatched?

    also wanna share the save so we can take a look?

  6. 19 minutes ago, Dragaza said:

    Hello ProjectPokemon community!

    Today, I need your help. I'm trying to get an old friend of my childhood: It is a specific Swellow. I lost the cartridge where Swellow was, so I remembered that I had the secret base from that game on my Pokemon Emerald.

    I've managed to get the Emerald save from the cartridge to my computer, and I am in the secret base where the trainer has the Swellow.

    So, I want to take it from the save file, or if that doesn't work, I want to steal it from the trainer so I can have a copy of said Swellow.


    Is there a way I can check deconstruct my savegame and extract the Swellow present on that mixing record registry? I didn't find many information regarding secret bases from another trainer (mixing records).


    Thanks in advance!!!

    I don’t think all data is there, so gonna have to recreate stuff, but seems possible 

  7. 15 minutes ago, theDoctorJ said:

    Yooo it’s been a while, but I am going back and realizing I never gave you specific information. If you are still around and willing to help me out, I would welcome some help verifying whether the events on these carts i have are legit. Just let me know and I’ll send details

    Might be easier for you to share the details + screenshots here, this way anyone can jump in.

  8. 9 minutes ago, pokemontourist said:

    I see!

    How can one view this data?

    I’m not sure if it’s in PKHeX (I reckon it’s there); I remember seeing it on the old old save tool pokesav. If you know the offsets could just make a plugin or something.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Altinos said:

    how can I use PKHex to create a GO originated Pokemon and transfer them to Home?

    You can use Encounter Database to make them in Sword/Shield saves, then transfer into HOME to get an appropriate HOME tracker.

    1. Can only use SWSH. Doing this from any other game will cause HOME to error out.
    2. You’re limited to species that exists in SWSH, for obvious reasons. HOME won’t allow entry of non-existent species from SWSH.
    3. This method may stop working in the future. Any of such created mons may become blocked by HOME in future updates.


    Do I have to actually catch them in GO first, send them to Home, and then transfer them to the game, and then edit using PKHex?

    If you’re modifying ANY immutable values (species beyond the evolutionary line, IVs, nature (not stat nature; not the one that can be modified by mints), PID [regardless of shininess], EC etc), you would break the HOME tracker. So don’t do that. 

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