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  wraith89 said:
Yeah, the only hope Pidgeot has is a hold item that doubles her attack or special attack... like something called Crimson Plume or something. Pidgeot is one of my favorite birds too.

At least we know it's possible though. That or a hacked Pidgeot.

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  wraith89 said:
Usually I don't relegate Surf and Waterfall to HM slaves because both are usable... although the latter only became usable starting from D/P because before that Surf overshadowed it.

I have two HM slaves:


- Cut

- Rock Smash

- Fly

- Defog


- Strength

- Surf

- Waterfall

- Rock Climb

That's all I need.

Of course it is! That's all 8 HMs! :rolleyes: I use Bibarel, and I teach Fly and other usable in combat HMs to anyone that can learn them... Before I knew about the move deleter, I made the worst mistake. I was cheating my way through Pearl, and got stuck in the Galactic building in Eterna for a while. Then, I taught my Dialga cut, and found out I didn't have my 2nd gym badge. -_- other than that, I'm good.

  Concorde105 said:
Of course it is! That's all 8 HMs! :rolleyes: I use Bibarel, and I teach Fly and other usable in combat HMs to anyone that can learn them... Before I knew about the move deleter, I made the worst mistake. I was cheating my way through Pearl, and got stuck in the Galactic building in Eterna for a while. Then, I taught my Dialga cut, and found out I didn't have my 2nd gym badge. -_- other than that, I'm good.

Skarmory can do the same thing with Bibarel, but no one uses Skarmory as a HM slave.


Yeah... It doesn't really help that you need to migrate to get one, so people already have their HM slaves established by then... I just did a clean restart of Pearl, and I think I'll get a Bidoof for an HM slave, and a Staravia to get a Staraptor. :)

  Concorde105 said:
Yeah... It doesn't really help that you need to migrate to get one, so people already have their HM slaves established by then... I just did a clean restart of Pearl, and I think I'll get a Bidoof for an HM slave, and a Staravia to get a Staraptor. :)

Oh yeah. Woops... Tropius is not available in Diamond/Pearl (but he is in Platinum). I don't know what can replace him... probably Hoothoot or Starly I guess... I hate having to carry 2 HM slaves... although Fly is NOT necessary... nor is Defog (but it lowers accuracy which makes hax Pikachus land their attacks on my Roselia while my Roselia misses all the time... >:-[ )

I guess you can try Bibarel with Strength, Cut, Rock Smash, Rock Climb and Staraptor with Fly and Defog... and Surf and Waterfall, the two useful HMs, can go to someone like Floatzel. Surf on Empoleon if you have... Waterfall on Gyarados or Floatzel.

  wraith89 said:

Those things are wings... Tropius is part Flying if you didn't know :)

Check this picture out: http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/upload/5/53/Tropius_Fly.jpg

A Flying Dinosaur! ^_^

xD cute dinosaur xD ...

i don't know that tropius is a flying type because i've just played diamond games Sept, last year and this is the only pokemon game that i seriously finish (the old games, i have never finished it , most of them only got 1st ,2nd , and no badge >_<) ...

i only got this tropius through PP DB >_< .. and anyway .. because tropius is not that great (for me) for battle .. because it has low base stat =_= , so it's natural for me to forget this pokemon xD

to think that this pokemon hold a great potential in becoming HM slave ...

made me change my mind about this pokemon .... xD

  HottSushiz said:
Yeah, i use 2 shiny Mew for all HMs, and i get to see Mew more often, when it pops up to use whatever HM i desire.

wth shiny?? xD

trade them for bidoof in GTS and many people will want to trade with u xD

off course if they pass the GTS check xD XD xD

  xeomyr said:
xD cute dinosaur xD ...

i don't know that tropius is a flying type because i've just played diamond games Sept, last year and this is the only pokemon game that i seriously finish (the old games, i have never finished it , most of them only got 1st ,2nd , and no badge >_<) ...

i only got this tropius through PP DB >_< .. and anyway .. because tropius is not that great (for me) for battle .. because it has low base stat =_= , so it's natural for me to forget this pokemon xD

to think that this pokemon hold a great potential in becoming HM slave ...

made me change my mind about this pokemon .... xD

Tropius needs a pre-evo and an evo... there are so many Pokemon they just neglect for reasons unknown. I realize he isn't good in battle... but I like my Sword Dancing Leaf Blade Tropius...


People!, your all forgetting about azumarill ,I used him throughout the whole game, think I taught him surf, waterfall, rock smash, and strength, still has about the same learnable hm's as bibarel, but I hate that pokemon so much O_O, used zubat for fly and defog, lol I can imagine zubat struggling to carry a person

*Trainer*C'mon zubat lets go to the battle frontier!

(halfway there)*Zubat*HOLY CRAP I can't hang on anymore............................................... trainer and zubat both fall into the ocean and drown

*Trainer*ZUBAT!! HELP ME!!!!!

*Zubat*Screw you, you weigh a TON you fatass................. (trainer drowns)

Posted (edited)
  Phreen said:
People!, your all forgetting about azumarill ,I used him throughout the whole game, think I taught him surf, waterfall, rock smash, and strength, still has about the same learnable hm's as bibarel, but I hate that pokemon so much O_O, used zubat for fly and defog, lol I can imagine zubat struggling to carry a person

*Trainer*C'mon zubat lets go to the battle frontier!

(halfway there)*Zubat* I can't hang on anymore............................................... trainer and zubat both fall into the ocean and drown

*Trainer*ZUBAT!! HELP ME!!!!!

*Zubat*Screw you, you weigh a TON you fat@$$................. (trainer drowns)

Um... yeah, I would, but Azumarill is an awesome battler! Why would I make her an HM slave? Especially with Huge Power working, you're talking about a base 150 attack with 100/80/80 defenses... no way is that rabbit becoming my HM slave! :)

Although one HM I will teach her is Waterfall, but that's about it.

Edited by wraith89
  wraith89 said:
Um... yeah, I would, but Azumarill is an awesome battler! Why would I make her an HM slave? Especially with Huge Power working, you're talking about a base 150 attack with 100/80/80 defenses... no way is that rabbit becoming my HM slave! :)

Although one HM I will teach her is Waterfall, but that's about it.

Well the only reason I used Azumarill was because I had to use all these hm's to get past this one place and when I was walking (I think) I found an Azumarill, personally I to like Azumarill, actually it was a marill when I caught it and when I needed to revive a pokemon I sent out marill, used revive, then marill ended up killing the pokemon, leveled up, marill ended up winning because the pokemon marill beat was about 15-20 levels higher and the other pokemon kept missing and used sucky attacks. Still have Azumarill and I used it throughout the pokemon leauge because I was too lazy to take out my other pokemon from storage and Azumarill is now in the first Hall of Fame. :P

  • 4 weeks later...

I use Bibarel as an HM slave because I think that Bibarel is the weakest Pokemon (it's just my opinion, 'cause we all know that there are weaker than Bibarel). ^^

  gab7dcc said:
I use Bibarel as an HM slave because I think that Bibarel is the weakest Pokemon (it's just my opinion, 'cause we all know that there are weaker than Bibarel). ^^

You have no idea how devastating that beaver can get, now do you? :D


^yeah, remember your previous post about "bidoof", you were asking what that "bidoof" was? and then, you remember that it's the pre-evolved form of bibarel who nearly swept your entire team, hahaha!!!


Mew and Mew. Yes, I cheated. So what. I'm not going to waste those useless moves on my competitive team, and I'm certainly not going to have a Bibarel on my team (that thing just looks too dang stupid). So I use Mew.

Personally, I think that as long as you have the HM, and a Pokemon that can use the move, you should be able to use it, you shouldn't need to take up a battle move slot.

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