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About Ashachu

  • Birthday 04/30/1991
  1. Swampert91: Did you visit the pokemon fan club in vermillion? He shows up in order, like you can't see Eusine in Cianwood before visiting the burned tower. Once you see Steven and he tells you about Lati@s, then you should see him at Silph Co. My update: Spent about and hour plus doing the whole power plant deal, then when i tried walking up, i accidentally turned off my game. a problem only for the NDS classic seeing as how the power button is just above the Dpad. before you ask how I did something so dumb, I was playing in the dark. (or at least dim lighting) Gonna try again tonight... (sigh)
  2. hatched 5 dratini... now leveling up all my pokemon to at least 30 (halfway there)
  3. yup even though dodrio's speed stat is higher, according to Dex, it runs up to 40, not 60
  4. nice! that's right
  5. Articuno! (though mainly those doomed in icy regions) Men only please! (that's a hint, not a statement)
  6. not quite.
  7. Hello Kanto. Huh? Surge? whatever. Go Jirachi! ... Win! ...ok...
  8. three awesome new pokemon are made, but the rest of the game was neglected and sucks so it doesn't matter. I wish "game corner" prizes were cheaper
  9. Whahahahaha! Missing No. !!!
  10. Brain smash! (or confusion i quess...)
  11. Uxie
  12. For the first post (if noone said already) It's an Unnamed Aura Guardian If you wanted a named trainer, it's Ash For Kevin: Hex Maniac Tasha Mine: -Overworld sprite used twice -english name is a pun -3 pokemon
  13. Shiny ditto is teal, not green! My leaf stone turned my eevee into leafeon
  14. 1. Flareon - Fire Stone Vaporeon - Water Stone Jolteon - Thunder Stone Espeon - Happiness Day Umbreon - Happiness Night Leafeon - Level Up Eterna Forest Glaceon - Level Up Route 217 2. Apart from "Bug", they cover each others weakness (psychic beats fighting beats dark beats ghost beats psychic) Helping Hand + Power Swap. If used repeatedly, attack stats can be boosted to the max. 3.Eevee - Dark Grey (G2) White (G3, G4) Flareon - Orange (G2) Gold (G3) Brown (G4) Vaporeon - Purple Jolteon - Darker yellow (G2) Green (G3, G4) Espeon - Green Umbreon - Purple/Blue (G2) Teal/Aqua (G3, G4) Leafeon - Slightly more saturated (hard to notice) Glaceon - White 4. Espeon - Morning Sun Umbreon - Moonlight 5. Your question is wrong, but whatever. Found in Celadon Mansion in Red, Blue, Yellow, Firered, Leafgreen Gifted by Bill in Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heartgold, Soulsilver Gifted by Bebe in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum Starter Pokemon in Not available in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Coliseum Also available for purchase in the Game Corner for 6666 coins in Gold, Silver 6.
  15. Can run @ 60 mph
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