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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/20 in all areas

  1. I made my first plugin for PKHeX. It sorts boxes based on different regional dexes and is located at https://github.com/foohyfooh/PKHeXSortingPlugin Go to the releases page to get the compiled dll file.
    1 point
  2. Project Pokémon is a community of Pokémon fans that focuses primarily on the research of Pokémon games and the development of tools to enhance them. This allows us to do things such as the following: Collect events for the enjoyment of all Provide platforms for researchers to publish editing programs such as PKHeX Publish research about the inner workings of video games We are funded by the generous donations of our Patrons on Patreon.
    1 point
  3. READ THIS POST BEFORE YOU COMMENT "THE DRAG AND DROP DOESN'T WORK FOR ME" HOW TO UPDATE from Nova Sun & Umbra Moon v1.4 (or lower) to v1.5+: If you're updating the Drag & Drop pack of Nova Sun or Umbra Moon to v1.5+ from a previous version, you need to delete the old files. v1.5+ places the ROM hack files in a different SD card location, and no longer requires code.bin. Delete THESE files/folders from your SD card before copying v1.5+ to the SD Card. SD:\luma\titles\0004000000164800 SD:\luma\titles\0004000000175E00 SD:\luma\code_sections\0004000000164800.bin SD:\luma\code_sections\0004000000175E00.bin SD:\SaltySD\Nova_Sun SD:\SaltySD\Umbra_Moon You also NEED to update Luma3DS if you're on a version lower than 7.0. Drag & Drop packages of Nova Sun & Umbra Moon v1.5+ support (and require) Pokémon Sun & Moon v1.2. FAQ "HELP! The game freezes when I talk to a shopkeeper!" This happens when you have a version mismatch on the Shop.cro file If you're using a Drag & Drop install of the game, make sure Sun or Moon are updated to v1.2. If you're getting shop freezes while Sun or Moon are updated to v1.2, update the ROM hack by redownloading the Drag & Drop package and follow the instructions for updating from NS/UM v1.4- to v1.5+. If you're using a *.3ds or *.cia install, make sure Sun or Moon are not updated at all. Uninstall updates from "Data Management" on the 3DS. You can also apply the Drag and Drop package over the NS/UM CIA; if you do this, you can update Sun/Moon and continue to play NS/UM. "I want to randomize the game and still use the Drag & Drop pack!" PK3DS currently requires a complete ROM file system to be present to function. This means you need to follow these instructions to play a randomized game through Drag & Drop. Download the Drag & Drop pack of the Lite Build of NS/UM and copy the /luma/ folder to your SD card. Follow all instructions included with the Drag & Drop Download the Distribution Pack for NS/UM and follow the instructions as if you want to build a CIA of the Expanded Build. When you reach the part where you can randomize your wild encounters, say Yes and use PK3DS to randomize them. Once you've randomized your Wild Encounters, copy /Extracted_ROM/romfs/a/0/8/2 and /Extracted_ROM/romfs/a/0/8/3 to the /luma/titles/16DIGITTITLEID/romfs/a/0/8 folder on your SD card. If there is no "8" folder inside romfs/a/0, create one. Booting Sun or Moon should load Nova Sun or Umbra Moon with randomized wild encounters. "HELP! I want to use a cheat menu or NTR plugin, but (insert tool here) breaks with this mod!" It's not up to me to fix these sorts of tools. The reason these tools will sometimes break with Nova Sun / Umbra Moon is that they aren't capable of handling Luma3DS's LayeredFS implementation. If you want to complain to someone about incompatibility, complain to the developers of the cheat menu or plugin that their tool doesn't support Luma3DS LayeredFS. "HELP! I get a black screen when I click Sun/Moon when using the Drag & Drop pack!" Make sure you have properly removed any SaltySD-based hacks (including older builds of Nova Sun/Umbra Moon) from your 3DS SD card as detailed at the top of this post. Try deleting the files from SD:/luma/titles and re-copying them over to the SD. Plug your SD into your computer instead of using FTP or MicroSD Management for best results. Update your Luma3DS install to the latest stable version and make sure "Enable Game Patching" is enabled. It's possible Luma3DS's "hourly" builds could break something important for the LayeredFS feature. Make sure your 3DS firmware is on version 11.0 or greater (this is a requirement to run Pokémon Sun & Moon). Make sure you have the Sun/Moon v1.2 update installed. "HELP! I am having trouble building a CIA/*.3DS of this!" Because computers are different from user to user, I cannot provide personal troubleshooting for the Distribution Pack used to build *.cia/*.3ds files or HANS packs. If you're using custom firmware on your 3DS, I recommend using the Drag & Drop package if you're having any difficulties whatsoever with building a CIA. The files included in the Distribution Pack can be used to build a CIA or 3DS file with any method (romfs builder, Asia81's PackHack, the included 3dstoolkit by evandixon...). "WHICH BUILD HAS LEGENDARIES!?" This ROM hack does not add Legendary Pokémon to the wild. This is a design choice made for the following reasons: 3DS ROM hackers currently (and for the foreseeable future) can't alter the game script to add events, so adding Legendary Pokémon would just be sticking them in random grass patches as low-percentage encounters. That's ugly, feels hacky, and removes the reason Legendary Pokémon are cool in the first place. Nova Sun and Umbra Moon are not balanced around the player using 650+ BST monstrosities. If I added Legendary Pokémon to the grass, they'd turn the supposedly challenging game into a cakewalk. If I balanced the game *around* Legendary Pokémon, you'd basically be required to either use them or grind and overlevel your team. Hacked Legendary Pokémon cannot be converted to legitimate Pokémon by altering their data to make them "hatched from an egg". This means using Legendary Pokémon as a post-game reward is absolutely and completely pointless. And finally: I personally believe the game is more fun without them, and I want to present the most fun (in my opinion) way to play Pokémon in my ROM hacks.
    1 point
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