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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Herro There. Cool Iceland isn't that the none icy one? Oh and don't worry i don't think we have any Events here in New Zealand. Or well if we do then I'm unable to obtain them unless i use Pokesav. Your name sounds interesting it's like saying Matt...HI how is it pronounced?
  2. You start what up PokesavDS? Pokemon games? etc? What firmware like the official? or AKAIO? Have you formatted your newly purchased Acekard 2.1?
  3. Well in the Anime Pikachu is. Lucario is pretty underpowered in the Anime i remember in the movie Ash like tacked Lucario.
  4. Old Ladies still do that....O_O they are diabolical. Lol i googled how to find a lost cat and it came up with results: http://www.wikihow.com/Find-a-Lost-Cat http://www.ehow.com/how_2455_find-lost-cat.html This is why i like dogs better.
  5. *grins* "strip" lol XP So is it a comic? If so i prefer my Mangaaa or Animeee
  6. I'm quite happy that I've found and actually stick to this site sooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Or Anniversary whatever you prefer. And when where there ups and downs?
  7. Raymond VS Raymond - Usher. NEW ALBUMMMM!!!
  8. I actually don't want a story, or an option to skip the campaign so i can do more of the battling and catching of legendaries.
  9. lol......"Advanced Dolls"
  10. Hi Hi. I actually don't like Stop Motion wait is Stop Motion like dolls and they move each frame? I'm pretty shy too anyone that's not really my friend I'm like a mute towards them.
  11. Herro There. Hmm i might begin saying it. The Avatar of Jigglypuff is cute enough to make me g.o "awwww"
  12. Hello There. So you don't like it already? (GASP)
  13. Can you possibly upload your .pkmn file? or tell us what your doing?
  14. Hmmm so it seemed like i was mistaken or fooled. I kept thinking either the 3DS was a joke or it's a joke that the 3DS is a joke.
  15. HottSushiz

    Yeah, so,

    Hey didn't know your were gone, though i kinda took a break.... Well i was too lazy to visit PP for a while. Oh and what do you recommend a Dragonair moveset in-game, and competitive? I was playing Soul Silver up to the 8th gym, and Dragonair looks just awesome before turning into yellow barney.
  16. So hasn't anyone heard..... Why Nintendo released this information BEFORE april? Hmm i can't seem to find the page though i heard that the 3DS is an April Fools joke from Nintendo, i heard it from Kotaku, or IGN, or somewhere i can't remember. Nintendo stated that they won't create another handheld for a few more years, they told their apologizes to the fans and stated some stats like how much the DS generation sold etc.
  17. Hello Therezz. Ooooo i would like to be teh-haxor but I'm to lazy to learn.
  18. *EEEK* Yes you did scare me....... Welcome to Project Pokemon.
  19. Whoa now that song is stuck in my head (hums the tune) The video seems rather complicated though i only watched 30 seconds of it. All you need to do is drag the PPSE.nds into the root of your Flash Cart. Oh and what Flash Cart are you using?
  20. I believe that only solves the problem when you can only enter a few characters.
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