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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/21 in all areas

  1. At time of writing, while ban reports have significantly trickled off since earlier this year, we are still receiving the occasional ban report on the PPORG and PKHeX Development Discord servers, seemingly related to the HOME banwave in January. We've been able to track some of the reports to earlier offenses, such hosting hacked raids prior to the hacked raid banwave during early Isle of Armor, or ranked/tournament cheating. It seems that they audited server logs and cleaned up a few stragglers they had neglected to ban earlier, and tacked them onto the HOME banwave. Given that they've demonstrated that HOME can track and accurately ban users who used the methods that resulted in the banwave, just because the banwave appears to be "pretty much over, and I wasn't banned despite doing X or Y bannable action" doesn't mean they aren't continuing to monitor network traffic and banning anyone foolish enough to attempt trafficking illegal pokemon via HOME going forward. The HOME banwave is thought to be the result of a permanent, ongoing security feature, not a one-off wave. As well, they've also shown the ability to view and edit Pokemon stored on the savefile, (including those in Poke Jobs AND in both Daycares, sending them there doesn't "hide them from HOME"), as HOME was used to automatically fix movesets for Alolan Form GO-origin Pokemon that had their opposite regional form moveset due to a bug with GO -> HOME transfers. This means that any illegal pokemon, glitch pokemon, etc. may be viewed by HOME any time you load your savefile into HOME, even if you don't place them into HOME storage itself. If you kept any illegal/glitch Pokemon on your savefile, proceed with caution with that infomation in mind. (Alternatively simply avoid using HOME altogether, or store any illegal/glitch pokemon on a profile/savefile, secondary switch, or emuNAND that is not going to be accessed by HOME.)
    3 points
  2. 674 downloads

    This is a Wild Area event held by Sword and Shield. This event features Pokémon that appear on the ranking of Curry made in Pokémon Camp. As a result, this event allows players to get Gigantamax Charizard and Gigantamax Copperajah. This event also has a guaranteed 2% Shiny Copperajah slot in the 5-star raids. This event also gives players a chance to acquire the ingredients that are normally version exclusive. To import these files into your save, use PKHeX's block importing function. Our tutorial should guide you through it. Our first post of this page contains some data relevant to the importing stage. There's info and some common questions regarding Wild Area Events here. To see other Wild Area Events, here.
    1 point
  3. From looking at the code it looks like that plugin was original made with PKHeX Core 20.10.10 which had that property FileName as part of the SaveFile class found here. But, at some point it appears that was removed or moved to somewhere else between 20.11.28 and 20.12.30. So it appears to be incompatibility with the versions of PKHeX and the plugin. Solutions are to use an earlier version of PKHeX with the plugin or try to submit an update the plugin to get it working with the latest PKHeX.
    1 point
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