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  1. 21467 downloads

    This page contains several savefiles dumped from cartridges that were distributed a plethora of event pokemon directly from the Pokemon Center New York PCNY distribution hardware that recently surfaced. Hopefully it provides enough public satisfaction for everyone, while the preservation team undertakes this grand and lengthy task of hopefully enabling the software to become usable via emulation, as well as hopefully producing hardware mods for a publicly feasible physical method of distributing. This is our most major project by a long shot and will likely take quite some time, however now that everything is permanently in Project Pokemon's possession, any roadblocks toward the final goals would be on the technical side. Luckily the best minds are at work on each aspect of this project, so without revealing any further details in regards to that, have patience and remain optimistic. -------------------- For Generation III, a full box per campaign was distributed, with the TID for each incrementing from 00001 to 00030. The Ruby savefile is a male trainer so the OT names are all blue colored, and was loaded using the PCNYc memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. The Sapphire savefile is a female trainer so the OT names are all red colored, and was loaded using the PCNYd memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. Seven Gen 3 campaigns were preserved from the Slot A memory cards obtained. Each box in both savefiles have at least a few of every pokemon from the respective campaigns. For Generation II, three full boxes per campaign were distributed, with the TID for each incrementing from 00001 to 00060. This Gold savefile was loaded using the PCNYc memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. Four Gen 2 campaigns were preserved from the Slot A memory cards obtained. Each box will have at least a few of every pokemon from the respective campaigns, even those with normally extremely rare unlikely odds. -------------------- Generation III: Evolution Stone Campaign: 30 Aug 2003 - 4 Sept 2003 Pikachu Lv50 - Thunder Stone 25% Gloom Lv50 - Sun Stone 25% / Leaf Stone 25% Staryu Lv50 - Water Stone 25% ----- Monster Week 1 Campaign: 18 Oct 2003 - 24 Oct 2003 Cacturne Lv50 - 25% Duskull Lv25 - 25% Shuppet Lv25 - 25% Shedinja Lv50 - 25% ----- Campaign 1: 15 May 2004 - 22 May 2004 Houndour Lv5 - 50% Mareep Lv5 - 50% ----- Campaign 3: 31 July 2004 - Aug 6 2004 Azurill Lv5 - 20% / Soothe Bell 5% Wynaut Lv5 - 25% Gorebyss Lv20 - 25% Huntail Lv20 - 25% ----- Campaign 4: 7 Aug 2004 - 13 Aug 2004 Zangoose Lv18 - 20% / Quick Claw 5% Seviper Lv19 - 25% Milotic Lv35 - 25% Kingdra Lv35 - 25% ----- Campaign 5: 14 Aug 2004 - 20 Aug 2004 Armaldo Lv40 - 25% Sableye Lv18 - 20% / Bright Powder 5% Mawile Lv18 - 25% Cradily Lv40 - 25% ----- Campaign 6: 21 Aug 2004 - 27 Aug 2004 Machamp Lv30 - 20% / Choice Band 5% Ludicolo Lv20 - 25% Shiftry Lv20 - 25% Golem Lv30 - 25% -------------------- Generation II: Silver Cave Campaign: 1 Nov 2002 - 7 Nov 2002 Synthesis Tangela Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Low Kick Ponyta Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Low Kick Doduo Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Hypnosis Misdreavus Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Rage Larvitar Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% ----- Union Cave Campaign: 8 Nov 2002 - 14 Nov 2002 Twister Staryu Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Metal Claw Krabby Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Sharpen Onix Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Swords Dance Goldeen Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Future Sight Lapras Egg - Normal 11% / Shiny 2% ----- Johto Legend Campaign: 15 Nov 2002 - 21 Nov 2002 Shiny Raikou Lv40 - 33% Shiny Entei Lv40 - 33% Shiny Suicune Lv40 - 33% Shiny Lugia Lv40 - 0.5% Shiny Ho-oh Lv40 - 0.5% ----- Celebi Present Campaign: 22 Nov 2002 - 28 Nov 2002 Celebi Lv5 - 98.5% Shiny Celebi Lv5 - 1% Shiny Mew Lv5 - 0.5%
    3 points
  2. To an extent, wonder cards presently have no purpose for the end user, since they can't be injected (a change since LGPE). However, the data is useful for various references, and maybe in the future it can be distributed by a wireless distributor? one can hope. In any case, using these wonder cards, we know which byte in the fashion block is changed. Fashion blocks can be found here.
    1 point
  3. No. Ball data exists for Gen 3 and onwards. Ball data don’t exist for Gen 1 & 2 captures, so Transporter defaults it to Poké Ball
    1 point
  4. @theSLAYER I mentioned in the second paragraph that Gen 2 will be ideally uploaded in a few days, as it is still being filled up with pokemon. My limited free time, and the need to zero out the Gen 2 software's unique "one-pokemon-per-campaign" date flag in the save's hex between each distribution, all makes it take a bit of time. The reason I uploaded the Gen 3 saves now instead of waiting until I also had the Gen 2 save is because this link is needed before Saturday morning to go along with some further public documentation. Ideally I'll have the Gen 2 save uploaded by or on Saturday, but no guarantee. @TheSchilling Are you referring to the campaign data from the actual distribution machine's memory cards? All of the machine's software and data are totally unusable unless you have the original machine in your possession, so there's no point in anyone uploading them until we have an emulation or public hardware solution available. Which if you refer to my explanation in the main post, it will likely take quite some time. Don't worry, the data is in possession of enough people to where it won't end up being lost. It will eventually be public one way or another, I will make sure of that.
    1 point
  5. I tried each file one by one to see what the issue for me was, eventually got all in except 9. These are the ones that don't work for me and caused a hard crash: Rilaboom, Scorbunny, Sobble, Skwovet, Greedent, Gossifleur, Eldegoss, Nicket, Thievul. I haven't tried the Metan and Melmetal yet, I'll make an edit if they work. So if anyone is getting hard crash or freezing issues, remove those pokemon and see if it works. I was able to transfer entire boxes once I removed those. Edit: Meltan and Melmetal work. It's just those 9 I listed that don't and cause the hard crash
    1 point
  6. The mystery gift for LGPE was checking for a ribbon, when it never gets applied or transferred. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/4771158194396562206e255a848beb86ce5231bf
    1 point
  7. So, I dunno if this'll help anyone but, I'll try my best to explain my process to make it work... kind of... Ok, so I used "GRIDELIN's" save file (the Gen 7 one from this very website) probably any save file with Legal Mons in the Pc for gen 7 could work. Within Pkhex (current version) I pasted the .pk7 files OVER the Mons in the first box of the save file (I usually only did 6 at a time, to move to bank, as 6 seemed to be the limit without a crash from bank). I saved and used the "modified" GRIDELIN save file, by deleting the current save file inside the applicable pokemon game folder (I was using UMoon) I pasted the new file in the save data folder, and had to delete the Secure Value of the applicable pokemon game using the FBI application. When all that was said and done, while in bank I had to move "Legal" mons from GRIDELIN's save FIRST, THEN move the Galar mons. It ONLY worked by matching the number of Legal Mons Moved to the Galar Mons Moved so, if I wanted 6 Galar mons I had to have 6 Legal mons AHEAD FIRST. It would save normally no black screen, no stale green screen, but I did have to reset the bank application if I wanted to use it again or transfer to home. Ps. All of the Mons worked even the shiny Doggos, I tried to explain as best as I could without a wall of text, which it ended up that way anyways, sorry.. I don't know why it had so see Legal mons first before the Galar mons it just worked so, i never questioned it...
    1 point
  8. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/9e16df49702852426bb0cbcb9bf40773206bbf00
    1 point
  9. There's a shiny Celebi from VC Crystal in the downloads section. It can only be legal in all gen 2 Virtual Console games as well as gen 7 games. In any other game shiny Celebi is illegal. (This message is made prior to GO Shiny Celebi and the shiny Celebi event for SWSH. however the statement applies for Gen 3-Gen 6 games) As long as you don't trade it away or try to use it in online battles there is nothing you have to worry about.
    1 point
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