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Everything posted by roflskippy

  1. ok here i go i have done some ExTreME study on all three systems and i have a good idea of which is best. Fist the Wii. i find that the wii is fun....when you have others to play it with. it has great backward compatibility (that includes Virtual Console) and it is very fun to play. online play on games is not the best but it is still fun (except brawl when you are trying to fight and the lagg is freaking unbearable i mean seriously your better sticking to playing with your friends) i love it and it is fun again with others around but when it comes to single player playing there are a handful of games. i got my wii to play with my family and they never want to play or never can so i got soo bored i brewed it so i can get at least a decent time out of it. so in short wii is fun and great...if you have others to play with you. Next Xbox 360. great backwards compatibility with xbox and great single player games. the best console for online play easily but what i do not like is that you have to pay to play online and that is the main reason i do not like it too much. i love playing with my friend and i love playing online but when money gets involved i have to say no sir i will take a rain check. so in short very great single player games and multiplay games but when online game comes around get ready to dig into your pockets i won't do the ps3 just yet because i only got like 3 hours of play time with one. but out of the three i would say that it all depends on PERSONAL PREFERENCE OF GAMES
  2. granted instead the next wish you wish will be corrupted lolz i wish that i had 150million rupees (lolwut)
  3. may i have one with a garchomp and can it be a dark blue over lightish brown on the poke walker the colors that are similar to garchomp's types (dragon ground YAY)
  4. i think everyone nos who would follow me lol Garchomp
  5. granted now you melt when water touches you i wish that i can find something fun to do ^^
  6. ok thank you and you spoil like this
  7. can you get it for pearl as well plz
  8. since you are doing the others can you get it for pearl as well ^^ thanx card too please and can i get the code for the card on diamond too ^^
  9. i hate the n ones because the only one i can think of is nidoking acctually i think i will go with NIDOQUEEN RAWR
  10. granted u can turn any pokemon you want into magikarp...and they can only be your pokemon ^^ i wish that the wish that i was about the wish would become corrupted by someone who is over the age of 21 (dunno why but i am that bored)
  11. granted now you have to make the next 507 pokemon for the next gen games....and they all have to sux i wish that hgss would just come out in the US.......or japan or wherever
  12. granted but all your roms and saves are accidentally deleted and you computer crashes and you dsi brickes and your house explodes (lolwut) i wish that i could think of a wish to wish for my corrupt a wish....wish
  13. lol togekiss ^^ or did you want togetic or togepi you no what i am going to pick the one i like best TOGEPI ^^ (LOL on misspelling ninetales)
  14. granted but the ones you love have to die in order for your wish to happen i wish that i could become the ultimate pokemon master on all my pokemon games (oh wait lol already done ^^)(cept platinum T.T)
  15. it is spelled right and ninetails ^^
  16. granted but they loose all their original moves and are replaced with splash LOLWUT i wish that garchomp became the new mascot for pokemon ^^ YAY
  17. raikou [sprite]243[/sprite]
  18. nope keep guessing ^^ here is another hint - His hair is part red
  19. i like pichu best so i pikaed that one (lol play on words ^^)
  20. i got one that you guys will almost not know.] - probably the best hairstyle in any pokemon game (or weirdest depending on your thoughts) - admin - wanderer
  21. today i found my red and blue..but blue no longer saves T.T and red is fully complete with pokedex and i no that somewhere in the endless pit of death (aka garage) i have yellow and gold also i found my pokeballs that you used to get from burger king and i also decided that since i found them i should visit the old pokemon the first movie website....yeah not too much fun anymore ^^
  22. the reason i stopped watching (in the first season when i was like 7) was because the storyline would not progress at all (or fast enough)
  23. yesterday i was looking through all my old stuff and i found my pokemon the first movie soundtrack (scratched to hell and back) and i thought hmm i wonder if i could at least get the songs off of it so i threw it in my computer and my itunes was able to salvage all the songs ^^ yay itunes. but anyway it got me wondering what pokemon items do people have that they found around their house from the olden days? feel free to tell the story of how you found it where you found it and such.
  24. Garchomp of course ^^ because even tho i look somewhat like a normal person i am in fact stronger than i look ^^ (not really it is because i actually like garchomp ^^) *edit* well according to the quiz i just took i am
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