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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/24 in all areas

  1. My old save file for Pokémon Blue with a Mew from the Toys-R-Us distribution in 1999. Edit: The Mew is in Box 1, for anybody interested. Now, some backstory for this save file. I got my Blue Game Pak when I was 8 for my Game Boy Color. I played for years ('98 - '02 I believe), and I traded with friends, beat the Elite Four (only two times, I was too lazy to fight again :P), completed my Pokedex, and more. When I found out about the Toys-R-Us Mew contest, I BEGGED my mom and dad to bring me to the store close to my home. Fortunately, they did eventually, and since the store wasn't very popular, when I arrived about 5 or 6 days late, the contest was still going on. I grabbed my "Peel & Win" card and sure enough, there it was! "Caught Me!". Just like it said on the Pokémon website. I was ecstatic! I went to school on Monday that week and bragged about it to all of my friends. I remember being scared to get into any battles or train my Mew because my friends told me it would run away if it fainted. Good times. I wasn't able to get any of the Gen 2 - 3 games (or any other PKMN games for that matter) until much later in my life (my parents were not very financially stable at the time), but eventually I moved on from Pokémon in middle school. A few weeks ago, I got back into Pokémon, and found my old Game Pak. I played for a bit and got hooked again. Yesterday, a device I ordered named the Joey Jr. arrived. I used it to dump the rom & save - and that's where I am now. If you plan to play on this save file, please take good care of my Pokémon! Farewell! Nick's Pokemon Blue Save.sav
    2 points
  2. I've started playing Stadium, never played it and it's actually quite good. The commentary dub was really amazing. So, I've just checked that gift pokemon get generated when trasnfered to the gen 1 games, so I'm gonna get a savegame for each of the gift pokemon to be received, for round 1 and round 2 and the amnesia psyduck. I'm playing the spanish version, but the save is compatible with at least all EUR versions, and the UK should be the same as USA one so... With those savegames, one can receive a randomized (DV wise) pokemon from the stadium game without having to play trough elite 4, and also get it for the desired region. Amnesia psyduck will take time though, hall of fame gets time to complete... Unless you can provide a savegame with an almost complete hall of fame at round 2 that is (there's a complete save at zophar's domain, but that won't work for amnesia psyduck...) EDIT: I managed to get the 8 gifts from round 1. If you don't know, round 2 are the same, but will have a gold trophy when transfered to gen 2. EDIT 2: Well, I messed up a little. It seems that receiving a normal box or gorgeous box attached to the gift pokemon does not depend on wether you are playing roun 1 or round 2, but depends just on wether you have unlocked round 2 or not. Basically this means no amnesia psyduck with normal box unless I get all the pokemon in the hall of fame... AGAIN. That's not gonna happen, so no amnesia psyduck with normal box. Shouldn't really matte, but I wish I had known. I'll try to edit the hall of fame data in my savefile prior to round 2, should be enough for legit amnesia psyduck retrieval with normal box. EDIT 3: Erm... seems like amnesia psyduck can only carry gorgeous box, even at round 1, so basically I have the saves. Coupled with the complete one at zophar's (for teaching surf to pikachu) now all saves are available (when I upload mine). I'll probably finish my round 2 save with full hall of fame for a complete R2 with amnesia psyduck retrieval EDIT 4: Here are the fla savefiles, I'll update the file when I get the round 2 savefile. The one with "151" still has amnesia psyduck for retrieval from the hall of fame, the save before it only misses 2 hall of fame entries. http://www.mediafire.com/download/ghx1crmdrrcdj27/StadiumSavegames.rar EDIT 5: @N64 I finally made the Stadium 2 savegame for Farfetch'd and Gliscor, the attached file has the Stadium 1 and 2 savegames in it. Stadium1-2_savegames.zip
    2 points
  3. Question: Your OT (Original Trainer Name) on the SAV is "Nick". I saw the box full of Tauros and thought, "are these just cloned/genned, lol?" but they seem legitimate, which got me to slightly grin that you (or a friend?) spent time doing that. Anyway, I noticed all those Tauros had the OT of "RED". Was that a sibling/friend, or you on a different cartridge? And in Box 10, I noticed the starters have an OT of "BLUE". Same question: Was that a sibling/friend, or you on a different cartridge? Noticed 3 Master Balls in the Bag as well, so for benefit of the doubt's sake, I'll assume friends/you on another cartridge traded them here, haha? If in the U.S., this Mew had to have been gotten from December 8th through the 12th, 1999. Pretty darn cool since you (in a general sense) had to jump through slight hoops to get this Mew by mailing stuff in, etc. I also assume "Sharon" and "JIM" were friends/siblings? Cool stuff. Side note: Just waiting for Staff/reputable person(s) to confirm the Mew legitimacy for all.
    1 point
  4. When choosing partner, if you try scrolling to the left (where the greyed out Axew portrait is) the portrait wheel gets messed up. (Attached a video showcasing the issue) Using the MelonDS emulator if that helps. Might test it on real hardware later. 2024-11-22_18-52-07.mp4
    1 point
  5. Version August 25th, 2024 (FFF)


    All of the 920+ Pokemon in this save file are legal and will through Bank and HOME. Every pokemon that can legally be obtained as a shiny has its shiny form in the save file, the other pokemon are there in non-shiny form. 90% of the Pokemon in this save file were hatched/captured in USUM meaning that they can be used on battlespot. The first evolutions of almost all of the Pokemon will be level 1; the middle evolutions are often level 70. A majority of the final stage evolution pokemon are a smogon set. I hope this save helps some people out there. All of the complete 806 pokemon sets I could find online were either completely riddled with illegal pokemon, or all of the pokemon only knew 1 move; that is not the case with this save file. Enjoy ! Youtube Video showcasing the savefile: https://youtu.be/-YBj6WgP_ro
    1 point
  6. 2338 downloads

    Saves for the first Pokémon Stadium released in 1998 only in Japan, Stadium 2 (Stadium 1 in the west), and Pokémon Stadium Gold & Silver (Stadium 2 in the west). Stadium (1998): Dodrio GB speed unlocked. Stadium 2: R-2 complete. Hyper COM level unlocked in Kids Club. All 151 Pokémon registered in Hall of Fame. Psyduck ready to be claimed by accessing it. Gorgeous Box Kabuto transferable at Oak's Lab. NOTE: My in-game trade/gift collection has every file for the random gifts from clearing the Gym Leader Castle on both rounds that you can just modify to your liking such as randomizing IVs or making them Shiny. Gold & Silver: R-2 complete. Very Hard COM level unlocked in Mini-Games. Pokémon Academy complete. Special Farfetch'd and Gligar both ready to transfer. NOTE: I just included an international save for this one because they're interchangeable.
    1 point
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