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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/22 in all areas

  1. A few years ago, I started playing Pokémon Yellow on the 3DS virtual console, and copied the save to the computer, not knowing that it would corrupt my save. I tried to use an unlocked 2DS and convert the save to a gameboy save, but nothing fixed the corruption. Does anyone know what I can do to recover my save? (Save corrupted attachment for someone who can repair it) 00000001.sav
    1 point
  2. Read the pinned threads. You need to install the .NET Framework per the FAQ.
    1 point
  3. It should be possible to disable FIPS Mode, that may resolve the issue. https://www.eonesolutions.com/help-article/this-implementation-is-not-part-of-the-windows-platform-fips-validated-cryptographic-algorithms/
    1 point
  4. Thank you, that's what I'm doing at this precise moment, now I'm guessing which ones I leave in 2 so that only the event ones are there because I don't know, thanks for your help, you're great ok, I almost didn't make it but it was done! Thanks for your help here, I only activated the two masks, great! Hola amigo, lo logré! Yo soy igual quiero solo lo que es de evento lo demás me gusta jugar y ganarlo por mi mismo. Pero si se puede, toca editar códigos hexadecimales, 02 es que está todo desbloqueado 01 es que está bloqueado, solo es dejar en 02 lo que quieres osea las máscaras de evento.
    1 point
  5. Yeah, also in the future make save backups via a save manager, like JKSV or Checkpoint. Those save backups are console decrypted, meaning it can load in any other console via homebrew. :3
    1 point
  6. I got it! It worked out! I unlocked my 3DS (the same one I played the game on before it corrupted), and then used SaveFL to delete the game's SecureValue, then it started working again. Thank you very much!
    1 point
  7. Got it, thank you very much, I didn't understand that I needed the original system to recover the save, I think I'll get it now!
    1 point
  8. What the heck. Long story short, as long as you've not written any more saves or started a new game to Yellow on the 3DS, you can write back the 00000001.sav to the same folder *on the 3DS*, and the Yellow would be still alive. If you don't hack *that* 3DS, you will never be able to get a decrypted save (that PKHeX can read) for Yellow from it. You can't just shift encrypted saves between consoles and think that's all okay. Each console has their own unique encryption. Think of each console being a house, and each house having their own unique lock and key. You can't use key B to unlock house A.
    1 point
  9. I did these processes on a hacked 2DS, but the save originally came from a 3DS that has never been hacked, all my attempts to recover the save were done on the 2DS and a PC. On the 2DS, I tried several things, including what is in the tutorials you sent, but nothing worked.
    1 point
  10. Custom Firmware. Your device needs to be hacked first before you can obtain a save using homebrew. No hacked device = no homebrew = no way to extract and inject saves. Just so you know, I did point it out in the tutorials..
    1 point
  11. Sorry, but what is CFW? So I need the console that generated the save, but not just the save?
    1 point
  12. How am I suppose to extract the save for you? It's not like your device is with me. Do you even have CFW installed on your 3DS?
    1 point
  13. Thanks for the help, but I tried to do what is written in the link you sent, I still couldn't, could you please try to recover for me?
    1 point
  14. JKSM or Checkpoint are able to extract it, as long as you're playing a real copy of VC Yellow (not some fan made BS). Process is the same as extracting 3DS saves: https://projectpokemon.org/tutorials/save-editing/managing-3ds-saves/
    1 point
  15. Do you know how I can extract the save? I tried to use the FBI and JKSM, but I couldn't extract
    1 point
  16. Extract the save with a save manager. This isn't that.
    1 point
    3 years later, this is STILL the best Pokémon save editor out there.
    1 point
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