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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/21 in all areas

  1. Questions about Pokémon Legality go in the Pokémon Legality sub-forum.
    2 points
  2. DreamNexus is a ROM editor for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX, which allows editing Pokémon stats, dungeons, scripts, items, moves and more. This software is only possible thanks to all the amazing people who contributed! See the credits at the end of the trailer. Guides If you want to play ROM hacks made by other users, check out this guide: If you want to setup DreamNexus to create your own ROM hacks, this guide is for you: https://mousy-brian-e05.notion.site/DreamNexus-Switch-setup-guide-069a9b88254c4e0289a1fe4a0225d063 Downloads You can download all releases on GitHub. Source code The source code is available on GitHub. Discord We have a Discord on https://dreamnexus.app, where we are happy to help you and answer your questions!
    1 point
  3. Version 2.0.2


    Introduction Typically dumping savs from bootleg GBA carts will result in a save that won't be usable on emulators nor save editors. That is because the save is typically stored with the ROM data, instead of the designated save location. This program is able to extract and inject saves into bootleg Pokémon GBA ROMs. Usage You can drag and drop the game (.gba/.bin) onto the program, or open it. The save (if available) is then dumped into the same directory as where the game is. You can extract the save for editing, and then choose to inject back the edited save. Technical Explanation This program checks every 0x1000 of the save file, starting from 0xFF8. (if it's a save, the initial 2-words at every 0xFF8 in the save are identical to each other, and the initial 2-words at every 0xFFE in the save are the same, that being blanks) Image example: Tests done. Tested on a copy obtained from here, as well as on an owned bootleg cartridge.
    1 point
  4. 5915 downloads

    This Celebi and a Dada Zarude were released in commemoration of Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle in US and EU. To get the event codes, users had to sign up the TPCi newsletter before September 25, 2021. The codes were sent to users on October 7, 2021. As of LGPE, wonder cards are no longer stored in saves. As such, players will not be able to inject this event into their save using PKHeX. Wonder Card ID #0520: Mythical Pokémon Celebi Gift Species Celebi TID 211006 Distribution Serial Code Location a Pokémon movie Dates Starting Oct. 7 2021 PID (forced) 1F01CA3E (Shiny) Games SWSH Nature Quirky Ability Natural Cure (1) Item Lucky Egg IVs EVs HP RND, 3x 31 IVs ALL 0 ATK DEF S.ATK S.DEF SPE Lv. 60 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Magical Leaf Future Sight Life Dew Heal Bell Wishing Ribbon Lang Slot Mon's Lang Nickname OT Name OT's Lang JPN (default) オコヤのもり JPN ENG (default) Jungle ENG FRE (default) Jungle FRE ITA (default) Giungla ITA GER (default) Dschungel GER SPA (default) Selva SPA KOR (default) 정글 KOR CHS (default) 丛林 CHS CHT (default) 叢林 CHT Only One Redemption Allowed Format Ver.2.1.2-9, Post Updated Date:20211014_1112
    1 point
  5. Use this to reference Vivillon forms: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTVVOEZbXLVQvjIdzGACpZ_IrOWgVDBr_Wa-xULK3191BP9lf1tep-z-PsmcAfaH_aE56j3GHDX_9UO/pubhtml# These region changing shenanigans only apply to region allowed in your 3DS legitimately. So for example, you can't change to an EU device Country, if that country is not on your US device. As for why your other Vivillon are marked illegal, I need to see them (in file form) before I can diagnose the problem
    1 point
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