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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/19 in all areas

  1. Just got hold of a device to dump the save on my old original Pokemon Yellow game from two decades ago that miraculously still has a working battery. On it I have a Mew from the Club Nintendo distribution that was going on in Norway, Sweden and Denmark in 2000 to 2001 where you had to mail your game to Nintendo so they could transfer it over. Not sure if there is some missing info about these events, but all the info I found about this Mew says the OT is EUROPE, but the one I have has NORWAY. Some info about it can be found here, but the info is not completely correct as it says that we could not send in the games in Norway, however that's what I did and I got the Mew. Unfortunately it's not untouched, but 9 year old me didn't think to just put it in a box and leave it there for 20 years. Please understand. Mew - Club Nintendo Norway 2000-2001.sav
    3 points
  2. You should check this
    1 point
  3. (FYI latest commit means that they've added it to PKHeX code, and will be visible when they push out the next update, for users to download)
    1 point
  4. I was just sent this link via email, amazing news important enough for me to log in again and reply. This is the most important Pokemon distribution device to surface so far! I'm still curious about these things to know when they show up, even if they're of no use to me these days. I stand by willing to help if in need, or with any sort information related. Glad to see extraordinary finds are indeed not yet over and passed! Keep us updated.
    1 point
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