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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/18 in all areas

  1. Here is 18 Meltans I caught legitimately, nothing has been changed. I simply got them in GO, transfered to Let's Go, caught, then exported. each filename shows Level and CP, a few have a couple 31 IVs and it shows in the filename. 31 ATK SpA LVL 14 153CP 808 - Meltan - C9A210AB55E2.pb7 31 Def SpD LVL 26 429CP 808 - Meltan - 9E8FECAD744C.pb7 31 HP 30 SPD LVL 14 149CP 808 - Meltan - 27C47468E22F.pb7 31 HP LVL 7 63 CP 808 - Meltan - B45F8D0B2C26.pb7 LVL 6 54CP 808 - Meltan - 7CAFE62D42D3.pb7 LVL 7 63CP 808 - Meltan - 438DDEEDCC50.pb7 LVL 8 73 CP 808 - Meltan - E692A8BA2A7E.pb7 LVL 8 73CP 808 - Meltan - 2228685A4426.pb7 LVL 9 84CP 808 - Meltan - 4A236CA0434C.pb7 LVL 12 120CP 808 - Meltan - 6B16929DED82.pb7 LVL 14 150CP 808 - Meltan - 95B8438A13CF.pb7 LVL 17 179 CP 808 - Meltan - 15271A7D6C08.pb7 LVL 24 356CP 808 - Meltan - 3D04AE5EDC1C.pb7 LVL 26 411CP 808 - Meltan - A970211FB248.pb7 LVL 27 442CP 808 - Meltan - E6C15646A245.pb7 LVL 28 450CP 808 - Meltan - 598EE8D457EA.pb7 LVL 29 484CP 808 - Meltan - 8DC7725E5847.pb7 LVL 29 498CP 808 - Meltan - 267B7B21DB44.pb7
    2 points
  2. You're probably doing something wrong when you're restoring the save data. If something was (simply) wrong with PKHeX, there'd be a flood of reports.
    2 points
  3. Version .


    I encountered this shiny Paras shortly after starting the game while walking through Mt. Moon. I had not been comboing for shinies or anything, just saw it walking around. I leveled it up a little bit and taught it a move or two. No edits were made to this Pokemon with PKhex.
    1 point
  4. I don't know if this is handled, since a Pidgey caught in Vermillion City is flagged legal, and a Chansey caught there is illegal. (Tho Chansey is a rare spawn; I understand that combo'd mon and rare spawns appear illegal at present) Still, reporting it just in case. Here are the Pokemon, and relevant screenshots: 016 - Pidgey - F1C9F7F63948.pb7 113 - Chansey - 7DB5CB1C17FA.pb7 (I know Pidgey wasn't in the screenshot. I waltzed over as I was waiting for Chansey to slowly walk over)
    1 point
  5. Tested all evening. Seems that money editing messes up 100% of the times. Improper Pokémon editing too - @theSLAYER's tip helped. Currently, all is working fine. Modified items, Pokémons and stats. As long as I don't change money and don't drag and drop Pokémon, problem is officially solved. @Kaphotics, FYI.
    1 point
  6. Thanks, fixed: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/1c0b2488ef323b4cca00fd7562dfe7c8d971f1e7
    1 point
  7. You could also just change the nature on the mew you already have with pkhex.
    1 point
  8. Here's 18 that I caught from 2 different GO accounts last night. A couple with 2 31 IVs. Meltan.rar
    1 point
  9. I'll try going for just Pokeballs, and report back By the way, what is the meaning of "unable to match an encounter from the origin game"? This is what had stopped me from adding Pokemons.
    1 point
  10. I have not had any error either, I have only added a couple of pokemon from other generations (that have appeared as eggs) and I have filled the pokedex, but it has not corrupted my save file. I do not touch the money part, so i dont know.
    1 point
  11. Not sure if this helps or not, but the starter's gender is determined upon that initial cutscene before you even input your name. While you can SR for nature or characteristic, the gender is set in stone. If you do a future save, make sure your partner is the desired gender (tail shape for pikachu, tail tip shape for eevee.) before you save the game.
    1 point
  12. Well for starters someone could find out how to access their servers. Another way would be RAM dumps. The wonder cards are definitely in the RAM, so checking there helps. Ultimately, I'll expect that RAM dumping and hacking their Switch is too much of a hassle for most people, so we'll have to live off traded .PB7 files. Well, we could use PKHeX to generate the PB7 based on the wonder card. It already has that existing function for previous games (drag the wonder card into the left tab, and it generates the file as a PK.)
    1 point
  13. I'm in the process of uploading the GP1 files here. edit: In the mean time, the whole pack of the here: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/3306-go-park-living-dex/
    1 point
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